Luffy's 'Crime'?!

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With the farewell over, the Straw Hats had taken off with the Marines continually attack the Going Merry. "Wow! Those guys are fast!" Luffy seemed to be a little impressed.
"It's more like we're losing speed." But Sanji had corrected him.
"We're taking on water from the hole below deck." Nami stated as they seemed to be sinking. "If those guys don't do something, we won't make it!" She was speaking about Usopp and Chopper below deck that we're trying to patch up the holes.
"There's only four ships." Zoro was getting ready to rush and board the ships.
"Guess we'll have to fight em." Along with Sanji beside him.
"Be a lot fast." Iris stated about to pull out her wings.
"Yosh! Let's go!" When Luffy shouted that, she took to the sky while the guys began to run only to then trip over large metal pipes.
"WHAT THE HELL!?" Their shouting had caused Iris to stop and look down at them.
"Oh about that. Usopp wanted to keep them so he asked me to collect them." She had come to explain what they were on the deck.
"THEY'RE IN THE WAY!" Zoro was shouting in rage
"WE DON'T NEED THEM!" As was Sanji, but their anger was directed at Iris but Usopp.
"I'll chuck 'em." Luffy had decided to throw out. "Yosh! Let's get 'em." And he was getting ready to take down the Marines, only that there was no need as Luffy throw them all off the ship, and they end up striking the Marine ships, disabling them. "Huh?" But he was confused as to what was going on.
"Before it's too late...Full speed outta here!" But the crew wasn't going to let this chance go and used it to their advantage they make a quick escape. It didn't take long before the Going Merrybhad lost sight of the Marines as they had rowed away. Usopp had patched up the holes below and now all were out on deck. "The Marines aren't chasing us anymore!" Zoro seemed pleased bout this but had been responded with groans. "We shook them off, didn't we?" He asked only to get groaned at again. "Hey, now... What's with the lifeless responses?" This was being asked up at the other members of the crew who seemed to have lost the Will to live.
"WE MISS HER!" All six of them cried out as they were bemoaning the loss of Vivi.
Quit whining about it! If you didn't want to leave her behind... You should've just taken out by force!" This excluded Zoro who says if they miss her so much they may as well have forced her to come along.
"Ah! You Neanderthal!" Chopper insulted him in tears.
"You suck!" Moving down to Nami.
"Moss head." Sanji called him as they were all insulting him.
"Three Swords." Except Luffy who does not know how to make up a proper insult.
"Wait, Luffy. Three Swords isn't an insult." Usopp had come to tell him.
"Four Swords." The boy had then said.
"I don't think the number was the problem." Iris came to inform him.
"That's right! Listen, you know fermented soybeans, right? That could mean, like 'You stink', okay?" It seemed that the sniper was trying to enlighten the Captain about what a real insult should be like. Meanwhile, Zoro seemed to have lost interest and turned around rubbing his head, while at the same time the door to the Storage room opened up.
"So we finally got away from the island." A voice that didn't belong to the crew had spoken.
"Yeah." And at first none of them noticed until the person came walking out
"Well done." It was one of Mr. 0, Crocoidle's partner, Miss All-Sunday. It had everyone who knows her as Miss All-Sunday begin to panic. All but Iris that was looking down at the woman.
"Here for revenge!? Bring it on!" Zoro had ready his sword to draw.
"Why are YOU here!?" Nami was screaming while asking this in complete shock.
"Take cover! Take cover!" Usopp was shouting into a loudspeaker which was having Chopper, who didn't know who she was, freaking out running.
"Who is she?" He had finally come to a stop and asked as Nami and Zoro had their weapons drown and pointed at her. Usopp and Luffy were standing a bit behind them as they were standing before the woman.
"It doesn't matter who she is! She's a beautiful lady!" Sanji didn't seem to remember Whiskey Peak, as he and Chopper were standing on the stairs watching.
"Nico Robin." Iris had moved from above, still watching Miss All-Sunday. The woman, Nico Robin didn't seem all that alarmed by the weapons being pointed at her, but why should she be. Out of nowhere, an arm appeared on both Nami's and Zoro's bodies and chopped away the weapons to the ground.
"Don't point those dangerous things at me." Nico Robin came to tell the group, much like she did back when they first meet. "I told you that before,didn't I?"
"How long have you been on this ship?" Nami came to ask, since none of them had noticed her
"The entire time." It didn't really help but she was definitely on the ship before any of them and Bon Clay arrived. "These clothes are yours and Miss Angel's, aren't they?" She was no longer where the outfit from when she was with Crocoidle but now wore a more modest buttoned up long-sleeved lavender shirt,p with purple pants and matching boots. "I'm borrowing them."
"What do you think you're doing Baroque Works?!" Nami completely lost it as Nico Robin was going through and pulling out a folded up chair.
"Monkey D. Luffy. You want forgetting what you did to me, are you?" He attention was directed right at the Captain as she ask this.
"LUFFY! What the hell did you do to this beautiful woman!?" It had immediately angered Sanji as he grabbed him by the collar shaking him. "WHAT- DID- YOU- DO!?"
"Everyone please disembark the ship at once!" Usopp was laying behind the mast.
"Oi, you! Don't lie! I didn't do anything!" But it appeared that Luffy had no idea what she's talking about.
"Yes you did. You put me through some very excruciating treatment." But the woman insisted that he put her through 'excruciating treatment'. "Take responsibility." And that he needed to take responsibility while she sat there completely relaxed.
"'Excruciating treatment'!? What the hell did you do to her!?" Sanji was still shouting at the Captain thinking he did something terrible to her.
"Get out of here! I'll call the Marines!" Usopp seemed to have forgotten that they were wanted by the Marines.
"Chopper, come here." Iris had noticed the little doctor up high on the mast and flew up to grab onto him.
"I don't know what you're talking about!" Luffy had shouted as he really didn't seem to remember doing anything to her. "What do you want me to do!?"
"Allow me to join your crew." The woman had come to say,
"HUH!?" Which was totally unexpected, causing Luffy, Nami, Usopp and Chopper to look wide eyes at her.
"SURE!" Only one person seemed to be agreeing to it, due to the fact that his a pervert. It was then explained that Luffy had saved her from being crushed.
"Back then, you forced me to live when I wished to die. That is your crime." This was why Luffy had to take responsibility for her. "I have no place to go or return to. So, are you going to let me stay on your ship?"
"I get it. Guess that's that. Okay." He didn't even hesitate in allowing her on the crew without another word.
"LUFFY!!" Everyone other then Iris and Chopper had snapped at the Captain. Although, Sanji was delighted at this decision.
"Don't worry! She's not a bad person!" He says she is no longer a threat to them.
"Mellorine! Mello..." It seemed that everything came to settle down after a while and at current time, both Luffy and Chopper seemed to be enjoying themselves thanks to Robin's Devil Fruit ability that had allowed her to sprout duplicates of her limbs to use in combat.
"Look at me when I'm talking to you!" While at the same time the woman was being interrogated by Usopp. "I want you to answer all of my questions truthfully. I'll ask once again. Your full name...? Oh, I'm Usopp. Nice to meet you. No, no, pleased to meet you." But it seemed to have turned into some sort of interview.
"Nico Robin." She gave him her name with nothing more.
"Yosh! Nico Robin. And what's your occupation?"
"I'm an archaeologist."
"Archaeologist?!" Usopp was surprised to learn about such a thing.
"I'm from a long line of archaeologists." Iris looked at her a little shocked since something came to mind to her. She really was that person's...
"What the hell is this?" Zoro's words had pulled her out of the thoughts she was having.
"I became an archaeologist, and then I became wanted by the World Government at the age of eight. For the past 20 years, I've kept myself hidden from society." A brief explanation behind the past had been given.
"Since you were eight? And you were alone entire time?" Usopp had asked this a bit surprised.
"Not exactly. A child couldn't survive on the sea by herself. Over the years, I worked for Verious villainous characters as a way of protecting myself... and achieving my goal." In other words she was using them until they were no longer useful. "That's my story."
"And would you say Crocodile was just one of those people?" This have been asked.
"I would." And she didn't hesitate in responding. "In order to locate the Rio Poneglygh."
"It's giving me a lot of experience in covert operations. I would be an asset to you." She wouldn't wrong there, however, it was clear that she would quickly betray them if things got dicey.
"Hmm, you seem pretty confident about yourself. What's your specialty?" It was a question he would soon regrets asking.
"Assassination." She answered it quite calmly .
"LUFFY! The interview has concluded that this woman is TOO DANGEROUS to hire!" Usopp had failed miserably and ends up terrified of her. However, the Captain wasn't listening at all as he and Chopper were being tickled by multiple hands. "LISTEN TO WHAT I'M SAYING, DAMN IT!" But all had stopped upon hearing a large stomp, which had caused everyone to look up to Nami that was sitting sideways on the staircase.
"Pathetic. Look how easily you let her walk all over you. She was the vice president of an enormous crime organisation into this very day. Give me one good reason why we should let her join us." She had come to say and Usopp was in complete agreement with her. "You may have fooled these idiots, but it won't work on me! If you ever try anything, I'm kicking you out."
"Yes, I'll keep that in mind. By the way..." It was then when Robin seemed to have pulled something out from the clothing she was wearing. "I brought along some of Crocoidle's jewels."
"OOH! I love you, big sis!" In an instant, Nami's entire demeanour changed.
"Oi, Oi, Oi, Oi..." Zoro and Usopp came to say looking at her in disbelief.
"Nami's down!" The navigator had been bribed by jewels and gems.
"That was dirty." It seemed that Robin had most of the crew in her back pocket.
"Everything's following right along with the enemies pace." But the worse of them all had just came out onto deck, hearts flying everywhere.
"Ah, love! Floating love! I am but driftwood laying my Ebony-burned body down upon the flow." Sanji was gone from the word go since she was a woman. Driftwood, struck by your Beauty course thunder; I am sent straight along the flow. Here is your snake." The cook placed down what he brought out from the kitchen.
"Oh, thank you."
"Sanji seems to have fallen." Iris spoke while watching the hopeless cook.
"Yeah. He was a lost cause from the get go." They already knew this.
"And so... the three of us are the last remaining bastions against her." Zoro stated as he stood tall
"Yes, those weak minded fools have failed us all." Usopp and Iris along side him. However, it didn't last long.
"Oi, Usopp!" The long nose turned around up being called by Luffy. "Chopper!" Where he bursted into laugher up seeing two of Robin's arms sprouting out from the captain's head like antlers. Now Usopp, Luffy, and Chopper were having too much fun playing games with her.
"That was going to happen eventually." Iris didn't seem all that surprised by this, as Usopp was a member of the idiot trio. Zoro seemed to be completely annoyed by all this had began moving away from them. Although, he came to a stop.
"You coming." Asking this of Iris while rubbing the back of his head without really looking at her.
"Okay." She awkwardly followed after him. While at the same time, Robin seemed to have noticed the pair.
"Should I call you Robin?" Sanji was completely submitting to her. "Or Robin dear? Oh, which would you like?" She had gotten up from her seat and she smirked at the man before walking off "Ah, this is such a joy~! She has a distinct, cool, more mature beauty than Nami and Iris~!"
"This is a nice ship. Is it always as lively as this?" Robin came to ask both Iris and Zoro this.
"Yeah, this is it." Zoro responded while being overly suspicious of her.
"Oh?" But even he is briefly disarmed by her cheerfulness before she walked to the front. "By the way, Miss Navigator. Are we on course?" This was being asked back to Nami, who was still obsessing over the jewels and gems she had.
"No problems in wind or weather! Everything's fantastic, Big sis!" It had been explained in delight.
"You DEFINITELY took those jewels!" Zoro seemed almost disappointed with her
"Sanji! Is it snake time yet?" Luffy seemed to be hungry.
"Just wait one minute!"
"I'm hungry!"
"Me too! Me too!"
"I'm hungry too!" It seemed that everything was pretty much back to normal on the crew. However...
"Don't you have anything to say against this?" Iris had yet to say anything about Robin joining the crew, which was why Zoro was asking this to the blond hair woman.
"No, I don't." She came to answer him.
"Why?" Which seemed to be a bit surprising.
"I..." Zoro looked over to Iris that was speaking while watching Robin "...I understand her."
"What do you mean?" He didn't quite understand what her words meant, however, it was clear that there was more to them than anything else.
"No, it's nothing."

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