Chapter 87

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Tim's POV:

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Tim's POV:

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I had to step back from everyone and process what the hell was going on. How could I when the most horrendous things are being thrown around? Nothing and no one was making sense. I thought I accidentally fell asleep and was having a crazy dream.

I thought the moment I saw that she texted me that it was an emergency, it was the worst thing I could have heard tonight. I was wrong.

I was so glad all of us had no idea what she was talking about or knew about it. That was until Abby wasn't saying anything.

When Melissa put it together, I tried to stop it at first, then everything hit me. This was the reason she was acting crazy when Melissa was taken. She told me that she knew more than anyone and she meant it. I just looked past it because Melissa came back and I just wanted to spend as much time as I could with her.

This is why she got so mad when I told her we were telling Gibbs. It was because she knew this big secret and knew he was going to be mad at her for knowing. We didn't tell him she knew. We wanted everyone out of it. Little did we know, she was in on another secret that was bigger than us.

Bigger than all of us.

I was in such shock in what I was learning that I didn't realize that Melissa had gotten into her car. Her emotions are high and she's speeding out of here.

I call her, but I'm not sure if she heard me.

I turn to Abby, who I can't go near right now.

"I can't believe you."

The tears in her eyes don't stop her from having an attitude. "I wasn't the only one who had a secret McGee."

She can't even compare the two. The last thing she wants to do is have an attitude with me. "Our secret wasn't life changing. Our secret didn't hurt anybody but yours did!" She's going to know that and live with it.

Tony pushes me back. I didn't know I got closer to her. "Easy Tim." He whispers to me. He knows this affects me; not as much as it does her, but it affects me.

"This whole time I thought you were on our side. That you were our friend. We trusted you with everything and you do this to us. To her."

"I was sworn to secrecy! I couldn't tell anyone, Especially her!"

"What would have happened if you did? Huh? Would you have lost your job? Would he not still love you? Or would you be replaced by her?"

"Tim!" Ziva shouts. I forgot she was here to be honest.

I think about the last thing I said and it's true. It's the whole reason I called her Gibbs' lapdog and I got slapped in the face for it. Now, that I'm looking at this person I no longer know; I can say I didn't deserve that slap. I didn't deserve her attitude. I didn't even want her two sense in my relationship. I did it because Melissa trusted her, and it was easy to trust someone than have the secret be us two.

I realize now, it would have been easier that way than the way we went about it.

Us against everything.

Abby steps from behind her. "That's not fair! He's not the only one who asked me to keep a secret!"

"But he's clearly the only one you look out for." I say as I walk to my car, leaving the others out in the cold.

Ziva and Tony are stuck in the middle of something again. Melissa and I didn't put them there. Abby did.

"By the way if you couldn't tell tonight is cancelled. I have to go find my girlfriend."

I slam my door and start driving the same way she did. I don't look back at the others because I might feel regret in taking the opportunity to finally say how I feel. I pick up my phone instead and call her and she doesn't pick up.

I try her again. I don't know why she would pick up her phone while driving at a speed like this, but I thought I would give it a shot.

I can't believe this is happening. Never in a million years would I have been able to predict this.

Everything she went through as a kid was for nothing. The passing of her mom, or not her mom, has scarred her. Now what is she supposed to do with that? The friend that left her on multiple occasions; she could have had one that was loyal and the best friend of her life. Maybe she wouldn't have had to look over her shoulder every five steps she took while walking in her own neighborhood. She most certainly wouldn't have James in her life to fuck everything up.

She's had a horrible hand dealt to her for nothing.

I can't imagine how she feels.

I decide to drive by our apartment to see if her car is there. I thought it wouldn't be, but I slam on the brakes he moment I see the Jeep.

I almost drive into her car and park. I check her car to see if she's still in there, but she's not.

I run inside and immediately go to our room where I'm happy to see she isn't packing.

She's sitting on the edge of the bed staring at the ground.

She looks up at me, with tears running down her face.

I look into her eyes and they're empty. I don't see the brightness I usually see when I look at her. "I didn't know where else to go."

I kneel down to her. "Baby, you always have me. You know that don't you?"

She shakes her head. "I'm sorry I accused you of knowing, it's just with all the secrets in the past."

"Shh." I rub the tears from her face. "It's okay."

"No, it's not." She says. "This isn't fair."

"I know baby." I hate seeing her like this. Why can't I stop this from happening to her?

"Why?" I hear her ask. "W-Why?"

I look up at her. "Why didn't they tell you?"


She can barely breathe but she's trying to push through. Her voice is shaking. "Both of my mom's died and both of my dad's didn't want me."

She looks at me, and her eyes are filled with pain and sadness.

"Why didn't they want me?"

Her head falls into my shoulders and she cries as loud as she can. I let her body collapse on the floor next to mine as I hear the pain through her tears and screams.

I hold her tighter. I want to make it stop, but I can't.

I don't know how.

I never know.

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