Need a Doctor!

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Time passed by extremely quickly, at that moment Iris was sitting on the stairs leading up to Nami's tangerine trees while watching Zoro training on the Aft deck. "Hey guys, guess what!" Usopp was shouting, pulling a lot of attention to him. "Someday, I'm definitely gonna visit Elbaf, the Village of Warriors!" He was saying loudly and proudly.
"OH YEAH!" Luffy as shouting and then the two of them began to sing and dance about giants. Iris could only chuckle hearing them.
"They are so cute." She had said to herself but then looked down at the book in hand, where she began flicking through it. It was a journal that was written by her father for training.
"2603, 2604, 2605, 2606... if I'd been able to cut through that wax..." Zoro was beating himself up about what happened on Little Garden as he was unable to do anything. "I wouldn't have... held everyone back!"
"Zoro, I think you're being too hard on yourself." Iris had had spoken up as he continued to swing the weights down like a sword.
"No, I'm weak... I must become stronger! Until I can slash through stuff like that was in any stance!" Iris had tried to stop him from training as he would open up the stitches that she did. Poor might one add. But why does it matter, he won't listen to her anyways. In fact since the incident some time back he hasn't looked her in the eyes.
"Everyone, come quick! There's trouble!" Vivi was shouting, causing Iris to close her book before leaping off the stairs to see what she was yelling about.
"Why? What's wrong, Vivi?" Luffy by the sounds of him had his face suffed.
"Nami's come down with a high fever!"
"NAMI HAS WHAT!?" Sanji was having an out burst while Iris quickly ran down the stairs to see Nami. Vivi wasn't wrong, the girl was sweating a lot, her face was red and her breathing was so shallow. It was serious which was why the group had moved her down to the girls' room and placed her on the bed. "Is Nami gonna die?" Sanji was asking crying a lot. "Is she, Iris? Vivi?" He was asking all worried.
"It is probably due to the climate." Vivi had answered as Iris rinsed out a wet towel before placing it on Nami's forehead. "One of the obstacles seafarers invariably face upon entering the Grand the threat of illness due to the unnatural climate. It's not unusual for fearless pirates, even those with great reputations in other seas to succumb to the climate and pass away. Even the slightest of symptoms may lead to death if they are not treated immediately." That would explain why it came on so sudden.
"Nami~!" Sanji bursted into tears.
"Is there anyone on this ship who has even the slightest medical knowledge?" Vivi had asked all of them, there was only one person like that, Luffy and Usopp had all pointed to the person that was sick, Nami.
"But she'll get better if she eats some meat!" That was Luffy's solution to for any situation. "Right, Sanji?"
"Well, I'm going to prepare her food that help her recovery, but... all that amounts to is nursing." Sanji had explained to him, at least he had stopped crying. "Just feeding her the right food won't be enough. And besides, while we're at sea, I make Nami, Iris and Vivi's food with a hundred times more care than yours. I give them all the freshest meat and vegetables. And then all the rotten shit....... is what I feed you guys." He was pointing to all the guys.
"OI!" Usopp had slapped the air in protest.
"But even that tastes good!" While Luffy didn't even care laughing away,
"In any case, as long as I am this ship's cook, there will never be a problem with nutrition. But in preparing food for a sick person, you have so much to consider. What her symptoms are and what they require nutritionally. I can't make that kind of diagnosis." Sanji had stated to everyone,
"Then just feed her all of 'em." Some times, Luffy's stupid can have its limits.
"Lu, sick people don't have the energy to do that." Iris had looked over her shoulder to him as the guys were giving him looks of questioning.
"4-4oc...!?" Vivi had shouted after removing the thermometer from Nami. "Her fever has gone up!"
"Oh!" Luffy had shouted thinking of something. "Why don't you do that thing you did to heal our wounds?" He was looking over to Iris asking her, she looked down to Nami.
"I don't know if it'll work. Even if it works I can probably only reduce her temperature not cure her." She had explained to him whole moving to the head of the bed and placed her hands a few centimetres away from both sides of Nami's head. "Ágio Fos!" (Holy Light, Greek) the light was beginning to appear and surround Nami. However, despite doing her best, after 30 minutes had passed Iris had began to feel faint and began to fall backwards.
"I got cha!" Sanji had his arms out catching her before she hit the closet.
"Sorry. I think this ability uses too much energy to continue." Iris had told the others, as her face had began to turn pale.
"It's fine. Don't push yourself, we don't need another member sick as well." Sanji had gently told her as he helped her back to her feet.
"There'll be doctors once we get to Alabasta, right? How much longer 'till we get there, Vivi?" Usopp had asked Vivi.
"I'm not sure, but I don't think we can possibly get there within a week." She had told him as she was looking down to the ground.
"Is being sick really that painful?" Luffy had turned to the others asking them.
"I dunno, I've never been before." Sanji, Usopp and even Iris had said that as they tilted their heads to the side wondering.
"JUST WHAT ARE YOU PEOPLE!?" Vivi had completely turned to shock as she yelled at the four of them. "Can't you see how much pain she's in!? A 40C fever is a dire matter! That means this sickness may be life-threatening!" That would explain the aura of death that covered over Nami, Iris had calmly thought but it seemed that she was the only one that was calm as the guys had all began to panic.
"NAMI'S GONNA DIE!?!?" Luffy was screaming as he didn't know what else to do, while Usopp and Carue were running one side of the room to the other. Then there was Sanji that was just bawling his eyes out.
"PULL YOURSELVES TOGETHER AND QUIET DOWN!" Vivi had snapped at the four of them but...
"We know, Guys! Just calm down please! She needs to rest!" Iris was tried to tell them.
"No." Nami's voice had caused everyone to stop and look to her. "No." She had repeated before sitting up."
"Ooh, she's cured!" Luffy shouted for joy.
"No she's not!" Usopp had chopped him on the head.
"Iris... get the newspaper." Hearing Nami say that, Iris flinched a bit but she knew that Vivi would soon find out.
"Yeah." She headed to the draw from the other night and grabbed the paper to then hand it to Vivi who had began reading.
"N-No... this cant be true..." All the colouring in Vivi's face had drained from it as she read the newspaper that Nami and Iris had hide from her.
"Hey, What is it? What's wrong?" Luffy asked her.
"Is it about Alabasta, Vivi?" Sanji was right on the money when he asked that.
"300,000 Imperial Soldiers have defected to join the Rebel Army." Vivi had read it out loud her voice shaking. "At the outset, there were 600,000 Imperial Soldiers suppressing 400,000 rebels... but in one stroke, the odds have...!"
"Now the rebellion in Alabasta will start to gain momentum." Nami had difficulty saying.
"To top it off this was from 3 days ago." Iris stated looking to Vivi.
"We're sorry. Even if we'd showed it to you, it wouldn't have changed our ship's speed." Nami was explaining to her.
"We thought it would be better not to stress you out more, that was why it was hidden." Iris had finished explaining it.
"Do you understand, Luffy?" Nami turned to glance at Luffy.
"I get the impression that things are very bad." Luffy had thought a little before answering.
"Good, you picked up more than I thought you would." Nami had honestly told him.
"But if we don't get you to a doctor soon..." Usopp was trying to tell her.
"I'm fine, that thermometer's just broken. No one can have a body temperature of 40C. It's probably just a little heatstroke." Nami said as she began to climb out of bed. "I don't need to see a doctor. It'll go away by itself. Let's just head straight for Alabasta like we planned." She had walked passed the group heading for the stairs. "Thanks for worrying about me." She told them looking over her shoulder.
"Oh, she's cured?" Luffy had said hearing the door close behind Nami.
"Lu, she's only pretending." Iris had told him before looking back to Vivi behind him.
"At this rate, blood will soon be shed throughout the country. It will become a war!" She was saying, "If I don't stop this, Alabaster will crumble! Crocodile will seize the throne! Just getting there alive isn't enough anymore!" Vivi was now yelling gripping the newspaper tightly frustrated with herself because of her lack of power. "I have to get there as soon as possible! If I didn't make it in time, 1,000,000 of my people will engage in meaningless slaughter!"
"There's 1,00,000, people!?" Luffy was completely shocked to hear that.
"What a terrible burden for you to carry, Vivi." Sanji could only say
"What ever your decision is, Vivi, we'll support you." Iris had told her, as she placed her hand gently on the Princess that had the weight of her entire country weighing on her shoulders. "We are friends after all."
"Oi! Get your asses on deck! We got work to do!" The yelling of Zoro had pulled everyone's attention up at the sealing which they had then ran up the stairs.
"What?" Luffy and Usopp were asking as they existed the door from the storage room with the others right behind them.
"What the hell? I ain't gonna take orders from you." Sanji had told Zoro.
"This isn't the time for this, just listen." Iris had told him as she walked up beside him to look up at Zoro above.
"Iris' right! Pivot the sails to catch the wind from port." Zoro had ordered the guys.
"Did something happen, Nami?" Iris had turned to ask Nami that was looking off into the distance from the side of the Merry. "I mean aren't the waves and weather calm."
"The wind..." Nami was having difficulties explaining, "A large wind is going to hit us head on... I think." Luffy who had been on the low deck had moved up to the Aft deck before anyone had known what had happened. His hand was placed on Nami's forehead.
"Hot!" He had shouted pulling his hand away. "You're burning up! We need to stop the ship and get you to a doctor!"
"Just mind your own business! This is my normal temperature! Quit fooling around and man the ropes!" Nami was yelling.
"Nami, I know that this is for Vivi's sake and everything, but... you don't have to push yourself so hard..." Sanji was trying to tell her but Nami was sudden.
"I told you I'm fine!" But she wasn't the least bit convincing as she was leaning in the rails for support.
"Oi Nami, you really-"
"I don't care! Just move the ship!" She had snapped causing the boys to run off. Usopp and Carue ran into the kitchen to steer the ship. Iris had followed them until the door where she walked over to Nami. "Man. What's coming at us? It doesn't seem like a storm." She had whispered looking looking out to the side. Iris followed her gaze to see if it was something visible but it wasn't. The Merry had began to move as it caught the wind and the log and ship lined up with one another.
"I have a request to make!" Vivi's voice pulled all eyes to the Storage room door that opened up and she climbed up the stairs to the Aft deck where everyone would see her. "I realise this is a lot to ask after being allowed to ride on your ship, but... right now, my county is falling to a terrible fate. Therefore, I want us to hurry forward! I cannot afford the slightest delay! I need this ship to continue on to Alabasta at its maximum speed!" The guys didn't seem all that happy to hear this as they remained silent looking at Vivi slightly angry. Even though Iris had agreed to support her no mater her decision she wasn't all that happy about it either.
"Of course." Nami was the one ti break the silence. "We promised you, didn't we?" But everyone else remained silent.
"Well the , let's go find an island with a doctor! We must get Nami cured as quickly as possible, and then head to Alabasta! That's this ship's 'maximum speed', isn't it?" Vivi had said smiling to the others.
"That's right!" Luffy agreed with her completely. "Doesn't go any faster than that!"
"You sure about this? As the Princess, you have 1,000,000 people to worry about, right?" Usopp asked her, to make sure of her decision.
"That's right! That's exactly why we must get Nami well as soon as possible!" Vivi was cheerfully saying to him.
"Well said, Vivi!" Sanji was happy about this as well. "I'm in love all over again!"
"She's got guts." Zoro said.
"You're a great Princess, Vivi." Iris had told her, as she helped Nami to walk over to Vivi.
"I'm sorry about this." Nami weakly said losing strength.
"Please don't strain yourself, Nami." Vivi helped Iris to keep Nami standing.
"Sorry... Iris... Vivi..." Nami told her, "I think I might be in a little trouble here..." she had said before collapsing.
"Nami, just hold on a bit longer, Okay!" Iris had held onto her, making sure she didn't hit the floor.
"WHOA! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?" Luffy's screaming had made everyone turned in the direction that they had just came from. A abnormally huge cyclone was standing before them.
"It's a cyclone!" Vivi was shouting, pointing the obvious out.
"IT'S HUGE!" Of course Luffy was no better.
"Wait! Isn't that the direction..." Iris had began to say.
"... the same direction we were headed before!" Sanji finished off as shocked as everyone but Luffy was.
"If we'd gone that way, we would've hit it straight on!" Usopp was trembling. The ocean that had been calm only moments ago had became wild with waves rocking the Going Merry all over the place. The sky was no longer clear as it was covered with thunder clouds that shot down at the sea.
"That was too close! It barely missed us!" Luffy was shouting holding onto the mast. Vivi was amazed, being raised in the Grand Line, she knew that cyclones were impossible to predict... And yet Nami had. Vivi didn't think that she only relied on theories to predict the weather but it seemed that Nami used her own body to sense the weather.
"I've never seen such a Navigator..." Vivi said outloud.
"Yosha! Let's get a move on! We're gonna find a doctor!"
"AYE!" Everyone had thrown up their fist in agreement. It was time for their next adventure.

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