Chapter 41

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Melissa's POV:

Yesterday, life kept throwing curveballs at me. In the morning, James didn't budge when I told him about my promotion. I should have known he wouldn't since he likes to act like my childhood never happened. I did that too in a way, but I thought he would at least talk about it with me. Not just suggest we celebrate the occasion.

Next, Gibbs freaked out over the fact I smell like alcohol and looked like a mess. It's not like I was seeing anyone besides Jack and the agents. I didn't even plan on seeing Abby yesterday, but it happened. I don't know why he was so emotional about it. Just because I look like I'm ready for bed and smell like I own a bar, doesn't mean I'm not taking anything seriously. Vance knows it. Jack knows it. Gibbs knows it. I just don't know why he acted the way he did.

Then, there were so many things that happened with Tim when I was just trying to avoid him. He stopped to make sure I was okay after he heard me and Gibbs talking. I just didn't want to confide in him because I knew if I did, I would start crying. We used to talk all the time. It isn't easy when all of that just stops out of nowhere.

I apologized to him about leaving him the way I did with Abby to answer to, but I think he would have handled himself well. He said it himself, he's still alive.

I wish I would have kept my mouth shut. I was accusing him of using me for his pleasure and I should have known that wasn't even close to the truth. If only I had handled things differently, I wouldn't have gotten that awkward phone call from him.

I went home, shower intensely and studied to get my mind off of Gibbs and him, and to further my education in my position. I surrounded myself with books and papers that I could hardly breathe. I was barely able to touch my coffee from earlier that tiredness crept up on me. I fell asleep for I don't know how long. The papers and books were still everywhere, but I managed to make room for all of us.

I woke up to my phone ringing. At first, I thought it was a dream and the ringing stopped. It started going off again minutes later, and I realized I wasn't dreaming. I could barely see the screen just waking up, but I answered anyway.

I practically fell out of bed when I heard his enthusiastic voice. I think his volume scared me more than the fact that he was calling me.

It was weird a first because I had no idea what to say to him. Then, he started telling me he would never use me for sexual favors and that I was more to him than that. The tears started coming, but I was able to let a few go and keep the rest in.

He stated his feelings and I told him that I was sorry that I left him at work the way I did. It was nice that after we cleared everything up that we were able to stay on the phone and laugh. I selfishly stayed on as long as I could because I missed him. I was wishing he was right next to me instead of minutes away. I felt as if no matter what he did, I would still want him and that messed with me for a while.

Then, Abby called me, and we had to cut the conversation shorter than intended. When I told him, I was going to take the call, he said that he loved me.

I was in shock and couldn't say anything. I couldn't say it let alone hear him say it. That's not something you do when you're broken up. You can't say that and just mess with my head. It made no sense to me. If he loved me, he wouldn't have left me there feeling the way I did that night. He most certainly wouldn't have broken up with me.

Luckily before I could finish saying goodbye, he hung up and I picked up Abby's phone call.

Abby was nervous when I answered the phone. What was with everyone yesterday? Then, I remembered that she just found out that we broke up.

"Hi, Melissa. How are you?" She asked me quietly.

"I'm fine." I said while I was still shaken up from what just happened. "How are you?"

"Me too."

I tried to get his words out of my head and focus on Abby. "What do I owe this call to?" Like I don't already know.

"Oh." I heard her biting her nails. "I just wanted to let you know that I'm here if you ever need anything. You know that, right?"

"I'm assuming Tim told you?"

"You didn't give him much of a choice."

I laughed at how ridiculous I was acting the entire day. "I know I feel awful."

"Don't. He deserve it."

"I appreciate the call Abby. Things have been weird ever since my promotion."

"Congratulations though. It still fun isn't it?"

I thought about the friendship Jack and I have developed and the honor the job comes with. "Yeah, it's kind of cool." I don't deserve it though. "Jack has been helping me a lot. I don't think I could have done it without him. I owe him big time."

There was silence on her end for a moment. "Can I ask you something?"


"Are you two... an item?" Her voice was shaking. "Tim didn't exactly tell me when you two finished."

I almost laughed because of what I know about Jack. I thought about telling her, but then I remembered the story Jack told me about putting his life on the line every time he steps out of his house. I didn't want to tell his story without his permission.

"It is nothing like that Abby. I promise."

I heard her smack her lips. "Tim might think otherwise."

"Well he shouldn't." He doesn't have the right to anyway. I thought my headache went away sooner than this, but it returned that moment.

"Alright. I believe you." She said which made me think that she really didn't. That didn't matter at that point. I just wanted her off the phone and to go to bed.

"Well, thanks for the call Abby." I told her. "I appreciate it."

"Remember what I said."

I smile once again during this conversation. "I will." I hang up the phone and rest my head on the pillow in hope I'll fall asleep again without any tears on the pillow.

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