Chapter 42

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Melissa's POV:

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Melissa's POV:

I'm in my office and I have the shakes. I've had three cups of coffee to relax me. I know it makes no sense, but it did at the time. It usually relaxes me in a weird way.

I walked in this morning without seeing anyone. Not Gibbs, Abby, or Tim. I did run into Vance though. Which was a good thing because I wanted to tell him my plans for today. When I was studying yesterday, I realized I had to take the next step for my job. Vance agreed with me.

It was good I only ran into him because I need absolutely no distractions. I can't talk myself out of this. If I can't do this, then I most definitely don't deserve this job. With that in mind all I have to do is relax.

I hear the door open and I almost jump out of my seat.

"Good morning!" It's Jack. Thank goodness. He looks at me and only notices my outfit. "Don't we look nice today."

I made it my job this morning to dress the part a little bit. My hair is in a high ponytail and I have a pink t-shirt on. A bright pink T-shirt on in the wintertime. I don't get it either. I'm also wearing a different pair of leggings as usual. This time I wore my combat boots and a necklace to make myself look fancier than usual. Jack seemed to notice.

"Good morning." I finally say. "How's your morning going?" I cross my arms and head over to the couch where he sets up all his things.

"Traffic was horrible, but I still managed to get coffee." That's all that matters really. Another cup sounds great, but my entire body is vibrating.

He leans back against the couch and sips his coffee. "How was your day off yesterday?"

Oh, gee. I've been honest with Jack about everything because I don't have anyone else to talk to without putting them in the middle. It also helps that he's trustworthy. It was always something about him that made me gravitate toward him. This is why today might be difficult.

Jack asked me the name of the guy we've been talking about yesterday and I got out of that one by being sent home. I don't know if I would have told him or not. I know I won't tell him now and if I won't say the name, then I won't tell him about the phone call that happened yesterday. I think he would say it's a good start, but then worry at those three words Tim said.

"It was fine." I say. "I studied some more." The partial truth.

"Well," He looks around the coffee table. "We have basically covered everything there is to know about doing this job. I think you're ready."

My nerves are coming back. Being ready is what I'm afraid of.

"You really think so?" My palms are getting sweaty.

"Hell yeah! You've had me helping you for goodness sake."

He laughs at himself and I try to join. "So, this might be it. The last day I'm here helping you. If you have any questions, ask now."

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