Chapter 81

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Tim's POV:

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Tim's POV:

I didn't know what to say to Melissa on the way home. The way she faced her body towards the window gave me the impression that she didn't want to talk. I wanted to comfort her, but I just didn't know what she wanted to hear in that moment without being able to see her face.

When we got outside our place, she didn't move. I went around to open the door for her, and she didn't even process where we were. She apologized and I helped her get out of the car.

She's now laying on the couch. I asked her if she wanted anything, but she said no. I don't want anything either. I just thought anything would help fill the void of what just happened.

I crouch down to her, so she can see my face. "Baby, wouldn't you feel better if you were lying in bed?"

She doesn't move anything besides her mouth. "I don't know."

I stand up and put my leg over her to put my body against the back of the couch and her. I took initiative when it came to telling Gibbs about us. I don't know where it came from; it just kind of happened. I won't let it stop now when my girl needs me.

When I get in between her and the couch, I wrap my arms around her, but she doesn't acknowledge it.

"Please tell me what's on your mind." I beg. She doesn't have to go through this alone. She has me and I'm shaken up too. I'm just keeping it together for her, so I don't make it worse.

Lucky for me, she hears me out. "He acted all crazy." She says in a low voice. "What was that about? It can't be that big of a deal that we're seeing each other."

I pull her closer to me and I'm not sure she's even noticing me. "I don't know. Maybe he was just upset we've been together so long and he had no idea."

"That doesn't mean he gets to yell in everyone's face." She snaps. "That's not fair."

She feels bad. Abby started to cry, and Melissa has never seen Gibbs this way before. She feels as if everything is her fault.

"I know." Is all I can say.

She's trying to think of all the reasons to why Gibbs is like this. She's trying to get the way Gibbs looked at all of us out of her head. It's been a long time since I saw him like that, and I was never at one of us.

I knew ever since he mentioned that Melissa could date anyone as long as it's not someone on the team, I had this feeling that it wasn't going to be in our favor. It was always a possibility; we were just being hopeful. I was trying so hard. She didn't have to try, but because of that she's like this.

"I feel like I should explain Gibbs mentioning Jack."

"Can we talk about that later?"

I thought that would be the easiest thing to talk about, I guess not. "Yeah."

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