Chapter 14

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Tim's POV:

I'm sitting at my typewriter, trying to write exactly what I felt these past couple of days. I don't want to put what I've been writing in my journal on here. I want to tell her how I felt, without making her sad, and without making her remember the situation. I don't know when I will give it to her, but I know it will be in her hands one day.

Before this, I finally showered. I put a brush through my hair and my teeth. It felt so good to finally be able to do this, knowing that my girl is alright. I even made myself a decent breakfast. By decent, I mean coffee, a muffin, with a side of burnt hash browns. I could have opened the cookbook that the two of us bought, but I'll wait for her to use it because she does a superb job with everything she makes. I hope she knows that.

I continue to try to put into words that my world stopped turning the moment I heard she was taken. I want to tell her I actually yelled at people while this was all happening. I just don't know how to tell her without making her remember everything she went through.

I just have to talk to her before I do anything, which I can't wait for. I can't wait to hear her voice, and have it be just the two of us. I don't mind that it's on the phone. We have to take steps with this. I'm not sure how to approach the situation at all, but she's opened about her feelings to me and is telling me what she wants. That's all I can ask for.

As I start to write a couple words, my phone starts to ring. I rush to my phone thinking that it's her, but it's not.

"Hey, Abby." I try to sound as if I'm not disappointed.

"Hey!" She shouts on the phone. I can tell by the way she dragged it on that she isn't as happy as she's trying to sound.

"How are you?"

I sigh. I'll play along. "I'm better now that she's back. How about you?" I ask suggestively.

"I'm great."


Silence comes over the phone. I know she's still there and she knows that I don't buy her being "great."

"I'm- how is she?"

"I don't know." I don't know because she doesn't know. I know that she sounded normal over text, but that font can't take the joy I have of really hearing her voice. Then, I will be able to tell how she's doing.

"Abby. Do you want to go over there?"

"No. No. I was just wondering."

"Ziva is probably over there still since we didn't have to go into work today. I bet they would be happy to see you."

"No, I can't."

She loves Melissa. She loves this team. Why is she acting all weird?

Oh, I think I know what's going on.

"Abby. You know none of this is your fault, right?"

I hear her lips smack. "You don't know what! I mean, what did she say about it? Did he mention me? Did he tell her anything that I've said to him before?"

"Abby." I interrupt her. "Why do you keep saying that? I thought we were going to talk about this guy that acted like he didn't have an agenda in asking you out, but you're acting as if there's more to the story."

Silence again. I haven't heard from Tony, but I know the ones who aren't with her and wondering how she is and how long it will take for her to recover from this. And what will she be doing when she gets back to work.

"I'm just worried about her. That's all."

She can't see me, but I'm shaking my head. "Yeah, me too."

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