Chapter 28

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Melissa's POV:

I woke up this morning, unsure of the events that happened last night. I remember that yesterday started off, so nice in Tim's arms. Then, the night ended with Tim shouting at me, for something I did or didn't do. I still don't know. I do know I got off the phone the second I could because when he shouted at me, my eyes started to tear.

I laid in my bed longer than usual in the morning. By the time I made my way upstairs it was noon. I decided not to text or call Tim this morning because I didn't want to make him more flustered than he already is. I decided to call him later.

I didn't do anything besides eat and play on this phone. I didn't do much with it when I first got it, but now I feel like I might as well use it for what it's worth. That is if that's okay with Gibbs. I don't know if the monitor what we do on these things, but right now I don't care until Gibbs says something.

I lay down and close my eyes, telling myself that I won't fall asleep. Even though it's what always happens.

I wake up to my phone ringing. I start to get nervous and search my bed for it. When all the coves are off the bed and I finally find it, I look at the name on the screen and it's not him at all.

I take a breath not knowing what to mentally prepare myself for. "Hello."

"Hey, baby." I don't know how to feel when he calls me that. It was nice to hear I will admit. Is he still upset? Does he want to tell me why he's upset? "Do you have time to talk?"

"Sure." I hate this. It was a tiny argument. Why are we speaking like we're strangers?

"Good because I'm outside your house."

My body straightens in surprise. "W-what?" I look down and all I have on is an oversized t-shirt and shorts.

I make my way up the stairs with him still on the phone. "I'm outside your house. Can I come in?"

When I make it all the way up, James is asleep in his chair. Good thing we have that great security system.

I don't notice I forgot shoes until I make my way to the door before, he can. When I open the door, Tim is leaning against his car and looks up at me. He does a light wave. I hang up the phone and close the door as quietly as I can. He doesn't move. I'm glad he wasn't heading for the door

He clears his throat. "Hey. Is it- is it okay that I came here?" He's trying to smile.

I shrug. "Seems fair since I showed up to your place uninvited."

His shoulders fall along with the uncomfortable smile he was wearing. "It's not that you weren't invited." He sticks his hand out to pull me to him. I don't fight him.

He wraps his arms around my waist, and I have my hands up on his chest.

"I was dealing with a lot yesterday and took it out on you. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

I lean back to get a better look at him. I see him get nervous thinking I'm trying to leave. I hang on to his jacket to let him know I'm not.

"I mean, it's okay. I knew there was something else going on. I just wish that you wouldn't project it on to me. You don't have to talk about it, I just don't like being shouted at."

He gives me a blank look for a second. I move around to see if he even heard me. "Tim?"

"Yeah? I mean, yes of course baby. I just thought," He sighs. "I thought that you would have been more frustrated that I wasn't telling you what was going on."

I shake my head. "I don't make you talk about things and you don't make me talk about things. Remember?"

He takes an even bigger sigh. "Yeah. I remember."

I do want to talk about what's been bothering him. I just feel like if he doesn't want to tell me, do I really want to hear it?

He pulls me closer and takes my chin, forcing me to look at him. "I'm really sorry for shouting at you."

He presses his lips lightly against mine. "Aren't you cold? Where's your jacket? Y-your pants?"

I giggle at the fact he notices what I'm wearing now. "I got nervous when you said you were here. I ran out as fast as I could."

"You don't even have shoes on." He points out. "Baby, go back inside you must be freezing."

"No, I want to be here with you."

"It's freezing!"

"I said no." I cross my arms and don't even realize I stomp my foot on the ground until after hearing the sound of it. My face is red I can feel it.

He licks his lips and smirks. "Well, wasn't that the cutest thing I've ever seen."

I smack his arm as he comes closer to kiss the top of my head. "Can we move on now? We've argued about worse things than this."

He leans back trying to piece together what I'm talking about.

"Well, I'm just saying, you shouting at me isn't the worst of our arguments."

His face gets red and he scratched his head. "Yeah, I guess you could say so."

I make him come closer to me so I can feel his warmth. The cold is starting to get to me now. I'm no longer filled with worry that the cold is taking over my body.

"I think you should go inside." He says.

Before I can say anything, my phone starts to go off. I look at the name and I smile. I look at Tim and he can tell who it is.

"You better answer that." He kisses me with those soft lips of his. He makes his way back to his side of the car. "Work is getting real boring without you."

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