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With everything decided the crew had began heading for the Going Merry. Usopp, Chopper and Robin had boarded the ship, while Zoro, Iris and Sanji were stopped half was since... "What are you doing, Luffy?" Nami was on the shore calling to Luffy who hadn't moved.
"What are we running away?" He came to ask her, clearly not listening completely to the conversation.
"Because we're in danger!" She answered him.
"Aren't we always in danger?" But it didn't work since what he said it true.
"But, this isn't just about us. We might get those two arrested too!" Then the navigator brought up Conis and Pagaya.
"But they didn't do anything wrong." Once again it didn't seem to work. "Arresting them is what would be wrong."
"You've got a point, but..." His words held truth and Nami wasn't able to deny that.
"How long do we gotta wait?" Usopp was beginning to lose patience as Luffy wasn't moving. "Hurry up already!"
"How many times do I have to tell you!?" Not that they were listening to him. "It's too dangerous here! Not just for us, but for them too!" She was now shouting at him in frustration.
"There's danger no matter where we go." However, she was becoming more so as Luffy continued to refuse listening to her.
"Please run away!" It was then when Conis' voice had caused all to look off to the distances slightly. "Hurry!" It was then when they saw Conis and Pagaya both being surrounded by the White Berets.
"Crap!" And Nami saw that McKinley was awake and terrified.
"That's enough, young lady. Know that if you try to aid these criminals, you two will suffer grave consequences as well." McKinley informed her of this, while threatening her. "At any rate, for repeatedly directing abusive language towards us, and for the obstruction of a public servant... These Class-five criminals are sentenced to cloud-drifting!"
"But I told you that was an accident!" Nami shouted at him before grabbing onto Luffy. "Jeez... Hurry!" She was trying to drag him to the ship running.
"ARREST THEM!" A few of the men stepped forwards, with bows and arrows in hand.
"Please run away! You can't fight them!" Conis once again pleaded with them. However, Luffy, Zoro, Iris and Sanji were ready to fight.
"Fire!" McKinley ordered his men. "Milky Arrow!" The arrows had been fired, but for some reason there was smoke coming out from them.
"Go on ahead, Nami!" Luffy shouted pulling his arm from her grip.
"Okay!" And she took off for the ship as the arrows closed in. The Captain barely dodged one as he leaped up and then he had to dodge two more that he did. However, he ended up falling onto a stream of cloud which had come out from the arrows that were fired.
"What is this stuff?" He was confused at what he was looking up at now. "Clouds?" Each one of the arrows had created a stream of Land Could. Luffy was having a hard time seeing the enemy because of them and started climbing to the two of it, only to meet even more arrows.
"Charge... White Berets!" With those orders given, the soldiers had blades on their feet as they leaped onto the cloud they fired and where now skating on them. Luffy seemed to be slightly flustered as one was heading right for him, however, he leaped into the air and grabbed onto the cloud above to avoid it.
"What? How're you doing that?" He got down and was facing the men while asking this. But they didn't answer, only chuckled, and pulled out weapons before they one again charged at Luffy. As Luffy was made of rubber he was able to defend against bullets... However, blades were a different story. "It's so fluffy I can't run!" He was trying to run on the clouds, but his feet were slightly sinking into it. If that was the only problem they he would be fine, but he was being attacked from all directions as he was being leaped at. Of course he was dodging the attacks.
"Watch out!" Conis shouted out to him as he was being attacked once agin.
"How foolish. Trying to escape from us."
"So that's it!" Although, Luffy was able to avoid as he was now hanging upside down on the cloud looking at the White Berets that were now lining up behind one another. "A skate type, huh?" He seemed to have realise how they were able to move on the cloud with no problems, unlike him. "Pretty neat!" He was back to his feet and it was then when they began charging once again with their arms sticking out. "You guys have some pretty cool stuff!" He was getting side track like normal but as they went in for a combo attack Luffy had come to disappear.
"What the...?" He had stretched his arm towards a tree where it wrapped around so that he could retract the rubber, causing his body to head towards it. "What the hell is he?" But not knowing that Luffy was a Devil Fruit eater they were shocked.
"His arm... His arm stretched!" Both Conis
"My word!" and Pagaya were just as shock as they were watching.
"Gum Gum..." Luffy had began rotating the upper half of his body in the opposite direction of his lower half.
"Impossible...! The Devil's Fruit!?" McKinley seemed to realised that he had underestimated Luffy.
"...Fireworks!" He then stretched and wraps himself in his own arms and legs like a rubber ball. When the rubber rebounds and the 'ball' is unwrapped he unleashes a flurry of punches and kicks of increased speed, that go in every direction due to his fists and feet bouncing back and forth. The White Berets were being sent flying all around being knocked out. All but one that was hiding in the clouds and was about to fire Luffy in the back when suddenly a set of wings had wrapped around the captain, as a sword sliced through the bow and a foot smashed into the man's head, knowing him out.
"That reminds me..." Zoro seemed to have remembered something as he placed his sword away. "Nami! What's our financial situation right now?" He turned towards the ship where the navigator was on now.
"50, 000 beli left." Had been the answer she gave him.
"So even if we wanted to pay them we could not." Iris kind of laugh as she spoken, while removing her wings from Luffy.
"Usually, that's only enough to last us one or two days." Nami explained this fact to them.
"Why are we so poor? As your Captain, I have to tell you. you need to be more careful about how you spend our money!" This was being stated by the person that had no rights in saying that.
"IT ALL GOES TOWARDS FEEDING YOU!!" The cook ended up snapping at him as a reminder, and it appeared he had no idea this was the case.
"Yosh! It seems my idea to use Formation B was a success." Usopp was standing on the deck, his arms cross while looking serious upon saying this.
"Really!?" While Chopper was standing on the inner railing in shock.
"The White Berets..."
"They beat them..." it appeared that Conis and Pagaya were stunned at this fact. "I thought people from the Blue Sea were supposed to find strenuous exercise difficulty here." While it was true that it would be the case for most, the four standing in the middle of unconscious bodies were far from normal. With Iris it might have been due to her Devil Fruit but who can really say.
"There's no going back now!" However, it was then that laughter pulled all attention to the small forest. "You should have just obediently followed our orders! The White Berets are the most gentle and understanding of all the guardians in Godland. But they... will not be so forgiving!" McKinley was laughing once again after stating this. "You are now Class-2 criminals! Beg and pleas all you want... The Priests of Upper Yard... will be the ones to judge you! Heso!"

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