Chapter 40

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(I'm really proud of myself. I couldn't find this GIF anywhere, so I was going to leave a four second video here of her doing it just so you guys could get a feel for the chapter. But the way I sent it to myself, the system made it a GIF and now we have it! Anyway, I just wanted to share that with you guys. Enjoy reading! BTW I know it isn't the best GIF, but beggars can't be choosers.) (Me being the beggar of course.)

Tim's POV:

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Tim's POV:

If this morning couldn't have been awkward enough with her talking to Tony about her night; it most definitely is now that she left me here, alone, to answer Abby's questions. Abby practically dragged me into the lab so no one could hear us.

When Melissa went to her office after talking to Tony, all I could think about is when she said she was assuming that she had a long night. Does she not remember anything? Did she do something after she left me her voicemail?

When she let me look at her, all I could see were her puffy eyes. I know that's from the voicemail because I heard her tears over the phone. I heard her sniffle and continued to speak as if she couldn't be bothered. I wonder if she cried more when she hung up the phone.

My heart broke hearing her cry because of me. I wanted to call her back. I wanted to comfort her like I usually do, but I couldn't and it's all because of my stupid plan. I got this far, and I can't back down now. I just didn't think I would have to tell Abby what's going on. I was hoping we could have fixed this sooner.

I tell her without hesitation that we broke up. She doesn't hesitate to yell at me. "You did what!" She marched right up to me, to only turn around and start pacing.

"Why? What happened? What did you do?"

Wow. Thanks for that, Abby. "Why are you assuming I did something to break us up?"

She continues to pace. "Because I know Melissa, Tim. She is in love with you and wouldn't do anything to make you upset. At least not on purpose."

I don't mean to sound smug while saying this, but it's nice to see Abby be wrong for once. "Actually, I broke up with her."

The second she hears me; she stops in her tracks. She turns to me and runs over to me grabbing my collar. I didn't think she would do this, but I'm choking, and she has fire in her eyes.

"Why would you do that!" She's shaking me. "Are you crazy? Why? Why!"

I struggle to get her off, but it works. I back away from her and let myself breathe. "It just had to happen Abby."

I can hear her boots and chains follow me. "Why? Why did it have to happen?"

"I believe that's between me and her."

Her hands form into fists, but they still stay at her side. "How can you say that? I'm the only one who knows about you guys and you won't even keep me in the loop of the breakup."

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