Chapter 49

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Melissa's POV:

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Melissa's POV:

"What do you think they want?"

"Your guess is as good as mine."

Going back to the Emms' house wasn't on my schedule today. My schedule was already pushed back because I barely got sleep last night and woke up late. I couldn't get the way I acted around Pat out of my mind. It didn't help that with everything I did he would react to in a cute way.

See, there I go again. That's why I got no sleep and why I'm dreading going back to this house. I was hoping that yesterday would have been my last day doing this. I just wanted to be updated since I got involved... in a professional way.

It will be worth it if we find Greg's killer. I just hope I'm speaking to Mr. Emms and only him.

Tony tells me that there should be no mentioning of him waiting in the car. If anything happens I should, run, scream, or call him. Whichever comes first.

It's hard walking to the door and not being able to look back to see if Tony is still alright. I get to the door and try not to look in the direction of the farmhouse.

Mr. Emms opens the doors. "Miss. Peters. Please come in."

I walk in embarrassed because I'm almost wearing the same thing as I did yesterday. Except this time, I just have a sweatshirt on.

"Of course, is everything okay?"

"Oh yeah." He says with a smile. "Pat wanted to see you."

The mention of his name makes my body freeze. "Pat?"

"Yes. Yesterday was the first day he came out of that farmhouse and came to talk to me. He said something about embarrassing himself and he wanted to talk to you in person."

"Oh, no I'm afraid it was all me."

He takes my hands and it makes me jump. "Miss. Peters. That boy has been a mess ever since the incident. He talks to you for a few minutes and he's almost acting like himself again. I didn't tell him that I called you, but he ran up that hill the moment he saw you get out of the car."

I was trying so hard not to look in that direction that I didn't even notice. I wonder if Tony did.

"Would you go and speak to him?" He looks desperate, but his eyes are full of hope. Tony and I didn't come all this way for nothing.


I head up to those huge sliding doors and take deep breaths. I can do this. Pretty blue eyes and a few muscles here and there aren't going distract me from doing my job. If it hasn't already. I'm off to a great start.

Before I can knock, the door slides open and Pat is standing there with glasses on. He looks good in them and it drags more attention to his eyes. Great.

"Melissa. Hi." He says, looking down at my outfit again.

"Hey." I try to look at the frames instead of his eyes. "I heard you wanted to see me."

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