Chapter 39

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(A lot happens in this one guys. <3)

Melissa's POV:

I wake up to a banging headache and my body freezing. I have a crick in the neck, and when I lift my head up, I can see that it's from the fact I slept on the floor last night. My left arm is completely cold from the floor.

My headache is getting worse and I realize it's because my alarm is going off. My phone doesn't have a lot battery left. I'll have to charge it while I get ready.

I can still taste the alcohol in my mouth from last night, but I don't remember what happened after I took James' bottle. I never forget things when I drink, last night was different though. I never drank away the pain of a breakup. I can feel the dry tears on my face and feel that my eyes are puffy. So, I know that I didn't handle myself well.

When I plug in my phone, I see that my contacts are opened. I see Tim's name with a heart still next to it. I remember now that I called him last night. I called because I missed him, and I remember wanting answers. I hope I didn't get any because I can't remember a thing.  I know I still miss him but all I can feel right now is my headache getting worse the more I think.

By the time I get ready, I look at the sweatshirt I have on with leggings and sneakers. I don't have any meetings today, so that shouldn't be much of a problem. I wipe the dry tears away and head upstairs to see if I can find anything to help my head. When I get to the kitchen, I see James.

"Good morning." He says while looking at me. He does a double take and looks into my eyes. I back away because the last thing I want to do is talk to anyone.

He hands me his plate with toast on it. "Wait here." I don't even argue with him. I am not hungry in the slightest, but if anyone is going to know how to cure a hangover it's him.

He walks towards the cabinet with his alcohol in it. I hold my breath when he gets in front of it, but he reaches for a different one.

He comes back over to me handing me a bottle of Ibuprofen. "Take these. Take them with tea or coffee."

I scrunch my face. "We have tea?"

He laughs. "You got me there."

I put the bottle in my pocket and keep eating the toast. "It's okay. I'll take it when I get to work. I have my own coffee machine now." My hangover makes me want to share everything about myself, I guess.

He looks interested. "Your own coffee machine? When did that happen?"

"Pretty recently." I know I told him I would tell him more about work and I haven't been keeping that promise. "I'm the new Psychologist."

I don't look at him when I tell him. When I finally look up, he's the one not looking at me. He's smiling down at his coffee mug and shakes his head. "That's amazing. Congratulations kiddo."

What? How can he say that? Doesn't he remember how hard it was for me to get the assistant job in the first place? Or does he simply not know what a psychologist is? "Really?"

"Yeah. That's a good thing, right?" He crunches over to the tv. "Those positions are hard to get, and you got it. I would say that's worth congratulating."

I would argue back with him about how it isn't, but my head has gotten worse. I have to get to work soon. The more I look at James and play his words in my head, he's beginning to sound like Gibbs.

"We should celebrate."

"No, it's fine." I feel guilty enough for having the job but celebrating about it with James just seems even more wrong. He knows why, but he chooses to ignore it. "We shouldn't. We-"

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