Chapter 18

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Melissa's POV:

It's been decided that today is Ziva's last day here. It's been decided by me. I told James about the idea first because this affects him too. He said if I thought I was ready to take this step, then he's behind me. I've only been outside once the entire time she was here. I'm going to have to learn how to not be afraid every time I go outside alone. That's the first time I was able to admit that to myself.

I told Ziva last night that I have to get my life back on track. She smiled, but I saw that she was nervous; as I have been. I just knew it was the time. We couldn't keep pretending this wasn't going to end. We all have to move on.

Ziva got dresses while I made our last breakfast. I knocked on James door because surprisingly he wasn't awake yet. He got up slowly and made his way to the kitchen.

When Ziva came up stairs, she got teary eyed as if this was going to be the last time, we would all see each other. With everything we have been through, the way all of us feel about each other; I will do everything to keep this from happening ever again.

She ate her breakfast and I didn't bother finishing mine. James wasn't done. He was focusing on his coffee so that they can have their usual conversation about life. Having her here really made me feel like I have a sister in and out of the office.

We walk to her car, so I can walk back in the house and show her that I can do this.

"So, you know-"

"If I need you, I'll call you. Even if James needs something that I can't offer."

She shakes her head. I hear her sniffle. "Yeah, that."

I look at her car, so I don't have to look at her. "You have everything?"

"Yeah. Yeah."

We try to put it off, but she has to get to work sooner or later.

I bring her into a hug, and she rests her head on my shoulder. I hold back my tears while holding my breath. I let her go when I hear her sniffle for the fifth time.

"I'm going to be okay." I reassure her.

She walks off with a smile and gets inside her car. She buckles her seat belt and looks at me. I know that she's waiting for me to get in the house.

I turn around and take a deep breath. I take my first step, then another, and another. I look around like Gibbs did and I don't see anything. I finally make it to the door. I turn around and she waves. I wave back and open the door.

I walk in and the house is already quiet. James is sitting in his chair reading the newspaper. I close the door and look over at that disgusting hallway. I've been in there and ran into the bathroom, but that's it.

I walk past it and go my room, where I lay on my bed and curl up under my covers. I have to get everything back on track. I'll do that when I wake up from my nap. 

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