Chapter 17

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Tim's POV:

Tony's and my night last night went down a road I didn't know was open for use. We talked a lot. I thought this would cause Tony to drink more than he did, but he stopped. I think it was the fact that I expressed that I didn't want him to drink during our conversation. He respected that.

He was sober enough to drive himself home. I spent my drive and the rest of night regretting having the conversation we did about Melissa. I shouldn't have given in. I've wanted to talk about it, but with her. Tony wants to talk about it with her too, but he can't as much as I can't.

As guilty as I felt; I sent her a goodnight text thinking seeing her words would make me feel better. I was wrong. Her telling me that she missed me and was doing better made me feel worse. I told her I was proud of her and told her to sleep well. She said she loved me. I couldn't bring myself to respond because I was drained from the guilt. I didn't fall asleep until five minutes before I was supposed to get up this morning. I didn't bother writing last night because it's not something I want her to see one day.

Now, work is over, and Tony wants to have another "guys night." I don't think he has much more to share with me about her because he said he would have told me. Only he knows what tonight will hold.

He invited me over to his place for a change. I don't really go there because we all usually go out to the bar. It's the same with my place unless he decided to surprise me just so I can be the entertainment for the night.

I get to his place with a bottle of wine because I'm missing the taste of it and the guilt is still eating me alive. Maybe I'll finally be the one to stay on someone's couch instead of the babysitter.

The door opens in front of me after I knock. "Probie!"

How did I know that was going to be my greeting? "Hey Tony."

I give him the bottle and walk into his apartment. It's very nice. He keeps it clean as I thought he would. Everything seems to have the same theme, which I also assumed he would have done. This place just screams Tony.

I look in his bedroom to see what it's like. He, of course, has a king-sized bed. I'm happy that I checked and saw no one there from last night. I know I was with him for the majority of it, but I know how Tony works. If he didn't want to be lonely the rest of the night, he wouldn't have been.

"Probie, there's nothing in there for you." He calls. I give him a pity laugh.

"Very funny."

I make my way to the kitchen counter which has stool for us to sit at like the bar we were at last night.

"I don't think we ever ate when we got drunk with the others, so I didn't bother making anything."

"That's fine." Melissa would scowl at me if she heard what I just said. She would call me a hypocrite and then we would laugh about it. Oh, please don't let tonight hold another Melissa conversation. If I gain more knowledge, then I won't make it through the night without feeling guilty.

"Thanks for going out with me last night. I needed it."

Never in my days did I thought I would ever hear Tony say thank you, especially to me. "Sure."

"I hope I didn't get too personal. Like I said, you and Melissa are closer than I am to her, I don't want that to ruin your friendship."

He hands me my glass of wine. "You keep saying that we're close. Why?"

He pours himself a glass. "I mean I would hope so. You guys went to the Halloween party as an iconic movie couple."

I completely forgot about that. That feels like forever ago.

"She was nervous about it. I just wanted to help." She was nervous and it was because of me. I don't regret the night though. I never will.

"The rocker chick and the nerd. I'll never understand it."

"I mean it's not like we're dating." Holy crap I can't believe I just said that out loud. A lie I will have to pay for one day because knowing Tony, he's going to remember it and hold it over me.

"I'm just saying you and Abby happened."

"But that wasn't anything." That was so long ago too.

"Yeah. I guess you're right."

We sip our wine for a minute. Taking in the fact that we might be getting closer to each other. I never thought this would happen, but it is. I know we care for each other; I just didn't think it would become a habit to see each other for drinks.

"Does she know she'll be included in a book if you write a sequel to your first one?"

I almost spit out my wine. He laughs.

"No, I'm not writing another one and don't want her to find out about the first one." Because the time him and Ziva found out I wrote a book about them and changed their names went really well. I was so embarrassed, but that book did something for me. It inspired me just like she did. Why do we keep talking about her anyway?

He shakes his head acknowledging the fact that I don't want her to know about it, so he won't say anything. I'll tell her one day. I will tell her.

I sit there and think about what I want to ask next. I don't know if I want to know. I have to know. If I hear him say it, I can have piece of mind about one thing when I rest my head on my pillow tonight.

"Do you like her Tony?"

"Melissa? Of course, I like her. She's a sweet girl."

"You know that's not what I mean."

He freezes while bringing the glass to his lips. He sets in down and looks at me.

"Tony, if you do you can tell me." I've wanted to ask him this question about someone else multiple times. But like I said, I know how to pick and choose my battles.

"No, Probie, I don't like her like that. But I like her and that's what makes this secret so difficult."

I know what he means.

"You were right. I don't think it's a big deal, but it is to Gibbs. He wouldn't bring in anyone he couldn't trust. He wouldn't do that to us."

Gibbs also wouldn't like that him and I were talking about it. We won't even say what we're talking about because we know he has eyes and ears everywhere.

I stare at Tony and I chuckle. My chuckle turns into a genuine laugh. Something I never thought I would share with Tony.

"What are you laughing at?"

"You invited me here because you feel guilty about keeping it from her. You care about her. You really do."

It's nice to know that he doesn't look at her in that way. Now that I know, I laugh because I don't know how to tell Melissa that I really found out that he doesn't like her like that. Would that be something she would want to hear? I don't care right now. I'm glad I found out the truth.

He punches me in the arm, and I don't care. "Yes, I care about her. Tell anyone and I'll make you regret it."

"Okay. Okay." I catch my breath. "Just promise me something."


"Promise me that you'll call me if you ever need to talk. I appreciate the drinks, but you don't have to bribe me to sit and talk to you. Or keep our secrets."

I never thought this would be weighing on him the way that it has. I'm glad we're finally talking like adults and can confide in each other about this.

He lifts his glass with mine. "Probie, I think this is a beginning of a beautiful friendship." Of course, he would find it in him to quote the movie Melissa and I love. 

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