Chapter 75

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Tim's POV:

I feel like every time we're in my car, it's to send one of us off to do something that we've put off for too long.

I was already sad when we were leaving our place because she was wearing the same dress she has been since Christmas. It makes me feel like I can't provide for her. I can't do that until she moves on from this house and forgets the bad times here.

She's always been independent. She doesn't need me to provide for her, but I want to. I want us to work together for each other. I can't focus on doing that if she's in the same dress again. Though, it would be a good excuse to take it off of her every chance I get.

"Okay." She sat in the car for six minutes until she built the courage to go in. "You'll be here?"

I take her hand and kiss it. "I'm not going anywhere."

She gets out of the car. I have to stop my anger from rising as I watch her go to the door. If he thinks because she's leaving that he can do whatever he wants, he's got another thing coming. He says he's changing for her. Until it is seen, nothing has been changed.

Even though I love her more than anything and he hurt her, I still feel bad for the things I shouted at him. It's true that every time I see him, I think of the childhood he didn't give her. He doesn't remember any of it because he was wasted every night. It makes my blood boil just thinking about it, how can I not think about it when I look at him?

My plan that Melissa doesn't know about is to give them a few minutes together, and then I go in.

Melissa's POV:

I walk into my house that's not my house anymore. I don't know if it was ever my house to begin with. I lived in the basement for Christ's sake. I always say it's my room but let's call it what it is.

One thing is for sure and it's that James is sitting in the chair that's always been his. It's going to be weird not walking in here and seeing this view every day.

He turns slightly and sees me. "Hey kiddo. Long time no phone call."

I close door. I can already feel that this isn't a good time, but I need to get some things so I can at least have one more outfit to wear. "I know. I'm sorry."

I slowly walk over to the couch and because of that he can tell something is on my mind. "What's been going on?" He turns off the TV.

This might be the last time he welcomes me in here. I don't have to choose my battles this time.

So many things are on my mind, I have to make a list. "Well, first, I don't like what went down with you and Tim last time I was here. He was going through a lot and didn't need you adding to his stress." I'm never going to not stick up for Tim. He's my man. He would do the same for me and I will always do the same for him.

He groans. "Okay. I apologize for the way I went about it. What I won't do, is apologize for why I did it."

Well, that wasn't the answer I was expecting. I was excepting way worse. I have to pick my jaw off the floor before I can speak again. "Okay, I can respect that." I keep moving my body because I can't get comfortable for this conversation. I guess it isn't going to happen.

"You know, he isn't taking me away from you right? I'm no one's property."

"I know." He tries to get comfortable too. He has a disappointing look on his face.

"We've been trying to be honest with each other all year. Don't take us 1000 steps back by holding back now." I blurt out. This is the time we have to be opened with each other. She would have wanted it that way.

What's Going to Happen: NCISWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt