Falling From Above!?

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When the crew had come to look up to see what it was causing all the rain like situation, they all came to scream. This was all due what they all saw and that had been a giant ship falling from the sky. "BRACE YOURSELVES! DON'T LET GO OF THE SHIP!" Zoro had grabbed onto the railing as the Merry was rocking wild due to the impact of the falling ship hitting the water, creating large waves.
"What!? What is this!? Hey, what is this!?" Nami repeat over and over again as she was using the mast as a shield, while Luffy had wrapped his arms around it and both Usopp and Chopper were screaming as they flew across the deck.
"A dream! Yeah, yeah, this must be a dream!" Usopp shouted, Talk about being in denial.
"A dream!? Thank-" That's what the were both hoping but it didn't last only when they head butted each other.
"Usopp, Chopper, are you two alright?" Iris came running over to them, her arms stretched across her head to shield herself from the rubble.
"Oi, there's still stuff coming down! Be careful!" They were all be warned as there still appeared to be more falling behind the ship.
"Turn the helm!The helm!" Nami was shouting up at Zoro, who was right before the door to the kitchen, where the helm was located.
"That won't work in these waves!" He was shouting back to her.
"Luffy! We have to protect the ship! It's in bad enough shape as it is!" Sanji was yelling as he was trying to inform him.
"Yosh!" He was all for it until he spotted something odd. "Usopp?"  And that was the fact that Usopp was just sitting on deck meditating.
"To ease one's fear, become calm and close your eyes... and then slowly lift your eyelids... see? A nice, quiet- A SKELETON!" Usopp started screaming throwing the skeleton towards Nami.
"IDIOT! DON'T THROW IT OVER HERE!" Which she didn't like all that much.
"THERE'S MORE STILL COMING DOWN!" Sanji yelled again.
"A SKELETON!" Usopp screamed once throwing it towards Nami.
"IDIOT! DON'T THROW IT OVER HERE!" She screamed once again. Before long the rain of rubble and such came to an end, as did the large wild waves.
"Why'd a ship fall out of the sky!?" However, everyone was still looking up, just to be safe.
"It's a total mystery." Sanji came to say this, while lighting up a cigarette.
"There's nothing in the sky." Zoro said, which was a relief to all.
"Damn, the Grand Line is so scary!"  But Usopp and Chopper where both hugging onto Iris...
"There, there." who was patting on them across the back, to calm them both down.
"There was a ship's graveyard in the Rainbow Mist, And now a ship falls from the sky..." but then out of nowhere, Nami suddenly screamed. This caused everyone to turn towards her panicked.
"Nami, are you alright?" The Angel came to ask, still holding Usopp and Chopper.
"Something's wrong." That was obvious since she had screamed. "The Log Poss is broken. It's pointing up and it won't move!" This had all been said.
"That's not it." However, Robin had spoken up, disagreeing. "An island with a stronger magnetic field is causing the needle to point towards a new Log." She had gone onto explaining as this was how it always worked, but Nami was looking at her in confusion. "And since the needle is pointing up... The Log seems to have been taken by Sky Island." With that being said, the woman was now looking up at the sky with a slightly complex expression.
"SKY ISLAND!?" Everyone had yelled in disbelief, since no one has heard of such thing before.
"What's that?" Nami asked.
"Is it a floating island!?" Luffy was already excited.
"Th-th-that ship and those s-skeletons fell from there!?" Usopp was still shaking like a leaf .
"How high can you fly?" This was being asked by Zoro as he was speaking to Iris, looking at her.
"Honestly, I don't exactly know. However, I've never seen an island or anything that could be used to support one." She came to explain, also looking back at him.
"I wouldn't say that. To be more precise, what floating up there is a sea." Robin explained some more.
"A sea!?" Nami yelled. And the idiot trio were amazed.
"This gets harder and harder to take in." Sanji crosses his arms.
"So there's an ocean in the sky with an island on it! Yosh, let's go!" Luffy cheered without think.
"Okay, men! Steer the helm up!" As did Usopp.
"HARD TURN SKYWARD!" They shouted, to shut Luffy up Robin used her ability to cover his mouth. Then there was Usopp, he had started crying.
"Lu, we are unable to point the helm up like you ordered." Iris bent down slightly, with her hands leaning on her knees as she spoke down to the Captain.
"Actually, to tell the truth, I've never seen Sky Island. And I don't know much about it." Robin then came to say.
"Of course not! It's all impossible! Islands and seas floating in the sky... the Log Post is broken, that's all." Nami insisted on this fact, however...
"No, Miss Navigator. What you should think of now is not how to fix a broken Log Pose, but how are you are going to get to the Sky." The navigator was a bit surprised but Robin continued speaking. "No matter what bizarre circumstances your ship should encounter, no matter what panic should befall you... You must not doubt the Log Post. That is an iron-clad rule. On the sea, if there is something to doubt, it's your own commonsense." Nami came to look down at the Log Pose. "Where that needle points, you will find an Island." Robin had been the one that's lived in the Grand line the longest, so the others decided to listen to her. However, they at least needed to find more information and it appeared that the Archaeologist turned to a coffin that was in the ship.
"She opened the casket..." Chopper was completely creeped out by this. "What's she doing?" He appeared to be so creeped out that he decided to hide behind the mast, but of course due to his habit it was in reverse. However, he wasn't the only one as Nami were on the other side shaking her wrist with the Log on it.
"Will you find anything out?" Zoro asked watching as...
"I  don't know." Robin was carefully putting the skull belonging to the skeleton together/
"You have some nasty hobbies!" Nami came to yell at her.
"Seeing a beautiful body next to a deceased one is a quaint sight in itself." Sanji was crouching at the head of the coffin, intrigued.
"Where's Luffy?" Zoro had come to notice how quiet it was, which wouldn't be the case if Luffy was on the ship. "What are they up to now?" The swordsman came to ask after spotting not just Luffy, but both Usopp and Iris over on the Wreckage.
"They said they were exploring." Chopper came to answer him. "But Iris went with them to make sure nothing happens." That had then been added to explain her involvement.
"Restoration complete." But all turned back when Sanji had come to speak in amazement. This was all due to Robin, completely and Successfully restoring the skull to its original state.
"The holes here are artificial." Robin began to analyse the skull for clues.
"So this guy ran through by something and died?" The cook came to assume this, since he through this was the only cause.
No, this is the result of medical treatment." However, Robin knew better upon looking. "Burr hole surgery, don't you think, Mr. Doctor?" She had spoken to the reindeer that was trained as a doctor.
"Yeah, to remove brain tumours, they used to drill holes in the skull." He had began to explain the procedure. "But that's an archaic practice!" He had then came to say.
"Yes, at least 200 years have passed since he died." The archaeologist had stated, appearing to already know what happened. "He was in his early 30's. During his voyage, he collapsed and died from illness. More so than the other bones, his teeth have remained in good condition. They must have been coated with tar. This custom was peculiar to a specific region of South Blue. Considering the flow of history, that ship must have been an exploratory vessel." The others were quite surprised by all of this. Meanwhile, Robin had gone below deck to her books and brought one up flicking through it. "Here." She finally came to a stop after a bit. "The Bliss Kingdom in South Blue. That ship, the St. Bliss, originated from there. It sailed 208 years ago.."
"hat's the same ship that fell down on us." Nami had been the one to say upon looking at the picture of the ship.
"Yeah, it had that same mark on it." Zoro was looking at it as well, remember the mark from the ship.
"So for at least 200 years, this ship has been wandering around in the sky." Robin seemed amazed.
"Finding all that out from some bones..." Nami seemed a bit surprised and a bit sceptical about this.
"Corpses have only lost their ability to speak. They still contain much information." It had been explained by the Archaeologist. "If it was an exploratory vessel, there must be other forms of evidence and document still on the ship." Robin had come to inform her of this.
"Yeah, but the ship is sinking into the sea..." The navigator was turning into the direction of the other ship as she spoke... "AHH! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" Only to then snap upon seeing Luffy drowning in the water
"LUFFY! HANG ON!" Usopp was shouting
"Grab Usopp's hand." As he was being held up by Iris, who was hovering above, trying to grab him without falling in themselves.
"Sebe mi!" After Usopp had finally grabbed ahold of Luffy, Iris had flew back to the ship with both other them, landing on her. "Oi, guys! I did it!" The captain was having difficulty breathing. "I found something great! Look at this!" Luffy an raffled an old paper, that looking like a map and it was. The map was of Skypiea.
"A map of Sky Island!?" Most of them couldn't believe it, Nami took the map from Luffy and started looking at it closely.
"Skypiea?" She said the name that was written on it.
"See? See?" Luffy asked excited.
"So there really is an island in the sky?" Nami asked and before anyone could say anything, Luffy, Usopp and chopper were all cheering.
"We did it! Sky Island does exist!" The two human's began kicking their legs up, with their arms wrapped around each other's neck and Chopper sitting on their shoulders as they were dancing. "A dream island! We're going to a dream island!" Luffy was shouted over and over again.
"Dream island!" Having the other two joining in as well.
"You're celebrating too early. Its still only a possibility. The world is full of fake maps." Nami had come to inform them of this, and in an instant all three of them looked like the world was coming to an end.
"Nami..." Iris whispered softly to her, pointing out their overly disappeared looks.
"Ah, sorry. It exists, it exists. It exists, but..." and she had done a completely 180 since she didn't want them to look at her like that.  "Listen, Luffy! I don't know how to get there!" However, it didn't change things as she was shouting and punched the iron of the mast.
"Ah, Nami... go easy on the ship." Usopp tried telling her since they only got it fixed no that long ago.
"You're the navigator! Figure it out!" But Luffy shouted over him.
"There are things I can and can't do!" Which had Nami shouting back at him.
"Nami is so cute when she's mad..." Sanji was saying while watching the girl shouting.
"I don't care! We're going to Sky Island!" Nami had lost her patients and knocked the poor captain out. "This is getting us nowhere! In any case, we can't possibly continue on like this. What we need now is exactly what Robin said, information." She turned to the others saying, which was correct. "Of that giant ship really was in the sky, then there must be a way for our ship to get there too. We need to get onto that ship and pull out and documents or records left."
"However, the ship is now at the bottom of the sea." Iris had remained her of this fact.
"If it's sunk, we'll salvage it!" That had been shouted by the navigator.
"YOSHA!" Luffy had completely recover and both him and Usopp had net and fish rod in hand for some reason, all excited and ready, however...
"YOU CAN'T USE THOSE!!" Zoro pointed this fact out to them.
"Salvage?" Chopped didn't know what it meant, it was understandable since he never learnt anything but medicine on his island.
"It's a method bringing up ships that have sunk." Robin had explained to him as she was sitting on the stairs beside him. "But we can salvage that ship. It's too big."

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