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A new day had come to the world but the Straw hats appeared to be sleeping after last night. Although, little by little they began to wake up and surprisingly, the one most likely to sleep the day away had come to sit up rubbing the back of his head as Nami, Sanji and Usopp seemed to be making preparations for breakfast. But it appeared that he was missing something.
"Hey, where's Iris?" Zoro came to ask upon not seeing any sign of the woman.
"She's probably with Robin." Nami came to stat as the mysterious beauty wasn't anywhere to be found either. But hearing that didn't seem to make him all that happy, especially since Iris seemed to be trying really hard to be with Robin as much as she could. However, that soon changed when the voice of a panicked little reindeer was heard.
"Come quick! Guys, wake up!" This had woken up the last member of the crew.
"Good nap. Is it time for breakfast?" Which had been the Captain that was yawning and stretching himself awake.
"It's the Marines! The Marines are here!" Chopper shouted hysterically.
"What?!" However, hearing this had shocked all up completely as it appeared Chopper was running back from the beach. It was only a few moments later that the group, that were present, took off running down to the beach only to find a single Marine ship off the shores of the island.
"Just one ship." Usopp came to say, surprised at the sight.
"It doesn't seem like they're going to attack." Nami said, especially when it had been only a few days ago where they were being attack by a fleet of them.
"What are they doing here?" Having asked this, Usopp came to the front of the group.
"Hello there, Straw Hat Pirates." They all found themselves looking up to a muscular average sized man with longish red hair came into view as he walked to the front of the ship. He had on the standard Marine uniform that has epaulets on its shoulders with brown fingerless gloves along with the hat, and he was smiling which couldn't be good. "I am Sergeant Minchi of the Marines. Please to meet you."
"Pleased to meet you?" Nami questioningly replied as that shouldn't be coming form his mouth.
"Yeah, my apologies for the other day." His smile wasn't sincere or honest. "If I had known who you were, I wouldn't have tried to chase you. And so, I apologise."
"That's weird coming from you. The Marines are supposed to chase pirates." No one was really falling for this, which had been why Sanji said such a thing.
"This sounds too good to be true." Usopp was stating as it were the truth. "We have to be careful."It appeared that this had caused Zoro to grab ahold of on of his swords, ready to pull it out.
"I-I beg of you, don't be angry! It was your crew that defeated Crocodile in Alabasta, correct? There's no way I'd fight such great pirates! Please believe me." The man began to panic as he spoke of what happened Alabasta. "Besides, if I intended to fight, I wouldn't have brought just one ship."
"Oh man, he's scared of us!" It appeared that Usopp was proud of this.
"And supposing we did fight you to the death, we wouldn't gain any profit whatsoever." That had come from the man.
"Then what are you doing here?" Sanji was asking while getting annoyed by this.
"Oh, I just came to explore this island. As it's not on any of our maps, it's a completely new location to us." That had been the answer given
"What do you mean, 'explore'? There's only an old man and some island goats here." However, Nami didn't think there was much on this island to being with and something seemed off.
"Where is the old man go anyway?" Usopp had come to notice that they hadn't seen the old man for a while now.
"I see! Then how about we give Zenny a courteous greeting?" Sergeant Minchi came to ask all, but Nami appear to have noticed him using 'Zenny's name. "After our investigation is concluded, we'll return to our base. And a bit of advice. You guys should leave as soon as possible. Since the Marines Headquarters wants you all dead." It seemed that none of them realised that almost everything this man was telling them was a lie.
"I see. We should get going soon then. I'll go get the food." Usopp was walking back to the forest. "And I've gotta tell Iris Robin."
"Are we gonna leave, Luffy?" Sanji came to ask the others as they were gathered in a circle so that the Sergeant wouldn't hear them speaking.
"Beyond the fog, the weather's great! We won't hinder you guys, so please go right ahead." Sergeant Minchi was starting to sound desperate as he spoke.
"I'll go when I'm ready to go! You don't decide that! If I were the Marines, I'd fight us even if I had only one ship left!" Luffy ended up snapping at him. The crew left were now once again looking at the marines
"And something else. How did you know gramps' name was Zenny?" Nami had came to ask the question.
"W-Well..." It appeared that he realised he had slipped up.
"I don't know what kind of exploring you're going to do, but it sounds pretty fishy. Could it be gramps' treasure?" The navigator had asked him straight out. He looked like he realised he had been caught. "Dead on, aren't I? We can't trust this guy!Yes, I just knew gramps was loaded!" She was getting all excited.
"I smell gunpowder." Chopper had suddenly caught the sent of something odd.
"Is it from his cannons?" Zoro came to ask him while crouching beside him.
"It's not just one ship's cannon. It's from more cannons than I can count." He had come to answer
"What are those?!" Soon the fog started clearing and dozens of ships were awaiting there.
"If we had set sail, we would've been attacked by this warships." Sanji came to state this.
"Dirty trickster!" Zoro had finally pulled out his swords. "I don't care how many warships you have! Bring it on!" He was ready to attack them.
"Wa-wait!" He yelled from the ship.
"Lu-Lu-Lu-Lu-Luffy!" The group all turned around, see a bunch of Marines coming down the mountain with Usopp captured.
"Usopp!" Luffy shouted in shock upon the sight.
"Guys~!" The long nose was crying out to them.
"Stand down! One false move and he dies!" There was one that was holding a sword to Usopp neck shouting.
"Shit, he already had guys on land..." Zoro pulling the sword out of his mouth.
"Good work, Corporal."
"Throw down your weapons! Or else..." The Corporal ordered us, as he ordered, Zoro had thrown his sword on the ground.
"Guys, just run!" Usopp was crying as he spoke. "They plan on killing us all either way!" At least Usopp was being slightly breeze right now.
"Keep your mouth shut!" But then he got all scared again.
"Shit, you cowards!" Luffy held himself from doing anything.
"The Captain isn't even here yet, and it's already over. Corporal!" The Marines Then pointed their guns at us.
"As I thought." Sanji only said, but it wasn't really a surprise.
"That's cheating!" Chopper shouted at them.
"Bullets won't hurt me!" Luffy said totally forgetting they could hurt the rest of the group.
"Well they'll hurt us!" Nami reminded him.
"Along with Zenny, I'll take the Straw Hat Pirates' heads! Now die!" It was in that moment the earth started shaking, and a loud sound of something moving hits all of their ears. Turning were the sound was coming from. "What!? A pirate ship coming down from the mountain top!?"

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