Chapter 34

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Melissa's POV:

Jack has been such a blessing. We can talk about anything together with no judgement. This is someone I am spending time with and who has come into my life at a pretty weird time.

I don't think he should be an intern anymore, but my assistant. It sounds weird saying assistant and not be talking about me.

This past week, I haven't seen much of Tim at work. In the morning, he isn't at his desk and when I leave, it's the same thing. I called the first two nights of the week and he seemed really out of it. When he answered his phone the second night, he sounded congested in the beginning. He said it was allergies. Both phone calls didn't last very long. He said he had more work to do. I told him I loved him the second night and he said "bye."

I was caught off guard when he hung up. I thought about it for a second and felt hurt that he didn't say it back. Jack's words kept replaying in my head and I started to cry. I cried myself to sleep that night. The next day, it was the same thing, I didn't see him for a second. I didn't call that night. Or the next night. Or the night after.

It came to the point where I purposely brought my work home, so I wouldn't think about him. I don't know what's going on with the case they're on. Maybe it's taking a toll on him emotionally and doesn't know how to express it. I would think because I'm not out in the field with him, he can confide in me.

I think Gibbs has been hiding from me too. I've had to scope him out just to ask him a question. He always looks nervous when I approach him, but when he hears what I have to ask he relaxes. He probably doesn't want to hear me talk about how I don't deserve this. Though, he's going to hear it one day. At this point, I don't care if it's just us or us in front of a bunch of people. I do care if Tim is there, but I don't feel as if he's been caring about me that much.

I've been in my office for awhile without Jack. It's his day off. I hate these days because they seem to drag on longer without having anyone to talk to. I've been getting my work done, but it's still boring.

The sound of music catches my attention. I forgot that Abby is right down the hall from me. Usually when her music is on it's when she needs to focus. It can't hurt to pop my head in there for a second.

When I get to her office, she's staring at the door and is excited to see me. She starts to jump up and down and turns the music off.

"I was hoping that would catch your attention. I've missed you. I haven't seen you there past few mornings."

"You know if you wanted to, you could walk down the hall. I have a couch specially for talking."

"There's no fun in that."

I look around reminiscing about the first time I met Abby. The first time we worked on a case together. I remember the first day, I didn't want to go home and hear James make sarcastic comments about the job, and Gibbs saved me and let me help on a case. The rest might just be history.

"So, what's going on?"

She's cleaning up her equipment. "I just wanted to see how you were doing."

I already brought her in the middle of my relationship with Tim once. I don't want to do it again. "Fine." I remember what drove a wedge between us and have to ask her the same thing. "How are you?"

"I'm the same. Time does heal almost everything."


She turns to me. "What was that?"

Shit. I didn't mean to say that out loud. "Right, you're right." I quickly look away from her.

"Besides, you really opened my eyes to it really not being my fault. I thought it was because I let him trick me, but I really didn't because I had my walls up until he made me take them down. It's not on me and I realize that now."

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