The same day

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After History of Magic, Draco made his way to his next class, followed by Vincent and Gregory. The lesson had been boring, as usual.
But why had Mioha been so interested in the Titans? Some people actually believed in them, but many thought they were only myths.

Draco blinked several times.

His eyes were dry from staying up all night. He had kept thinking about the little chat between him and Mioha, and her suggestion to go to Dumbledore. Albus Percival...and-what-ever-his-other-names-were Dumbledore was known for being the Dark Lord's strongest opponent. But how could that old wizard help him get free from the clutches of his parents and the Death Eaters?

That question kept revolving in Draco's head throughout the day. He barely paid attention in class, keeping his face impassive so no one could guess his thoughts.
Draco wasn't one to avoid the things he knew had to be done. And he knew that Dumbledore was his best option, even if the chances were high the old wizard was not going to believe him.
But as the day wore on, Draco couldn't stop glancing at the doors when sitting in the classrooms. He hadn't used the lunch time to go to the headmaster, seeing as that surely was not enough time for a good talk.
Now, in the afternoon however, Draco got jittery when his last class, Transfiguration, was almost over.

Better to get it over with then.

Nodding curtly at Daphne and Pansy, Draco strode out of the classroom, his bag slung over his shoulder. The corridors were mostly empty as he descended a staircase and followed a corridor that led him to the stone gargoyle in front of the headmaster's office.
The gargoyle stood motionlessly before him, its blank eyes staring unblinkingly into the air.

Draco didn't know the password.

"I need to speak to Professor Dumbledore", he addressed the gargoyle, feeling slightly stupid talking to an inanimate object.

The gargoyle did not move.

"It is very important", Draco said bluntly.

The gargoyle did not move.

Draco pulled the strap of his bag further up his shoulder and narrowed his eyes at the gargoyle. He wasn't going to shout different names of candy at the gargoyle, looking like a buffoon while trying to guess the password.
He'd probably have to write a letter to the headmaster instead to request a meeting.
A crunching noise snapped him back into reality.

The gargoyle had moved slightly, but now it was staring straight into Draco's eyes. It had a defiant look on its face.
Draco didn't need to speak Gargoyle to know he wouldn't get to the headmaster without the password.
But he wasn't ready to get driven away by a statue out of stone, so he did what he could do best.

He stared back without blinking.

A little staring contest with something that can't blink is usually not a good idea, especially if your eyes are dry and itchy. Draco couldn't tell if only a few seconds or a few minutes had passed, but when his eyes felt like he had put them in salt water, the gargoyle bared its teeth at him before it moved to the side.
Draco blinked several times, then raised an eyebrow.
That surely meant the headmaster was aware he was standing in front of his office.
He passed the gargoyle without sparing it another glance and ascended the stairs. Opening the door after hearing a soft 'Enter', Draco walked into the office, which was still filled with the most peculiar things like last year.
Professor Dumbledore was sitting at his desk with the phoenix perched on the top of his backrest, reading an old-looking manuscript. He looked up when Draco approached him, and smiled.

"Mr. Malfoy", he said brightly. "Have a seat. What can I do for you?"

Draco set his bag down on the floor and seated himself on the chair in front of the desk. Professor Dumbledore folded the manuscript and set it aside, before looking at Draco over his half-moon spectacles.
Draco felt his hands starting to sweat at the thought of actually doing what he thought he was going to do. His parents would kill him, if they found out.

Hidden Wings - Part IOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora