Chapter 30

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Melissa's POV:

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Melissa's POV:

My nerves are going insane. The moment I opened my eyes the butterflies in my stomach have been trying to get out and my nerves feel like they're going to explode.

I don't know what happened. Last night, I couldn't wait for my day to begin. I was excited, imagining seeing everyone again and have them catch me up on what I've been missing. It's just when I opened my eyes this morning, I just had this feeling that I'm walking into something and I don't know what it is. I don't like not knowing what I'm walking into.

I didn't eat any breakfast or have any coffee because of this feeling. Now, the idea of fainting because of eating nothing at home is crossing my mind. No, I'll be fine. I've ran on just coffee for longer than I'm about to. What if I faint because I didn't have any coffee?

Maybe it's the thought in the back of my head that I haven't seen anyone in so long. I'm walking into Tony, Ziva, Abby; my amazing friends. This time I know that my boyfriend will be there waiting for me to walk in. He has no idea I'm coming. Maybe I should have told him. Maybe if I have; my nerves wouldn't be so nuclear.

I just feel like I missed so much. What if things have changed? What if the mail has been backed up? What if Abby's lab went all haywire and she's needed help, but no one wanted to tell me? Okay, it's Abby we're talking about. There's no way that happened.

What if their desks are rearranged and I won't be able to train myself to memorize their new order?

Wow, I hope I shake this feeling and shut up.

The elevator door opens, and I take a breath before I can force my legs to move. Once I do, the nerves are diminishing slowly. Seeing some familiar faces and the orange paint on the wall, I start to feel at home. The feeling of something happening that I don't know about is still there but not as much as the feeling of excitement now.

When I turn the corner, I see Tony sitting at his desk with his head in a pile of papers. I don't think about the feeling when I see him there and my smile starts to take over my face. I start to walk faster and faster with every step.

He looks up for a second and then does a double take. "Peters!" He jumps out of his seat and runs around his desk. He lifts me into his arm and spins me around. I can't stop laughing the entire time he has me there. He puts me down and looks at me to make sure no one is playing a trick on him.

"Are you back?"

"I'm back!"

He laughs in excitement and lifts me up again. When he puts me down this time, I notice the other agents aren't here to join us in our reunion.

"How have you been? How are you doing?" His eyes are filled with concern now.

"I'm so much better, Tony. I mean it. It feels amazing to be back and to see you, of course."

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