Chapter 13

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Tim's POV:


I'm convinced that the moments I would daydream about finally rescuing her and bringing her safely back into my arms; was actually me falling asleep during the day and waking up when someone would talk to me. Isn't there a saying that if you don't sleep for two days you go insane? I should know whether that's a myth or not, but why focus on that when I don't know whether she's okay or not? Ziva never got back to me on what happened. I will hopefully see her at work, and she can tell me. I am supposed to get ready at 5:45 anyway, so I might as well not even try to close my eyes.

It's as if my brain knows I just want to think about her, and it keeps me up at night. My brain knows I want to see if she's alright and won't let me sleep until I know. When she wouldn't be here to spend the night with me, I wouldn't be able to fall asleep until later in the night. Now, it never happens because she wasn't in her house. She wasn't safe and sound. She was taken.

All I want to do is call her and hear her voice. I want to hold her and tell her this will never ever happen again. But I don't want to smother her. I don't know how her, and James are now that she's back. I haven't the slightest idea what she went through when she was in that disgusting place. I don't know the length he went to for her to obey him. Tony telling me that David said that she was strong and stood up to him; is the only thing keeping me from finding out where they're going to be keeping him. If Tony didn't stop me today-yesterday I don't know what would have happened. I saw red, I wanted him to pay for whatever he did to her. Who knows if I would have a job right now? I know that I would still have her. That would be enough for me. I know if that was the case and she found out; she would do everything she could to get me my job back.

I always think about the night she told me that she would leave NCIS if it meant we couldn't be together. I don't want it to come to that. I want her to have this job. I know she loves it, and everyone there as do I. There's just something about it that if she was still there and I wasn't, it would be like I still was because she would be. I know that if they ever fire her... I would have to leave. She told me if she had to go, it would be a good thing for us because then we could be together. There's just something about that, that doesn't sit well with me. It makes my stomach turn and my head dizzy.

Can I be at work already?

Melissa's POV:

When I open my eyes, my body feels like I have been sleeping for a month. It feels like I've been resting for too long that instead of having more energy, it's all gone. I look down and see Ziva's arm still wrapped around me. I hear her breathing in my ear and can feel her heartbeat. She stayed with me the whole night despite my bed not being the largest bed there is.

All I can really remember before falling asleep is the poster board being thrown around and Gibbs coming down the stairs. I slowly turn over to face Ziva and the rest of the room. Things are all over the floor and broken. They got in the way of me destroying the poster that means absolutely nothing to me now. I remember that Tim had about two real notes on there, those are gone. They're somewhere here but I'm pretty sure they're either ripped up or crumbled like the rest.

I see the poster board facing down on the floor by the mattress. I slam my head back on the pillow, meeting Ziva's eyes. I gasp.

"Sorry, sorry." She says in a whisper and grabs my hand. "I should have told you I was awake."

I breathe and squeeze her hand. "How long have you been awake?"

"Just a second ago. You moved and it woke me up."

"I'm sorry."

She scuffs. "Would you stop apologizing. It only woke me up because I was wrapped around you. You scared me last night."

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