Chapter 11

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Melissa's POV:

In contrast to what I wanted, I'm now in a hospital room full of doctors while David is in the one across from me. The hall way between us is filled with the agents that I've missed so much. It felt like years I was in that basement.

When Tim was carrying me out of that place, I was falling asleep. He didn't want me to close my eyes, so I tried to fight it. While I did, I saw that when we got outside, we were in Juice's old hang out. I can't believe Dominic knew them. As I was looking back, I tried to talk, but Tim didn't want me to move more than I already have. I asked if David was being taken to the hospital and he said yes and we're going with them. I told him I didn't need to go. He didn't answer as he laid me down in the back of the car. I knew I didn't have a choice.

One of the doctors come over to me and finally talks to me instead of the agents. "You didn't have anything to eat or drink all that time, huh?"

"No." I answer softly. "I would rather him hit me as many times as he wanted than eat anything, he gave me."

She shakes her head. "Speaking of, your friend in the other room told us that he hit you too. You don't look as bad as he does."

"Because he was there longer, and it bothered the psycho the most that he wasn't able to kill him."

She takes the tubes out of my arms. I try not to squirm as they slowly go against my skin.

"How's your eye?" She examines it. She looks amazed. "It must be good that you can still keep it opened. It's not as bad as it looked from across the room."


"I do need to know where else he hit you and if he did anything else to you."

I lean back in the bed I'm in. This is why I didn't want to come here. I know that all I have are bruises but they make it into something bigger. I just need rest and ice, but they don't give a prescription for that.

"My shoulders and my legs. He really was mad at my knee caps."

She looks me dead in the eyes. "He didn't do anything else to you. He didn't force you to do anything with him?"

If we're going to talk about it, we might as well be grownups and say it. "No, he didn't rape me or make me do anything sexually with him."

She jumps back when she hears the R word. I know she's just doing her job, but isn't it also a part of her job to be the strong one in this scenario? Isn't she supposed to be technical and be straight forward?

She pulls the curtain closed so no one can see us but her feet. "I'm going to need you to show me the other bruises."

Another reason I don't want to be here. I have to reveal myself to a stranger. I know she's a doctor and isn't here to judge but to help. The only person I've ever felt comfortable with is Tim. I even change behind a screen when I get dressed at Abby's place.

I get up and the curtain opens to reveal Ziva walking in.

"Excuse me, you can't be back here."

"No." I answer for Ziva. "It's okay. She's my sister. I want her here."

I know that I'll be changing in front of two people now, but at least one of them is my family and I trust her.

"I'm sorry. I got nervous when I didn't see you through the window. I can go."

I stop her. "Please stay. She just wants to see the bruises on my body."

Ziva closes the curtain and tries not to look too nervous.

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