Chapter 12

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Melissa's POV:

When we walked out of the hospital, it was like I never have been outside before. I couldn't see anything when Tim was carrying out of that horrid place because my eyes kept closing. It wasn't daytime anymore, but the sunset was beautiful. I felt Ziva trying not to tread more than an inch away from me. I know because when I looked at her to see if she was seeing what I was seeing, her face went to a panic. I just told her the sunset was pretty and got in the car.

When we got to Ziva's place, I didn't think we were all going to go inside. She told us that she would only be a few minutes. I watched her as she was leaving the car and made her way to the door. Then, I heard Gibbs and James door open.

"We might as well all go. We haven't seen your new place yet."

I have, but I know that wasn't the reason they decided to go. When I was looking at Ziva go to the door, I saw Gibbs in my peripheral vision, and he saw the worried look on my face. I didn't think I had one until I looked at my reflection in the window. I looked disturbed.

I walked out of the car and stayed by James side. Gibbs was in front of us. I could tell that Gibbs was looking around to make sure there was nothing suspicious around the area.

When we got inside, James was impressed with the way Ziva decorated the place. His head did a 360 about seven times. He liked that it was simple. The decor was simple, and the silver ware was all the same. He likes that. the pictures we're abstract. He doesn't like abstract art. He likes to see the point before there is one to be seen.

Gibbs said it looked nice and that was all.

I didn't say anything. When Ziva went to go get her things, I stood in the middle of her living room and kept my eyes on Gibbs and James. I saw Gibbs look out the windows and somewhat look at the knick knack's Ziva had.

James sat on the couch while we waited and kept his eyes on me. I wondered how they were so comfortable with each other. They didn't talk like they were strangers in the hospital or in the car. I should be thinking it's a good thing on James part because he stopped being social along time ago. We didn't say anything until Ziva came back and all got in the car.

We've made it to our house and make our way to the door. Gibbs got out of the car and followed us. I didn't know he was going to join us, but I don't mind. I feel safe when he's around.

I wait for him on the side of the car before walking anymore. He just lightly smiles at me and looks around like he did at Ziva's place.

I look at the house and see that the light to the garage is on. That was the light that I thought was letting me know James was home. Of course, that wasn't the case. I don't want to think about that. I don't want to think that James was hurt or could have been hurt in anyway that night. I should have been more careful. I should have known he wouldn't be driving with his leg. I'm just-

"Melissa?" I turn my head to Gibbs who ended up in front of me. "Everything alright?"

I hesitate. "Yeah." I continue walking. I didn't realize that I had stopped.

We walk inside and James left the lights on. We do that so people think that someone is home, or at least has a suspicion that someone is home and should stay away. Which reminds me that night, the whole house was dark besides my room. Which no one can see since it's downstairs.

I walk towards the hall where it all happened. The hall that I was walking down to see if James was home. I didn't even check his room. I decided to check the garage before his room that was closer to me. I must have been missing Tim, to do things that make no sense. I miss him now, but now, I just want to feel safe in my own home. Making my way down this hallway I get chills on my skin. I rub my hands on my arms over the NCIS jacket Ziva gave me.

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