Chapter 31

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(I hope you guys are liking it so far. I've been waiting to write about this since I began writing this NCIS series. Enjoy)

Melissa's POV:

"What!" Me, the agents, and Abby shout at the same time while the other stay silent

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"What!" Me, the agents, and Abby shout at the same time while the other stay silent.

"You heard me." Gibbs looks at me and takes a few steps towards me. "This is your office Peters. Congratulations." Gibbs says and then walks out the door. My jaw is still on the floor along with Abby and the agents.

Jimmy and Ducky don't seem as surprised as we are. I turn to them. "Did you guys know about this?"

"Oh, no, no. I had no idea that Gibbs intended on promoting you. Though, I do remember when he came to visit us and said he was confused with where you should be. I did mention how I thought it was astonishing how well you are with people. You care so much and know the right things to say."

"I chimed in," Jimmy begins. "I said that I agreed. The way you are with people is amazing. Gibbs said that he saw that too, but he didn't tell us anything about this."

Silence takes over the room. If they aren't looking around at the room, they're staring at me. Everyone's eyes keep going back and forth between the two.

"Well, it's cool isn't it?" Tony asks.

"What are you talking about?" Tim asks him. I feel like I'm watching a movie, but it seems like I'm starring in it instead.

"This is kind of cool. You get your own office." He walks to the window. "You have this great view. I didn't even know you could see all of this from here."

He's smiling like this is something I want. I don't know what I want, but I know what I don't deserve. I want my own office, but I don't deserve it. I want to enjoy this, but I can't. I know why I can't, but they don't.

I've done so well covering my tracks that I forgot that they were even there. This might be the end for me. I have to tell Gibbs I don't deserve this job. I can't do this.

"I mean he has a point." Ziva says.


"I mean I'm going to miss you out on the field, but if we're being honest you haven't been on the field in so long. I barely saw you when you were delivering mail and getting coffee. Besides, you can't just not do something because we're not going to be together the way we were in the beginning. I mean, when was the last time you actually worked in the lab with Abby?"

I look at Abby, who looks at me and shrugs her shoulders. "Yeah. You were barely with me in the beginning because Gibbs kept taking you. It's not a problem I'm just saying Ziva has a point."

I look over at Tim who is just staring at the floor. I walk past all of them without saying anything. I look around the hall to see if Gibbs is anywhere to be found and he isn't. I look down at the desks to see if he's in the squad room. Nope. While I speed walk and examine the room below me, I bump into the person I was looking for.

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