Chapter 5

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Melissa's POV:

Dominic has had to have this planned for a while. When I look around the room, there is nothing sharp. Nothing for either of us to use to break out of this rope. Also, I can't wrap my head around the fact he clued the chair to the floor. What was I going to do? Slam the chair against the wall and pray the rope breaks along with it? I don't think so.

I know since he was easy to manipulate the last time that he probably won't listen to a word I say. That's probably why he doesn't what me talking. He doesn't want me to get to his head and make him realize what he's doing is wrong.

David is laying on the ground breathing heavily. I tried to talk to him before, but his body can't handle it. I don't know how long it's been, but it feels like it's about to be night time. I know that he woke me up during the day. When the door opened, I could see an inch of an opened window. I saw the sun. It might be the lack of light in here, but I think it's dark now.

If only I had my phone. Oh my god. My phone. I dropped it when he grabbed me from behind. James must have noticed a phone laying on the floor in front of his room. Unless, he decided to step on it. I wouldn't blame him. He has a cane for a reason. Here I am. I'm captured by an escaped criminal and I'm making excuses for him still. Maybe his father intuition will tell him I'm thinking off him and will tell him I'm still here. I'm fighting like he taught me.

There is a chance Dominic has my phone. If he was able to find the knife in my shoe and take it, then he probably took my phone. Damn it. Gibbs gave that to me. I know it was technically the company but there was just something about the way he gave it to me. As if he knew that I would never be able to afford one before this job. When he gave it to me, it was just us. Maybe I'm looking too far into it but it's how I feel. The knife and the phone are gone there's no coincidence there.

The door swings open. I didn't hear the footsteps like I have been when he was making his way to us.

He examines me to make sure I haven't broken free somehow and plan to attack him. Then, he goes over to David and swings his body up. I can't imagine the pain he is feeling all over. I've been hit in the face, but David has had it way worse.

Dominic makes him sit in the chair that's in front of me. He lifts his arms, so they go behind the chair. Hearing David groan is different when I see his face to show the pain that he's feeling.

When he double checks that David can't get free, he looks over to me. He's looking at my face and I see his hand move a little bit. I prepare myself to be slapped again or punched. If I know it's coming the stinging might not be too bad.

He raises his hand and I brace myself. Then, he turns his body and punches David right in the nose.

"No!" I scream. I couldn't help it. Seeing someone hurt so bad and someone kick them while they're down; it's painful to watch.

"Fine." He turns to me and punches me in my eye. I wasn't able to brace myself for that. I suck in the pain and breathe through it.

He gets in both of our faces. "You idiots already wasted half the night away and I didn't hear any talking. Get to it David."

He stomps off and slams the door once again. It doesn't surprise us anymore. I don't think anything can.

David's chest is pounding. I think I can see his heart beat. It makes me want to cry in front of him. I can't. He's too weak. I have to be the strong one. I need to go against Dominic every chance I get.

Which means I have to start this conversation.

"I'm sorry for not responding to your emails or looking into them."

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