Chapter 72

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Tim's POV:

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Tim's POV:

I feel Melissa's cold hand in mine. It's too early in the morning to be out in the cold. "I'll be here if you need me. Just text me and I'll be there." She says nervously. We're in the car right now as I'm getting mentally prepared to see Sarah. I'm the only one besides dad on the visitors list, like that even matters.

"Do you think she's still mad?" I ask squeezing her hand.

"Yes." I dart my head at her. How comforting. She gives me a pity laugh. "I'm sorry, Tim but I'm in your life to make you happy. Not to make it seem easy."

"What if easy does make me happy?"

She leans in and kisses me on the cheek. "Then would we really be together?" She asks me with her big green eyes.

I take her lips and kiss her. I need this to prepare me for what's waiting inside.

"I'll be right back." I hope.

When I walk into the building, I know I have to go straight for the elevators. Abby texted me late last night, telling me what floor she would be on. She only knows because my father told her. It helps keep up the streak of me not speaking to him all these years.

I get to level 5 and I'm greeted by white walls. The floor is white, and the furniture is a mixture of gold and brown. It actually looks pretty classy for a rehab.

"Can I help you sir?" A woman behind the desk asks me. I wasn't even aware that I was walking by her.

I clear my throat and tear my eyes away from the phone booths that they have here. I didn't think any of those existed anymore. "Yes, I'm here to see Sarah McGee?"

She pulls out a clip board. "Are you family?"

"I'm her brother. Timothy McGee."

"Oh, of course you're him. I was told you would be stopping by today. Can I just have your I.D.?"

I hand her my I.D.

She checks off something on her board and hands me back my I.D. I hand her the bag that Sarah brought with her. She puts a tag on it and throws it behind her. "Okay, let me give you a tour."

She comes from around the desk and I follow her. "I'm Nancy by the way."

I shake her hand. "Nice to meet you."

She takes me to the lobby where kids in white are sitting playing games and watching TV.

"They're up this early?"

"These are actually our newcomers. They find it difficult to sleep the first few nights here, so they stay up. They're only allowed to then, but if it's more than a week we have to start giving them medication."

If these are the newcomers, where's Sarah?

She takes me down a hallway with so many doors I can hardly count. "These are the rooms. They aren't white, but a blue or a purple. We want to make it as comfortable as we can for them."

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