Chapter 10

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Melissa's POV:

"You really are sick."

The gun goes off and shoots the wall about a foot and a half away from me. I jump but I don't scream. David is on the verge of tears.

Dominic has this craze look in his eyes. He knows he's crazy and is loving every second of it. He really has gone mad. I don't know why I would think less since he's had this planned for so long. He kept David in here for months without seeing his family. Beat him every time he spoke up. Screamed at him when he realized that he was making sense and would storm out of the room. He's been on a schedule for months and is now switching it up.

"You still haven't answered the question cousin. Isn't Melissa cute?"

He asked him that and David had tears in his throat that he couldn't answer. So, I did, and you saw where that went.

"Or are you only attracted to people that you're related to?"

I hear him swallow and look at me. The eye that Dominic punched doesn't feel or probably look at bad as David's. My knees are shaking with pain because they haven't had to stand in so long. I can practically hear the bones telling the bruises to sit down so I can heal. I can only see the bruises on my arms. They don't even look purple they look black.

"Yes." He looks me up and down. "She's very pretty."

Dominic eyes widen and his smile grows. "Pretty? That's a higher compliment than cute. Don't you think Melissa?"

I stare at David. I don't want him to hurt anymore. I can't be strong the way he wants me to be. Sometimes to be strong means taking the punches that are worse than the real ones.

"I do."

"Good." He points the gun strictly at David. "Now have sex with her."

We both turn to him the moment we heard the word sex. I am not doing this. I'm not even sure what you would call this, but I know it's illegal. We're held at gun point and would be forced to do this? Illegal and disgusting. He's gone completely mad.

"I stand by what I said. You're sick."

He laughs. He's losing it.

When I look at him, I wonder when was the last time he has a decent meal? When did he get fresh air and it wasn't giving me letters at NCIS? This has been occupying his mind for too long that he's finally losing it.

"What's wrong Melissa? It's not like you have a boyfriend."

Let's not go there. "How do you know that?"

He falls to his knees laughing.

I look around the room again and there's nothing here that can over power a gun. This is it. We either do what he says, or we die. I die. I can't let David die. Not like this. Not when he was finally going to heal from the death of Natalie and think without his cousin being around him that he would finally get some peace.

"Look at me!" He yells and I look back at him still on the ground.

"I have an insider to your life Melissa." His eye narrow and his smirk gets sharper. "She was very nice and sweet. I saw you out with her once and followed you guys to your work. I pursued her when she was out shopping one day. My goal was to only go after her for you but then I met her and thought wow, she reminds me of Natalie so much."

I can see sadness in his eyes, but he shakes it away the moment he feels it. "

Then, I made the mistake and fell for her. I knew I had to push her away if I wanted to finally get what I've been working for.

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