Chapter 29

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Tim's POV:

Sitting in the break room is the only peace and quiet I have had all day. Gibbs has been on edge the moment he walked into the building. I saw him with Vance multiple times, so that might explain it.

He told me to do something Gibbs asked him to do and I said no. I know he's senior field agent, but I wasn't having it. I just walked past him, and he didn't shout or come after me. It must not have been that important.

I wonder if Melissa coming back has something to do with Gibbs stress. She isn't here, and I haven't heard from her at all today. What if he changed his mind? What if he thought that she wasn't ready after all and he doesn't mean now, but forever?

I decide to text her and ask her when she'll be here. I just want to know that she'll come back to me. I know that we've talked about this situation before way too many times to count, but I don't know if I could do it without her anymore.

I still feel bad about making her feel like she isn't wanted at my place. I just felt so guilty about all the feelings I've been having about her lately. I write about how the thought of us not being together has crossed my mind. Now, that I'm sitting here alone and she's not here, she's all I want and can think about.

I guess that's what love does to you. You either are ready for it, or it creeps up on you and takes over in a way you never thought it could.

Either way, you're in for a ride.

"I sit down next to you and you don't even notice."

I shift my head quickly to the right of me and Abby is sitting there, eating a chocolate cupcake.

"Hey Abby." I say, not addressing the fact I had no idea that she even entered the room.

"I heard Melissa is coming back." She says with her mouth full.

"You did? Who told you?"

"No one. I heard Gibbs talking about it with Vance. They were discussing where they think she belongs."

What could that mean? Are they making her a field agent of a different team? They can't do that. I won't know where she is. I won't know if she's okay. We'll have different schedules and we will never see each other. I don't think I can handle that. I love her. I will ask for anything than to have her out there with people that I don't know I can trust.

"Stop worrying McGee."

"What?" I focus back to her.

"Come on, I know you. You're worrying about where she will be placed. Sadly, they were too far away for me to hear the rest, but at least she will be in the building, right?"

Easy for her to say. "Yeah, right."

I watch her as her eyes move around the room as if she's uncomfortable and wants to ask a question.

"I already told you she's not mad at you." She darts her attention to me with wide eyes. "I know you too, Abby. You're still worried that after all this time that she's mad at you. Even though I've told you 100 times before, I will say it again; she isn't mad at you and doesn't blame you one bit."

She lowers her head down to face her cupcake. She still looks upset.

I push my food out of the way and make her face me. It's as if every emotion I could ever feel is being used at this very moment.

"Abby, if there is anything, anything, I should know before she comes back, you need to let me know."

"What are you talking about?" She pushes herself further from me and turns away from me.

"Don't think that I forgot that you told me you know more than me, and the rest of us. If it's about her, you need to let me know."

She turns back to me and opens her mouth. Right when I thought I got somewhere, she closes it back up and looks down at the table.

"Everything okay in here?" The voice of my boss echoes through the room. Abby stays staring at her cupcake now, while I stay facing her.

"Fine, Gibbs." Is all I say before I get up and walk out of the breakroom. No one stops me, no one calls for me. If Abby won't tell me what's going on, there is a chance she would tell Gibbs, because he's Gibbs. I know Abby will hold out for as long as she can. I just don't know how long that is.

There are pieces to the puzzle I'm missing because people are hiding them from me. I don't know what I have to do to figure it out. There's been the one option that has been there ever since we started seeing it each other. I just don't want to use that option until it's the only one I have.

Melissa's POV:

As I clear the living room of garbage and leftovers from the takeout James and I ordered, I sneak some more fries into my mouth before putting the rest into the fridge. They don't taste good after a night in the fridge anyway.

"So," James comes in with his garbage and empty plate. "tomorrows the big day, huh?"

I chuckle. "I guess. I mean, my first day was more nerve wracking than this."

"Yes, but this is your first day back after everything."

He's right. It is different than my first day. This time the people I can call family, know what I've been through. They know this part of me that I kind of wish that they didn't. If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't have been found. If it wasn't for this job, I wouldn't have been taken either.

I can't lie. If it still meant I was taken, I would still do it all again. Same people, same movements, and same feelings.

"I know." I reassure him that I'm listening.

"Now, I don't want you going back unless you're sure you're ready. I don't want you to be going back just because you feel like they need you."

"Dad," It feels weird saying that, but it does feel a little good. "It's not whether they need me or not, it's that I need to be there working and just getting back on schedule."

"Alright then."

Everything is cleaned and I sit with him for a little before going to hide in my room the rest of the night.

He speaks when the commercials start. "Now, remember what we promised."

"I tell you how my day was no matter what and you stay more vocal of your feelings."

"As do you."

I shake my head. "Good night dad."

I walk down to my room and turn off my light. I jump on my bed excited to be going back tomorrow. I know what I went through was scary for everyone, but I know that they will still be excited to see me. I stare at my ceiling, knowing that time isn't moving any faster whether I look at the clock or the ceiling.

I cover my face with my pillow, hoping it will help me keep my eyes closed and make me fall asleep, until I realize I can't breathe very well with it there.

I check phone and realize I never got back to Tim about when I will be there.

I send him a text I know he won't like.

I don't know ;).

I force myself to turn off my phone and put it underneath my pillow.

I close my eyes and keep them closed until I'm woken up by the alarm that I've been waiting for.

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