Chapter 8

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Melissa's POV:

David's head is down. I know he doesn't want me to see him cry. I can hear him, but I won't tell him. I don't have to.

Dominic left after he did what he wanted to do. At first, I thought it was all over when he saw that he broke me. When he saw that he hurt me where I thought he couldn't reach simply because he doesn't have one of his own.

He was convinced that someone took credit for his disturbing letters because I wasn't alarmed by them at all. He kept asking me who was the person that I thought loved me. I just kept my mouth shut and thought about all the times I thought it was Tim. I thought he was writing letters to me because it's what we've doing for each other ever since we started dating which I don't know how long ago that was anymore. I don't know how long I've been down here.

Every moment I shared with him because of those letters were a lie. I thought it was him without even asking because who else would be sending them to me? He said his cursive was shit and I should have listened because it wasn't his I was talking about. I was blinded by my feelings for him that I thought he was just being modest.

Dominic didn't like that I wasn't answering him anymore. He liked the tears, but he wanted to hear the sadness in my voice. I wasn't giving him my attention anymore. He left the room and I thought he would disappear for hours or a day like he usually does. Instead, he came back down the stairs with the bat and didn't hesitate to start swinging. He hit me for every letter I didn't know was from him and for every email I didn't respond to. He counted the email he sent before abducting me. I didn't react in time; that was his reason.

I can feel the bruises forming on my arms and legs. He hit my knee caps so hard I think I heard a crack.

I refused to look at either of them as it was happening. I couldn't control my mouth though. My screams and gasps were uncontrollable when being beaten with a bat. That's what David has been feeling this whole time. While he was swinging, I thought about the times I stuck up for myself when I was young. I thought of the girls faces when I pulled out my knife and they would be the ones that were scared and run. I thought about that for a while and then thought of Tim. I know he's out there worried. I know that he knows that I'm missing because Gibbs wouldn't keep that information for himself. I know Gibbs knows that I'm missing, I don't know how to explain that one, but I can feel it. I feel it somewhere inside of me that he knows that I'm alive. I don't know if James can feel it. I hope he didn't start drinking again. If he did then he really doesn't know that I'm still alive. Barely.

When he was done hitting me, I heard him holding back tears. I didn't have to look at him to know that he was regretting the things that he's done. He's just taking them out on me because it's the only way he knows how.

I understand why David is so tired now. He body is healing form everything that David has done. It's taking all of its energy to heal every cut, bruise, any wound that he has forced on him. I feel it now. I sit here with my head back to help me hold back tears.

My head is still filled with every memory Tim and I've shared. All the kisses we've shared in NCIS. The first kiss that was in front of my house and I didn't want to let him go. I remember kissing him and thinking that he didn't want me, so Tony stayed with me that night because he knew I needed someone. I remember the long kiss that we shared when we decided that we were together officially.

I remember everything as if it's the last time I will ever remember it. As if in the next moment I won't be able to remember the names of the ones that saved me from myself.

I make myself face David as he starts to speak. "I'm sorry."

I swallow the pain that I'm still feeling. "Don't. It's about time that he took his anger out on someone that wasn't you."

He's still crying and he's still trying not to. "This shouldn't be happening. I thought I would never have to deal with something like this since Natalie."

The door swings open. I'm surprised because it usually takes hours for him to come back and do whatever the hell, he has planned for us.

"Now that we've taken a break from each other, I think it's safe to say to say that we can pick up where we left off."

He doesn't have the bat. I can't think he won't hit me because he's used his hands before.

I can hear David breathing heavily. I look at him and I don't see pain because I can't see him. He isn't looking at me, but his breathing is heavy and loud.


Dominic shoves his body in front of me. "Don't worry about him. I'm the one who has you here. I'm the one in charge you look at me and talk to me!"

"I am stupid." Both our heads turn to face David. "I am so stupid."


David lifts himself along with the chair and charges at Dominic. He pins him against the book shelf and they both go down. I can barely hear the crash over all his screaming. David is kicking him. I didn't know his feet were free from the chair. I don't know how or when he did it but he's almost winning.

I knock myself out of their trance and try to get the rope to cut off of me. I try to think of ways that he got it off of his feet, but I can't think of a thing.

They catch my attention when Dominic dodges a kick and punches him in David in the face.

I see him reach into his back pocket and pull out a gun and point it at David. "That's enough!"

We all freezes. The only one making a sound is Dominic breathing like if he stops for a second, he will die.

"Nobody move." He's looking everywhere. The person with the gun has no idea what to do with it.

I can see the sweat on his forehead. He doesn't want to do this. He can hit us because we'll still be alive but shooting us is a different story. He wanted to shoot David before but ended up shooting Natalie. He doesn't want to mess up again. All he can think about is making a mistake. He doesn't know that when it's all you think about; you're bound to mess up. Compared to when you clear your mind; you're fine.

He goes down to David while still pointing the gun at him and unties his hands. He lifts him up and leans his weak body against the book shelves. He walks over to me but keeps his gun and eyes on David. He crouches down and cuts the rope off my ankles. I hold my breath and don't look into his eyes. I can tell with whatever he has planned, I'm not going to like it. And it isn't because of the gun in his hand.

My ankles fall and I take a breath of relief. I forgot what moving them felt like. I think I can feel a tear fall on my cheek, but I'm not sure because it's still numb. I feel the rope loosen around my wrist and I hear it drop. I slowly bring my hands in front of me and move them as much as I can. I don't try anything funny because if he untied us, we're closer to getting whatever it is we're here for done with.

"Stand up." I do what he says. I don't fight back or ask questions. I'm not strong enough to go against a gun. The person behind it I can take, but that's about it.

"Go next to David."

I go over to David who has his hands up just like I do. He looks different when he isn't crouched over in pain. He doesn't look so bad if you look pass all the blood and scrapes.

"I just want to remind you that I have the weapon that can move faster than either of you combined."

I'm not sure what he has in store for us, but I know I don't have a choice but to put up a fight. I'm not just a girl tied up in a chair. I'm not the girl with the sad back story. I'm not just Tim's girlfriend though I love the title. I'm Melissa Peters who is still with NCIS and am a hostage along with an innocent person. I might just be an assistant, mail deliverer, and also an extra but I'm a part of a company that saves the lives of innocent people and lock up the bad ones. It's no longer about me. David is the objective now. His life matters more than the rest of us. And I'll give mine to protect his.

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