A Monster!?

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The gondola had finally reached the mountain and the first one to jump off had been Usopp. "Okay! I'll go check things out!" He had told the others, being all brave as Zoro then jumped off to turn back to Iris, holding out his hand for her to take as she got off as well. "It's okay! Everyone just follow after me!" While Usopp was away saying that, both Zoro and Iris were already heading for the stair case leading up. "Hold on, Zoro! Iris!" Which wasn't something the long nose boy was happy about since he wanted to show off. "Now to release my 'serious power'!" He took off run on ahead of them, and opened up the entrance that came out from the ground. Zoro and Iris had come stepping out first.
"Oi! Quit tugging on us!" Only for the swordsman snapped down to behind him and Iris as Usopp was clinging onto the back of their clothing.
"It's alright, I'm right behind you." The long nose boy was trying to be tough.
"If you're scared, why don't you just come out after?" Zoro was asking him while Iris seemed to find it amusing.
"I-I-I'm n-not s-scared 'c-cause I..." for some reason a battle cry reached the ears of Iris
"This voice..." She knew that voice and looked above them where something was flying towards them. "Oh my, this doesn't look go."
"What doesn't?" The other two followed her sight only... "LUFFY!?" For them both to become pretty scared seeing Luffy flying right at them.
"Ah! Zoro! Usopp! Iris!" It seemed like he didn't even know it was them until a second before he crashed into them. Soon after the cloud of snow had disappeared Vivi came out from below, only to find Zoro, Usopp and Iris covered in snow and the legs of Luffy sticking out, before he freed himself and found it completely funny as he was laughing.
"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT FOR!?" Zoro, of course, ended up snapping at him while sitting up.
"Oh, it's you guys! I remembered seeing Zoro's clothes before... so I thought you were more of that guys friends." Luffy had explained to the reason why he attacked them.
"It would make sense, since Zoro did steal it from Wapol's men." When Iris explain that as she was standing up once again.
"So you guys climbed the mountain too, huh? Usopp, didn't you say that you couldn't climb?" Luffy moved on turning to Usopp that gotten up, but blood trailed out of his nose..
"Don't be ridiculous! I'm the kind of man that says: 'if there's a mountain, climb it.' However, this cliff was somewhat of an adventure."
"We came up via the ropeway, Luffy." Vivi had walked over to the group informing him of the truth. "Are Nami and Sanji all right?" Before moving into asking that.
"Yeah! They're going better."
"Of course." Iris was glad, and it seemed Vivi was too as she sent her into her own world like Usopp right now who was making up stories.
"And? What were you doing on top of the castle?" Zoro had asked him.
"I was beating up a King." Luffy had stated as if it was nothin.
"So that person that flew off into the distance a minute ago..." Dalton had came out from before. "...really was Wapol? You beat him...?"
"Yeah, why?" Luffy had answered.
"And his two minsters?"
"The reindeer beat them up." Luffy said not making any sense to the others.
"Beaten... by a reindeer?" Iris was just as confused, but not stunned, as Dalton but Luffy wasn't lying.
"Oh yeah, Usopp! Listen to this! I found us a new friend!" Luffy had said, was it this reindeer he was talking about.
"What?" The sound of snow shuffling caused them to looked to the right and there they saw what Luffy was talking about or maybe a who. It was the creature that clearly ate a Devil's Fruit. He was a toddler-sized human/reindeer hybrid. His left antler is braced at the base by a metal plate. He wore a large pale pink fuzzy top hat with a sideways medical cross and a maroon pair of shorts. But the strangest thing about him was his blue nose.
"A Blue nose..." Dalton was shaking as he looked at the reindeer. "You were there... back then... I see. You've been continually fighting since then." He had then fell to his knees and hands then bowed his head. "Thank you. Drum will surely... surely... be reborn!" He was crying as he was saying this. The tears were of joy but at the same time of pain.
"W-What's That? That weird creature!" The men from the village came running out and spotted to man reindeer.
"A... A reindeer?"
"I-It's a m-m-m-monste-!" They were beginning to freak out at the fight of it.
"Oi, that's enough!" But Dalton had snapped at them.
"A MONSTER!" But Usopp had said it and it seemed to effect the little guy a lot because his face had just turned pale hearing those words and then he was off running.
"DON'T CALL HIM A MONSTER!" Luffy ended punched the long nose across the head. "He's the new friend I found!"
"What? That thing?" He was shocked to hear. But it was then when Chopper ran off screaming.
"You're being quite rude." Iris had told him, since it was clear that he was the new friend Luffy found. "Oh my, it appears that he ran away." Which was why...
"He was so shocked that he ran away!" At least Luffy understood that. "Wait! Monster!"
"Didn't you just say don't call him a monster?" Iris asked as he was chasing after the reindeer, but all well...
"Oi reindeer! Oi, Wait up! Oi! Reindeer! You're my friend! Oi! REINDEER! You're definitely one of my friends! Wait reindeer!"
"I AM NOT STOPPING!!" They both seemed to be having fun. After that, Luffy and reindeer disappeared to who nowhere where.
"Are you alright, Dalton?Vivi had ran to him after he had fallen to his knees after getting up before.
"Yes, I am fine. I just lost myself for a moment. I just need to rest for a bit." He had told them
"Oi. You guys." The voice of an old lady caused everyone to turn.
"D-Dr. Kureha!" All The man had said in fear at the sight of Doctrine.
"Ya happy, brats?" Everyone found themselves looked at a slender woman that was exceptionally advanced age and apart from her well-wrinkled face. She was dressed in a style more suited to women one-seventh her age. This includes a navel ring, a shirt that bares her midriff, a purple blazer and purple low-riding pants. She had a pair of small sunglasses that were on her forehead. And finally she wore bracelets and rings on her left hand. The men had seemed more afraid of her then of the soldiers which Iris was a bit surprising. "Bring the injured into the infirmary." She had pointed to the castle but then...
"You're that freakin' Old bitch from before!" Zoro yelled that and had his ass handed to him as hit the ground.
"Don't leave a single one behind!" The woman, who was most likely Dr. Kureha had shouted to the men walking over Zoro.
"Yes ma'am!"
"This is no time to be lounging about. Unless you wanna end up like this guy here." She pointed to Zoro as she spoke.
"You completely deserved that." Iris was crouched down beside him saying.
"Quit your complaining... and get back to the infirmary RIGHT NOW!!" Dr. Kureha was one strong woman bricking a brick wall with one kick. All the men from the village helped cared the injured, which was just Dalton to the infirmary where Nami was forced to go back to this time she had Iris and Vivi with her but...
"You know... I don't remember Alice being like this." Iris said as she remembered the doctor of Black Cat, who was extremely kind and caring. It was then when she could hear the sounds of Sanji's screaming coming from the next room. It stopped not long before Doctrine had come out of the room.
"As I thought, he aggravated it. That's what he gets for overdoing things." She had said opening a bottle of alcohol and chugged it down. "Now then... Dalton. Where is the key to the castle armoury? You know, right?" She turned to him asking as he lied down in bed.
"The key to the armoury? What do you want with it?" Dalton had answered with another question.
"What I do with it is my business." The witch had told him.
"Wapol has always carried that key on his person." Meaning he carried with him all the time. "If that is so, it has flown off into the sky along with him."
"What? Are you serious?" Doctorine had stopped drinking and asked. "That's a problem..."
"Doctorine..." Hearing her nickname, the old woman turned to Nami who was sitting up, smirking. "Would you make our craw recovery say, free? And also, would you mind releasing me now?" The girl had her scheming face on.
"I think you already know the answer to that. The fee is all the gold and cargo on your ship. And you have to stay here for at least another two days." Doctorine had told her.
"Nami, she's right! You have to let her care for you!" Vivi had turned to her yelling.
"I'm fine. I don't feel like dying anytime soon." Nami was trying to joke.
"I don't think it about feeling." Iris had stated to her, but that's when Nami had pulled something from under the covers and it spun around her finger.
"You need this key to the armoury, don't you?" She had asked holding out a key, and Dalton had shot up from bed.
"How did you get that key!?" He had asked her in shock that she possessed it.
"Is that really it? What's this about?"
"I stole it." Nami had answered.
"Old habits die hard, huh?" Iris had asked looking at her.
"You've got some guts giving me conditions." Doctorine had gotten in Nami's face. "You're a rotten little girl. Fine." She had taken the key out of Nami's hand. "I won't take any payment for treating you. But that's all. I cannot accept the second condition, as a doctor." Doctorine had stated pulling on her jacket as she headed for the door.
"Hey, Wait! I'm not handing over the key then!" Nami had yelled as if she still had the key, "Give it back!"
"Listen here, little girl!" The old doctor had turned around pointing directly at Nami as she spoke. "I'll be out for a while attending to some business. There's a coat I'm a chest of drawers in the inner room. And nobody is keeping any sort of watch. Plus, I'm done treating that greenhorn's spine, but... listen here! Don't you dare run off on me! You guys come with me. I'm gonna need some strong arms!" With that, she left with the men.
"Did she just tell us to steal her coat, grab Sanji and make a break for it?" Iris had asked the other two as they were just staring at the door.
"That's what I heard as well." Vivi stated a bit surprised. Which was why they stole the coat and grabbed Sanji before leaving the infirmary. Iris was the one carrying Sanji over her shoulder as they left the castle.
"Tony." Nami had stopped as she looked off, turning to where it was she was looking at Chopper that was standing there looking at the ground.
"Oi! Let's be pirates together! Huh!?" Luffy was yelling happily to him.
"I can't!" He had shouted back.
"No it's not! It's fun!" But like always, Luffy missed the point.
"You haven't even heard Why yet!" Usopp shouted at him.
"I mean... I mean I'm a reindeer! With antlers, and hooves, and... and a blue nose!" None of them seemed to understand. But it was clear he had some sort of complex about being who he was. "I want to be a pirate, but..." He seemed to be having a hard time trying to really refuse Luffy. "I can't be friends with a human, y'know! I'm a monster! Someone like me CAN'T be your friend!" So in other words he really want to be. "So...! So, I'm here... I'm here to say thanks. Thank you for the invitation. I'll stay here, but... if you ever feel like it, come back someday and-"
"SHUT IT! LETS GO!" Luffy shouted with all his heart and they made the little guy begin to cry.
"Since when is 'Shut up!' an invitation?" After all that Chopper had gone to go tell Doctorine his decision, leaving the crew outside waiting.
"Oi, Nami. Are you sure you're healthy enough?" Usopp has asked her.
"I'm fine, the picture of health!" Nami had given him the thumbs up.
"Yeah, if she's fine with scamming people, I think she's healthy." Iris had stated looking at the girl.
"Oi, should we go say goodbye to Old Doctor Lady and Dalton Guy from the village , too?" Luffy was asking the others riding on a snow ball.
"You're so dense. Just let him be with Doctorine alone. They've been living together for six years now. There's probably gonna be a lite of crying. Doctorine may seem tough on the surface... but she's really a very gentle person." Nami was explained to the group.
"Are you sure?" Luffy asked not convinced.
"Then, we're just gonna leave it like this?" Usopp had asked Nami.
"Of course. As soon as Chopper comes out, we'll head down the mountain... and set sail for Alabasta! Vivi, you'll agree with that, right?" The Navigator had turned to the Princess,
"Yes, as long as we have a doctor." Vivi had said.
"Doctor?" Luffy echoed confused,
"Okay, then I'll get the ropeway ready." Usopp had said walking over to the hatch. "Oi, Luffy! Give me a hand."
"I never knew there was a ropeway! How cool~!" The Captain was following after him. The moment Luffy and Usopp when's below to the ropeway, The sounds of screaming could be heard from inside the castle.
"What? Something's going on in the castle." Zoro had stated hearing them
"Really, How uncivilised. Can't they keep quiet on a night when two people part ways?" Nami had no idea what was really going on
"Oh! Here he come-!" Iris was saying only to be shocked at what she saw and when the other saw they had the same reaction.
"What's going on?" Chopper was now a complete reindeer and was running at them with a sledge but not only that Doctorine was running behind him with a chain and ball being swung around. "She's chasing him!"
"Oi, the ropeway's all ready to-" Usopp was yelling but stopped seeing what was happening.
"EVERYONE GET ON THE SLEIGH! WE'RE GOING DOWN THE MOUNTAIN!" Chopper was shouting running with all his might.
"WHAT THE...!?" They all yelled seeing the ball and chain flying in the air towards them. They had all ran the other way, away from Doctorine. Well, almost all of them, Iris took to the sky grabbing onto Nami and Vivi as Sanji, who was still unconscious was grabbed by Luffy and thrown into the sleigh followed by the others getting on. Chopper had started running down the ropeway. But Iris looked back behind her.
"I see." Where she saw the old woman standing at the edge of cliff she could see the expression on her face.
"That felt great!" Luffy was shouting as they were now on the ground heading to the Going Merry. "Oi, let's do it again!"
"Idiot! We're leaving!" Nami snapped at him.
"I thought I was gonna die!" Usopp was breathing heavily.
"You always think your going to die." Iris pointed out since that was the truth.
"Where the hell am I?" Had been the first thing Sanji asked waking up.
"Sanji, are you awake?" Vivi had asked an obvious question. They were still going when the sound of cannons were being fired but it wasn't cannonballs that had been fired but something Beyond beautiful.
"It's a giant Sakura Tree!" Iris had shouted after they had come to a stop to see the bright pink lights that had formed like a cherry bloom tree and there was someone that was crying their heart out seeing this view and that was Chopper seeing that his father's dream came true. Even when the crew made it back to the ship and were sailing of, the view wasn't over as they were all at the back of ship in the Aft deck watching.
"Oi... is that Chopper guy okay?" Usopp had asked Nami noticing that Chopper hadn't moved since they got on.
"Let's leave him be for now." Nami had told him.
"Right now, he's trying to comprehend the 'journey of a man'." Sanji stated blowing smoke out.
"He's never left this island even once in his entire life. And now he's leaving it behind." Vivi said as they all just watched him from a far.
"I'm on my way. Doctor, Doctorine." Chopper said watching his home beginning to move away slowly. "It's finally begun. My... adventure!" The guys seemed to have moved on and were laughing loudly as Luffy had chopsticks stinking out of his nose and his mouth.
"I love it! I love it!"
"The moon's out and the sakura's bloomed!"
"Chopper! Oi, Chopper! You jerk, how long are you gonna sit there spacing out!?" Usopp was yelling asking and pulled him over. "Drink." And tried to hand him a mug.
"Aw, come over here and sing with me!" Sanji pushes the long nose out of the way and placed his arms over his shoulder.
"Come on, try the nose-chopsticks!" Luffy had told him, holding out a pair of Chopsticks.
"Ah, what a beautiful Sakura!" The guys had completely fallen into party mode. "It's not right if we don't sing now!" Chopper had escaped them backing away slowly but was startled when someone grabbed his shoulders.
"Did I startle you?" Nami was the one that had grabbed him. "You've just become the friend of quite a bunch of scoundrels." She told him as she looked over to the guys.
"Friends?" Chopper echoed, turning around to face her.
"That's right." He then turned and saw Iris eye level with him smiling gently. "They might not have common sense shared between the four of them but they are you friends from now on." She had told him.
"You'll just have to get used to them, okay?" Nami had then said to him and he smiled with his nose twitching.
"Carue! Why were you frozen in the river?!" Needless to say, when the crew had returned to the ship they found Carue in the river frozen, they were surprised.
"Haha, he probably slipped and fell in." Zoro said not knowing that he was the reason. "What a klutz." He was laughing along with Sanji.
"Be quiet, Mr. Bushido!"
"He said some Zoro guy went swimming in the river. And when he didn't come back, he was afraid something bad happened, so he jumped in after him and got frozen." Chopper had told the others and when Nami heard that,
"So it was YOUR fault!" She smashed Zoro's head in from behind.
"Wow, can you understand Carue?" Iris had kneeled down asking him impressed.
"Yeah, I was originally an animal. So I can talk to other animals." Chopper had explained.
"You can talk to animals?" Vivi had echoed.
"That's wonderful, Chopper! You have your medical abilities, and that as well!" Nami was yelling all excited.
"And his so cute too!" Iris was happily saying that
"Idiots! Complimenting me like that doesn't make me happy! Assholes!" Despite what his yelling but he sure looked really happy.
"He looks pretty happy." Luffy and Usopp had said on both sides of him.
"By the way Nami, what do you mean 'medical abilities'?" Zoro had asked not knowing Chopper was trained to be a doctor.
"Chopper's a Doctor. He had every single bit of Dr. Kureha's medical knowledge pounded into him. He's a first-Class doctor!" Nami had happily informed him.
"WHAT!?" All the guys were shocked, even Luffy who invited him.
"Chopper, you're a doctor?!" Zoro had to make sure.
"Wow!" Luffy was impressed,
"You're kidding!" And Usopp just couldn't believe it.
"Geez! Just what exactly did you invite Chopper to be?" Nami had asked looking at Luffy.
"A cool Seven-level transforming reindeer." Was the captain's answer and he was really serious.
"Emergency food supply." As was Sanji, sadly, which gave Chopper a heart attack when he seemed to have remembered something.
"Oh no! I was in such a hurry to leave that I forgot my medical supplies!" The reindeer was saying but...
"Is this what you're talking about?" Iris had asked holding up a small blue backpack that had a white cross on it.
"My backpack!" Chopper was shocked to see it.
"I found it in the sleigh." She had explained to him
"Why?" But he was confused.
"I don't understand. Was it not you that had prepared these?" Iris had titled her head confused, but that's when it hit Chopper. It wasn't him, but Doctorine
"So in the end... she already knew what was in your heart." Nami had said about the old female doctor.
"Mothers really are amazing people, aren't they?" Iris had turned to the girl.
"Yep, they sure are." Both their mothers had sacrificed everything just to protect them when they were only children.
"Yeah." Chopper had agreed with them as he was beginning to cry with both of females sitting beside him.
"Oi, Chopper! Come and try this already!" Luffy was shouting because the guys started up their party again.
"Honestly! The sun's coming up already! Right, Chopper?" When there was no response Nami looked down to see Iris helping Chopper with the Chopsticks. "DON'T DO THAT!" She snapped at the two of them and they looked confused at one another.
"OKAY! Hey, dorks! EYES UP!" Usopp was shouting trying to get everyone's attention. "I would like to introduce our new crewmate... Tony Tony Chopper!" As he was saying all this stuff, Zoro and Sanji had started another one of their fight while Luffy demanded for meat. "As our ship's doctor, Chopper's responsibilities will include..."
"You know..."
"LISTEN TO ME, YOU JERKS!" Usopp had lost it and began yelling at the guys,
"You know..." Chopper had repeated, "This is the first time I've even had this much fun!" He had shouted throwing his hooves in the air.
"That's great!" Iris and Nami smiled to him.
"To our new friend! Cheers!" Usopp had held up his mug. And everyone else had thrown theirs up as well yelling for joy. With Nami cured and their new doctor, Chopper their adventure was once again just beginning as they headed to Alabasta.

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