Chapter 26

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Melissa's POV:

I wake up this morning sore in all the right places. I look around to and notice the walls that I didn't know I missed so much. I look and see the spot Tim had me up against while he was-

"Oh, you're awake." He says walking into the room handing me a mug of coffee. I groan and he sets it on the nightstand. "I didn't wake you, did I?"

Technically, you did since I woke up because of my thighs aching. "No, you didn't."

He leans down and places a kiss on my forehead. "Sorry to be up so early."

I flip my head to the other side of the pillow. "I get it. You have work."

He walks out of the room and I check my phone. I see that I missed a phone call from James. I didn't know he knew my phone number. He left a voicemail and I check that before I call so I know what I'm in for.

"Melissa. It's your dad. I trust you and believe you're okay. I would just like it if you called me by morning. Whenever you wake up. See you later kiddo."

Hearing the sigh before he hung up made me feel his hope that he will see me later. I should have let him know I was planning to stay over last night. I just didn't want to lie to him and say I was staying at Ziva's. Him and I have had our fair share of lies. We never want to go back there. At least I don't.

I feel a body rest on top of mine. The moment I turn my head, lips are pressed against mine. Tim's smooth touch goes through my body, I swear that all the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

"Care to join me in the shower?"

I look down at his shirtless chest and don't understand how I'm going to say this. "I can't. I should call James back."

His eyes widen. "Yeah. Oh my God. I don't want him worrying."

Before he pulls himself away from me, I grab his shoulders and place a kiss on his lips before he leaves me.

"I love you." I tell him.

"I love you, baby." He says sweetly.

He goes into the shower and I call James back. He answers on the first ring and I tell him that I'm alright. It's weird because he doesn't ask me where I am, but it's appreciated because I don't know how to tell him where I am. I tell him I will see him not to long from now. We say goodbye to each other, and I have enough time to put my clothes on while Tim is still in the shower.

I walk to his bookcase. It's filled with so many things. I wonder if he's read everything on here. I know people love to buy books they want to read, but then but then put others in priority to those, and the cycle just keeps on going.

"What are you doing?" His voice scared me. I didn't know he was finished in the shower. All he has on is a towel. Boy, it's going to be hard to leave all of that.

"Just looking. I got bored."

"Oh." He says like he was nervous about something. "Okay."

He comes over to me and I just stand there. "You're dressed." He looks at the clothes I came in last night.

"Yeah. I was going to head home for the day since you'll be at work."

"Will I see you tonight?" His nose presses against mine. He's the cutest person I have ever met. I don't want to leave him, but I'm not. He's leaving me.

"I don't know." I answer quickly.

He pulls away. "D-did I do something?"

"No, no." I take his hands to pull him closer to me again. "It's just with James and I getting back on track with our relationship since you guys brought me back; I don't want to mess anything up."

His shoulders relax. "Okay. Good." He grabs my face and pulls me to him. Our lips touch and I make my hips go against his.

I take his towel and unwrap it around his body. "No, baby. I want you."

"I'm already dressed, and I want you more."

I make him stop talking the moment I fall to my knees and wrap my mouth around him. I want to make him feel the way I did when he did this to me last night. I never felt it like that before while I was standing. He was just below me, tasting me, and my head was going crazy like his is about to.

"Damn." He says trying not to moan as much as he wants to. Needs to.

Feeling him in the back of my throat feels better than the coffee he gave me just before. I keep my mouth and hands wrapped around him, so I can make him feel me at every inch.

"Fuck." He says as he grabs my head. "Look at me." I do just that.

"Baby, I'm going to- I'm going," Instead of finishing his sentence, he just finishes.

I stand up as he's catching his breath. I give him a little smirk and force his lips on mine. Damn, I never thought I could start my morning out so good.

He places his hands on my hips, not wanting me to go. I don't want to but I know it's the right thing to do.

"I'll call you later?" He asks before releasing me.

"You better."

I give him one last kiss and walk to my car. When I get in, I notice he's still at the door, making sure that I made it safe.

Tim's POV:

Last night was amazing. I didn't know what I was in for when I saw her at my front door. I thought I was seeing things. I thought someone was playing a trick on me. It wasn't until she spoke, I knew it was her. I really knew it was her when I was swinging her everywhere in this room. When I kissed her; my world started spinning again. I still can't believe it if I'm being quite honest.

We talked about all the things we needed to talk about. I talked to her about me debating on telling everyone that we were together, and she told me that she was willing to die if it meant David would live. I hate thinking that she was ever put in that position. I'm glad to have her still here with me, because without her I would have nothing.

We did what we wanted to for so long. Her touch made me crazy. I couldn't believe that I lasted as long as I did. I thought I would be done in seconds of her just kissing me. Tasting her again was something I missed so much. Making her feel good makes me feel great. And she stayed the rest of the night in my arms. No matter how hot it got, she still stayed pressed against me. Being honest, I think I missed that the most.

I walk into my room and look at all the spots I had her in last night.

Her telling me she wanted to go home just so James could breathe and relax, is something I envy. I'm jealous of him because now she sees him as a person who loves her again. That makes me a dick I know. I can't help it. All her attention was on me and I like it that way. I'm jealous because it's her father, who she has told me enough about, but she knows nothing of mine.

I don't want to think about that right now. An amazing night with an amazing conversation. I had it all with my amazing girl who loves me, and I love her.

So why do I feel so empty?

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