Chapter 86

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Tim's POV:

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Tim's POV:

I'm going 50mph in a 35 after the text I got from Melissa. She texted me to meet her behind the bar that the guys and us go to, it's an emergency. The second I saw the word "emergency" I couldn't have grabbed my keys any faster. I was so lucky that I was already dressed for the guys to show up. I would have come in my pajamas I don't care. The guys can wait I'll let them know after I see that she's okay.

I texted her, coming,

The second I was out the door. I keep checking my phone and I don't get anything from her. I tried calling her, but I can tell that she keeps sending it to voicemail. I rather her do that than have it keep ringing and going to voicemail. At least I can tell she just doesn't want to talk to me right now.

What happened while she was gone? The plan was for her to get drinks and the kitchen supplies from her old house. How much could've happened in that time?

I can't have a repeat of what happened to her before. Not again.

I finally make it behind the bar, but my car is the only one here. I get out of the car and I start searching and shouting her name.

"Melissa! Melissa!" It's freezing out here. I can see my own breath. Where is she? "Baby, come on where are you!" She's not wearing anything heavy. She could be freezing to death right now.

I hear an engine roar and turn around to high beam in my eyes. "Melissa!" I can't see her or the car.

I shout again.

The high beams turn off along with the car. Tony steps out of the vehicle. Definitely not the person I wanted to see.

"McDonald! What the hell is going on? I thought we were meeting at your place?"

Huh? "That was the plan." Why is he here? "Where's Melissa?"

"Melissa? I thought she'd be here with you."

I wish. "Well she's not. Why are you..."

Before I can ask why he's here. Two more cars pull up behind the bar. The high beams are on so I can't tell if either of them are Melissa are not.

When the high beams are off, I'm disappointed yet again.

Ziva steps out of one car and Abby out of the other.

"Hey guys!" Abby greets us.

"Why are we here? I thought the plan was your place Tim?"

"It was." Can't they see that somethings missing here? I can finally ask the first question I've needed to since I saw Tony. "Why are you guys here?"

They all share a look. Clearly, I'm not in on the joke.

Abby lifts her phone up. "Melissa sent me a text to meet her here and that it's an emergency."

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