Chapter 9

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Tim's POV:

Hours of calling relatives, going to their homes and talking to them. Abby even wanted to go to the school that they attended to see if we can get any information out of them. We don't have anything allowing us to get those files. I can't hack anything anymore than she can. She knew it was right. I knew it too and for a second, I didn't care if I would get jail time for it. Then, I remembered Abby would go down for it with me. I didn't care about going to jail if it meant she was safe. If she wasn't, which she's not she's still alive, I would want that anyway.

It amazes me how I keep all these feelings to myself and my journal. I tell her I love her and what I love about her. Telling her I would risk jail time for her wouldn't make her happy but it's how I feel. My love for her is strong. I just have to believe that she can feel it. I want her to feel that I'm coming for her.

The agents and I are with Abby in the lab. Gibbs called them while they went to his town to see where David was. They said they haven't seen him for a while but it's normal down there. Normal? The moment I found out she was missing I yelled at the cabbie to turn around. Missing for a few months and just having faith he'll come back didn't make any sense to me. That was until Tony said that it started happening since he lost Natalie. That was something I understood. It's something I hope I won't have to deal with myself.

"We have to be over looking something." Ziva breaks the silence.

"Yeah maybe, but it might not be us." Tony objects. "When they go into hiding, they don't just stay in the area, they go where they please. He could have picked a spot that they've never been before. A spot that no one would ever think to look."

"Don't talk like that." I say while looking out the windows that Abby has. She's out there waiting for us and we're letting her down every moment that passes.

"I'm not saying she's not out there." Tony scowls. "I'm just saying it's not on us if anything-"

"Don't Tony." I harden my voice.

Abby fills the space between all three of us. "All of you don't. We're going to find her there's just something we're forgetting. There's something that's right under our noses that we can't tell what it is yet."

I sigh and continue to look out the window. The space that would give me a clue to where she is; is filled with her. All the laughs, all the kisses, all the everything that she's given me. That should make me want to dig deep and figure out what I know but can't remember. Her beauty blinds me from everything. Not only the bad but the good. Which isn't a bad thing because she's all that is good in the world; in my world.

All of us jump to the sound of glass being thrown against the wall. We look towards the other side of the room that holds Tony and an angry grimace.

Abby doesn't say anything about whatever it was that he threw. She knows why he did it and knows that yelling at him for it won't help. I feel the same way he does. I feel the anger he used to throw the glass, and I feel like the shattered glass all over the floor. That's my world if we don't get her back.

"Where the hell is Gibbs!"

"Leave him alone Tony!" There's Abby at Gibbs side when he isn't even here.

"No, one of the members of his team is missing and we have yet to figure out where she is." He's yelling at her. I know he doesn't mean it, but I don't like it.

"Tony stop it."

He makes a gross look at us. "What is wrong with you two? Sticking up for him while someone we love is missing!"

Abby walks away because she'll start crying if she thinks about it more than she already is. I stay where I am, waiting for him to yell more because I know he isn't done yet.

He's frustrated. I can see it in the way he's rubbing his hands through his hair. "I mean no one has seen him all day. He's away throwing him and Fornell a little Christmas party in his basement with the company of a boat!"

I know one thing and it's that, that isn't true. Gibbs wouldn't leave us to do all the work. He's doing something we just don't know what. He's hurting when one of us is hurt. Usually he's over everyone's shoulders making sure we're doing something, anything if it meant we were getting close to fixing the problem.

A party. Why would he say that? Out of all people Gibbs would never. Wait a minute. A party.

"Oh my gosh."

He throws his hands in the air. "Well it's true."

"No, Tony."

"Stop sticking up for him!"

"No, Tony. I mean you're on to something."

He looks at me in shock before I make my way over the computer. "Well, yeah I knew that."

"What is it McGee?" We're all huddled around the computer.

"Abby. Do you still keep all the evidence on files on here?" It's been a while since I've done this.

She shakes her head. "I never stopped."

Good. I click every folder and every link I have to in order to get what I want. I get the date of the day we took on the case for Natalie.

I pull the picture we found on the camera- I mean Melissa found on the memory card that was at the scene of the crime.

I pull up the picture of David with Natalie and Dominic hiding in the back. I've seen this building before. I've seen those other faces before. Tony, Gibbs, and Melissa have seen it too.

"Oh my gosh."

"Juices hang out. The place that they've abandoned." I say as Abby squeezes my arm.

"McGee, you did it. I think you did it." I want to stay and take in the smile on their faces, but the life of my girlfriend is at stake here. We have to go now.

"We didn't look there, yet did we?" I ask while making my way for the door. I hear them following behind me.

"Nope." They answer at the same time.

"Go get her guys!" I can hear her squealing and jumping up and down when we're in the hall. I'll be doing the same when I find her and beat the crap out of whoever took her away from me.

I see Gibbs coming towards us. I slow down but Tony bumps into me and walks passed us and him. I don't know what to do. I want to tell him we found her but I just want her in front of me so I can actually say it.

"What's going on?" He's beside me and looking at me while I stare at Tony.

"McGee found the picture from the case that put Dominic away in the first place."

"And!" He shouts in my ear.

I speak because if Tony says anything else, I don't think it's going to be about Melissa. "The old hang out. We never looked there. It's the only place they could be."

"I'll get her dad on the phone."

He turns while I stop in my tracks. I want to tell him not to do that because I don't think he's going to be the first person she see's after being rescued. I keep my mouth shut and let Ziva push me along with her and Tony.

I'm coming for you baby. We're going to be back together like I said we would. Hang on baby.

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