Missing Each Other!

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After hearing the witch, Dr. Kureha was in the neighbouring village had caused shock to Iris and that. Which was why they had were heading for Cocoweed, with Dalton being their guide. He was also the one driving the sled that they were all on. "Forgive me. This was a miss on my part." When Dalton had said that, the other three didn't quite understand why. "I have heard yesterday that the doctor was coming down the mountain, but... I expected her to take days to do so." He had then explained, but none of them blamed him for such a thing. The only thing that was the problem had been Luffy and Sanji's inhuman strength.
"Even if we tried to follow them up that Snow Mountain... we probably wouldn't be able to catch up!" Usopp was explaining but turned to Iris. "And since the weather is getting worse, we can't have Iris go as she'll be unable to fly properly."
"Sorry." She had to apologise for that, since she wasn't used to these conditions as she had originally rarely used her wings.
"If the witch is in this Cocoweed Village, we'll just have to ask her to go back to her castle right away!" That was the only thing that could do, since there was no other way.
"Forgive me..." Dalton had once again said. "For this country is without doctors..."
"N-No! It's nothing you need to apologise for, Dalton." Vivi was telling him, since it didn't make sense for him to be apologising.
"That's right." But he didn't say anything in response only that they should hurry. But something was weighing on Iris mind as she looked at the large man's back.
"Don't you think... it's about you tell us who you really are?" She had asked him because not matter how she looked at him, he wasn't an ordinary villager. In fact, he almost acted like a solider.
"I... served the former King. I was Wapol's subordinate." Besides Iris, the other two were pretty surprised at hearing this. "Since the reign of the previous King, I have served as this country is Captain of the Guard. But when the King passed away, his son Wapol succeeded the throne. And the county changed." He had explained about the plan that Wapol to kick all Doctors off the ideal, keeping only the best twenty by his side called 20 MDs. Dalton spoke up against this, asking who would the people see when their sick. However, Wapol couldn't care less, as it had nothing to do with him and if people wanted to see a doctor they and to thrown themselves before him. It would make no one able to oppose him.
"So, whoever got sick would have to make a deal with Wapol in order to see the 20 MDs?" Usopp asked making sure he understood correctly.
"And the cost for receiving medical treatment was enormous."
"That's the same as governing by taking the townspeople hostage! That's not government! It's a crime." Vivi was getting even anger upon hearing the story. It completely infuriated her upon hearing as she lead by example from her father, who was considered to be one of the greatest rulers in the world. Soon, the sled had come to arrive upon the town which Doctor Kureha was located. However...
"What did you say!? She already left the village? We just missed her!?" After speaking to some people in Cocoa Weed, a restaurant in town, they group came to find out that the witch had already left. "What a fix!" Usopp seemed completely shocked and frustrated.
"She just cured my infection." A small boy, sitting on a couch in the restaurant, had come to say as his legs were wrapped up in bandages. Although it was good for him and they were happy for the boy, but Usopp, Iris and Vivi missed the doctor which wasn't exactly good.
"Are you looking for the doctor, Dalton?" The owner of the restaurant and father of the boy had come to ask.
"We have an emergency patient." The large man had gone onto explaining. "Do you know where she went?"
"Someone said that Dr. Kureha was headed for Gyasta." Someone had come to inform them of this.
"To Gyasta?" Which shocked Dalton upon hearing this.
"Where is that?" Iris came to ask him, since they didn't know much about this island.
"Cutting through Bighorn, it's on the opposite side." It meant that the group completely passed right past them, just like Luffy's group. "Skating is quite popular there." Dalton gone onto saying like it was something to do with all this.
"I don't think that really matters in this situation." But it really didn't and Iris pointed it out.
"Yeah, She didn't ask!?" Usopp was beginning to lose it.
"Calm down, Usopp!" With Vivi was trying to calm him down. "Regardless, we should go. Now that we've come this far, we're no time to spare."
"Yeah, you're right." The long nose boy came to calm down as the princess was right.
"Dalton...!" But all had turned to the door upon hearing a panicked voice calling out. "So this is where you were...!" It was there where they found a badly injured man leaning up against the entrance frame, as the door was off.
"We're you part of the lookout team for today?" Dalton came to ask him, since he recognised the man, who had then came to collapse and if not for Iris would have fit the floor.
"Hey, are you alright?" She asked slightly panicked with the man in her arms.
"Whats wrong? What happened?" The former soldier had ran over to them asking the man how he got those horrible wounds. Which Iris' hand began to glow and the wounds lighting up as they were slowly healing.
"All the other guards... were decimated." The watchmen had began to explain, still struggling to speak as he was pretty banged up, even as Iris was healing him slowly.
"What?" And Dalton was in disbelief by the man's words.
"All of a sudden, this ship emerged from the ocean and... They crushed everyone!"
"Who are 'they'? Calm down and tell me who did this to you!" But the one that needed to calm down the most was Dalton.
"Dalton, please save me!" The watchman had jumped out from Iris' arm to grab ahold of the large man. "With our strength, we can't...!"
"What's going on?" Usopp was still confused at what was going on.
"Is it him?" But it seemed that Dalton knew exactly what and who was going on.
"What did he just say?"
"Wapol's back!?"
"Are you serious?" Panicked began to spread to the people inside the restaurant.
"O-Oi! Dalton!" And then Usopp was calling after Dalton that took off out of the building. With no other choice, the three left behind had taken off by themselves with a map. "Oi, Vivi. Are yiu sure we're headed the right way... to this 'Guasta' village the witch is at?" Usopp was asking as everything looked the same to him and she was the one holding the map.
"Now that you ask, I'm not really sure..." She had responded with looking down at the map in hand.
"If you're not sure, we're in trouble! Let's say Luffy and the others get out there first and find there's no doctor. They're gonna go, 'Oi! What's she doing!? Where is she?!" The long nose was explaining to her that if they didn't find the doctor soon and tell her to head back to the castle then...
"I know that, but..." Vivi cut him off as she already knew what they were like.
"If you know, then do something already. You're a princess, right?"
That has nothing to do with this! I'm not a witch, I'm a Princess." Usopp didn't seem all that satisfied. 'Then why don't you look at the map, Usopp?" Which had Vivi handing over the map to him.
"Don't be an idiot! Everything's covered with snow... what goods a map gonna do?" He was asking her when just moments ago he was telling her to do something.
"So, you didn't know where we"re going either?" She had asked him all smug like.
"Nope! I have absolutely no idea." And he answered with complete and utter pride in such a thing.
"You don't have to be so proud of it." She had gone onto saying. "Anyway, somewhere along this trail there's supposed to be a sign pointing the way to Gyasta. We mustn't miss it."
"Alright! You can count of me! Assign this one to me! Just kidding~!" He was joking around and was given no response on it. "Oi, are you ignoring me?" But Vivi had come to notice that Iris had remained silent throughout their entire conversation and looked behind to her.
"Is something the matter." She had asked the blonde woman looking off in the direction of the drum mountains.
"Ah... I'm not entirely sure." Iris came to turn to her before looking back to where she had been looking. "It looks like an..." She was looking at something white that was coming their way and it was looked quite clear what it was... "AN AVALANCHE!"

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