Chapter 88

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Melissa's POV:

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Melissa's POV:

When I wake up, the light in our bedroom is still on, and I've moved from the floor to the bed. The only thing that feels familiar is that I'm still in Tim's arms.

When I turn over, I can see I wake him up with my movement. His eyes open and his face immediately goes to worry.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

I bring him closer to me. "Yes." That's a lie. "No." That's not true either. "I don't know."

"Well how do you feel?"

I look around as if the answer is on the walls. Everything that happened last night races through my mind as if my life is flashing before my eyes.

Wait a minute. "What time is it?"

Tim looks at the watch I bought him. "It's one in the morning."

Oh no. I've managed to ruin our plans because I don't know how to handle my emotions. "We missed the new year." I tell him.

He puts my hair behind my ear. "Not really. It's the new year now." He tries to convince me with a smile. "Besides, don't worry about that right now."

While I'm thinking about everything that happened only hours ago, what I remember most is that I ended up in Tim's arms. A place that I always want to be. The place that I think of when I'm sad. Even when I'm happy I want him to hold me because I want him to be a part of that.

It's the weirdest thing I can't explain it. But all I can think about right now is how lucky I am to wake up and have this man be next to me. He's always there for me when I need him the most. I didn't know I would end up back at this apartment, but he did.

I wanted to drive somewhere. I wasn't sure where at the time I just thought I would wing it. Then, as I was about to pass our street, I realized it wasn't a good idea. A place that's unfamiliar isn't where I wanted to go. I wanted to be here with him because he just makes everything seem okay in the end. He's my person and I always need him. He's my home.

I lean in for a kiss. I can tell he's surprised, but he kisses me back. I rest my hand on his face and he brings me closer.

"What was that for?"

"I love you." I tell him.

He smiles. "I love you too."

I look at this man that I love so much and remember everything I've put him through. His life was probably so much easier before I came along and he can still look me in the eyes and tell me that he loves me. We went through secrets. We've been through pain. We've even went through a freaking abduction. Yet, he can still lay here with me in our bed and tell me that he loves me.

I just have one thing to ask him. "How can you?"

Tim's POV:

How can I love her?

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