Broken Chains!

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Ever after hearing the story of Iris' past, the crew was still on the island. However, it wasn't just that, it seemed to have caused them to act. They crew didn't care and end up breaking into the made headquarters of Black Cat. "You guys must be either really brave or really stupid." Someone said standing at the top of the stairs. The person on the stairs was Mary.
"Wow, she's hot!" Everyone hits the floor after Sanji shouted.
"I take it you're really stupid." She had decided by looking at them, "and who might you idiots be?" She was rubbing the back of her head annoyed as she sighed.
"Oh, we're pirates!" Luffy shouted happily at her.
"I see, and since none of you are wanted there is no point in fighting you." Mary had dismissed them with her hand and was starting to walk away.
"We're here for Iris!" However, When Luffy shouted that out, she stopped in her tracks.
"Iris? Why?" She was stunned hearing that
"Because she's our friend! We've come to save her!" Luffy really didn't waste much time.
"Friends?" A grin had appeared across Mary's face filled with amazement as she looked down at the crew of pirates. "Of Iris'? Now that's a good reason to kill you all."
"How can she talked about killing as if it was nothing." Usopp was shaking in his shoes.
"Well, I take it your one of the main assassins?" Nami asked her, well it was more of a statement then a question.
"Yes, I'm Mary The Slash and I guess you already know that I have a Devil Fruit." The wind had started blowing widely around the entire way. Then out of nowhere Nami was sent flying off towards a wall.
"Nami!" The Guys had shouted before Nami smashed into the wall.
"How dare you!" Luffy turned to Mary, with anger in his eyes and had then leaped towards the stairs.
"Gum Gum...Pist-!" Before Luffy could even attack Sanji got in Luffy's attack.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Everyone snapped at Sanji, even Mary didn't understand what he was doing.
"I will not tolerate you attacking a woman!" None of them could believe this idiot.
"Fine, then you don't mind if I attack her." Everyone turned to Nami that was standing up again. "You guys go ahead, I'll handle her." Nami had pulled out her staff and pointed at Mary.
"Are you sure, Nami?" Luffy asked her.
"Yeah, after all this is nothing. I need a way to pay Iris back for saving me and my home." Nami started walking towards the stairs. "Besides, I already know her Devil Fruit."
"Okay, we'll leave it to you!" Luffy and the guys started running off, leaving Nami alone with Mary.
"So, What is my Devil Fruit then?" Mary tilted her head up at Nami.
"It's one that can create and control wind." When Nami explained that to Mary, the woman smirk.
"Yeah, I ate the Wind Wind Fruit." Mary told Nami.
"Well, then this fights mine." Nami said back, making Mary laugh.
"What makes you say that?"
"It's because I'm a navigator." Nami stated ready to fight.
"A navigator, huh. Interesting." The guys were worried about Nami, but she was going to be fine.
"Couldn't Mary handle five weaklings?" Someone had came out of the shadows. It was Shin standing there
"What do you expect, she is still an amateur." Another person had came out from behind Shin, it was his twin sister Anna.
"Another pretty lady!" Sanji was losing it again.
"Would you shut up!" The three other snapped at him.
"Why are you here?" Anna had asked them all.
"To save Iris!" Luffy shouted, Anna and Shin's eyes widen in surprise.
"To save Iris?" Shin had began to laugh hearing that, "There is no need to save her, since she is here because she wants to be!"
"You don't know anything, do you?" Usopp asked them.
"What are you on about?" Anna had looked at Usopp asking.
"The curse mark on her chest, you never knew of it?" Zoro this time asked the,.
"Who cares!" Shin had shouted at the crew, "if Iris is here by chose or not, she has her job and so do you."
"My Brother is right." Anna stood in front of the group and had pulled out a book, "And that is to kill you all. We are Anna and Shin known as the Twin Assassins from the North Blue."
"A book?" Usopp looked at her confused.
"Time for my world." The book had opened up, "Rule #1: Only two people people may pass." A big squad appeared in the hallway. "So, the two of you that will stay will be decided by... Dice Rolling!" A giant dice fell onto the ground in front of the guys. "The rules are simple, each of you roll the dice and two of you will get 'hit', the two people that get hit are to stay and fight us." Anna had explained.
"This sounds like fun!" Luffy stupidly shouted grabbed onto the dice and throw it, which began to rule and had finally stopped on 'blank', "what's blank?"
"If you had let Anna finish explaining you would have then known that when 'blank' is landed on, you are the one to leave." Shin explained.
"Let me roll again!" Luffy shouted, because he really wanted to fight them.
"Rules are rules." Anna told him, which then Luffy had began getting pulled towards the door at the end of the hallway.
"W-w-whats going in?!" Usopp completely scared asked.
"Rules are absolutes in my world." Anna stood in front of the long nose man that had began to run after Luffy. "You must follow my rules or you are punished. Now your turn to roll?" Usopp looked at the dice shaking in fear. "If you do not roll it you will be punished for breaking my rule."
"Fine! I'll roll your stupid rule!" Usopp grabbed into the dice and throw it, thinking there was no way the dice would land on 'hit' since there was one out of six chances of that happening. However, it had then became a nightmare when it landed on 'hit'. "NOOOOO!"
"That's one spot taken, you are next Blondie." Shin told Sanji who didn't hesitate to throw the dice and it landed on 'hit'.
"That's That then, looks like you Moss head need to get Iris for me." Sanji turned to Zoro, "if you don't save her, I will kill you!"
"Don't worry, I'll have her." Zoro had started running off to where Luffy had flew off in.
"Now, let's do this." Sanji lite up a new cigarette.
"Fine by me." Shin had started to change to the colour silver, "you can't beat me and my sisters Devil's Fruit."
"And what are you Devil Fruits?" Sanji had asked them.
"I ate the Rule Rule Fruit." Anna had answered him.
"And I ate the Metal Metal Fruit." Neither one of them seem to care about giving away their abilities. Luffy and Zoro had made it to the last room before the Boss's.
"This room is the one Iris should be in!" Zoro had told Luffy who was in front of him. However, Zoro had stopped upon seeing to swords hanging up, there weren't strong and would break easily, however, it was better to fight with them then with only one sword.
"Got it! Are you sure you'll be okay fighting her?" Luffy looked behind to Zoro.
"Yeah, to be honest, I can't wait to fight her." A smirk came across Zoro's face, light started shinning ahead of them. "There is the entrance!" Zoro's shouting caused Luffy to turn his head back around and they entered the door to see a woman standing in the middle of the room.
"I warned you, didn't I?" The woman was Iris. "You should have left." Luffy and Zoro didn't get a chance as she had disappeared from in front of them. "Now you die." Out if nowhere, Zoro had shoved Luffy away and the sound of metal clashed.
"That was a cool trick." Iris was above Zoro with their swords together. He had all three swords out, unlike Iris only had one.
"You seem happy for someone that's about to die." She kicked him in the rips, the place he had been cut by Mihawk. That mad him gasp in pain as he jumped back.
"Zoro!" Luffy was about to jump in,
"Ierí Sfaíra!" (Holy Bullet, Latin) Something shot into Luffy's leg, causing him to shout and pain. "Don't move."
"How did a bullet hurt you? Bullets always fly off!" Zoro had asked and shouted to Luffy.
"I-I-I don't know." Luffy looked at his wounded leg.
"That's because it wasn't a bullet." Iris had rose her hand were it started glowing.  Small balls of light had started appearing around Iris in the air. "I've already told you, I ate an Ancient Zoan Fruit called the Angel Angel Fruit. I can do anything an angel can do, and that includes contact and create light." Iris reminded the two of them. "Ekató Ierí Sfaíres!" (Hundred Holy Bullets, Latin) the light balls had began to flying at Zoro and Luffy.
"Crap!" Zoro was shouting as he dodged the light that was heading his way.
"It's going to hurt if one of them hits me again!" Luffy ran around, with the lights following after him, "WHY THE HELL ARE THEY FOLLOWING ME!!?"
"I've just said that I can create and control light. I don't need move my body, I can just think it and they do as I command." Iris repeated herself looking down at the two of them and she raised her arm, "Dýo Ieroí Lónches!" (Two Holy Lances, Latin) a spear made of light started to form above Iris' hand, "You can join the other three in death." The two spears had started heading for Zoro and Luffy.
"Crap! Not again!" Luffy was off again.
"Just run!" Zoro joined him. As the two of them were running all over the place, Iris just watched them going from one side to the other of the room.
"They really are idiots." Iris chuckled watching them, but had stop once she realised what she was doing. That's when she had snapped up to see Luffy trip and the spear of light head hit the mirror which reflected off it. However, that wasn't the only thing that was going wrong, the light was heading towards Iris, and since her mind wasn't in the right set she couldn't control or make it disappeared. Closing her eyes, Iris waited for the light to hit, but all she heard was the sound of things clashing.
"What the hell!" Iris's eyes opened to see Zoro holding onto her shoulders tightly, "Why didn't you try dodging it!?"
"Because there wouldn't be a point." She looked him in the eyes.
"Wouldn't be a point?" Zoro repeated to her.
"Since I have no life there isn't anything to lose." Iris told him, she really didn't have any emotions in her eyes and she didn't care about life or death.
"Fine, if you feel that way, then fight me." Iris' eyes widen in shock as she looked at how serious Zoro looked.
"Do you really want to die? If you can't even get a serious hit on Mihawk, what makes you think you can beat me?" Iris started glaring at Zoro.
"Are you saying your stronger then Mihawk?" He asked her,
"No, if I was to say how strong I was compared to Mihawk I would only be half of his strength and ability." Iris had honestly told Zoro. "And since he didn't even use one tenth of his strength to fight you."
"That's even better." The two of them leaped back from one another.
"This is your last warning, surrender or die." Iris told him again.
"I rather die then surrender." Zoro told her back.
"Then it's your funeral." Iris pulled her sword out again. And before he know it, Iris was in front of Zoro and had her sword across her chest which was swung back around. Luffy couldn't even see the swords clashing with one of each other. Iris really did only need one sword to block Zoro's three sword style. "See, you're weak." Iris had told him. "You say you want to save me, but you can even save yourself." She had pushed him off in seconds.
"Yeah, but I never said I was fighting you alone." When Iris hear him say that, she shot around to Luffy but it was already to late,
"Gum Gum..." His arm had stretched out towards her. "...Trap!" And had wrapped himself around Iris. She couldn't get of his arms as she struggled to get away.
"Let go! Let go of me!" Zoro had then came up to Iris and hit below her ribs which would have knocked any normal person out, but it only caused Iris to fall to her knees. "You bastard..." she held onto the spot Zoro hat struck.
"What do you want, Iris." Luffy asked Iris as he still held her, Iris was only glaring up at Luffy.
"The boss wants you-"
"I'm not asking what that boss bastard wants!" Luffy shouted loudly cutting Iris off, "What is it that you want!?" He had told her.
"What... I... want..." no one had ever asked her that before, all she has ever do was what others wanted. "I... I..." Iris had fallen to her hands and knees, with tears beginning to fall from her eyes. "I don't want to kill... I WANT TO BE FREE!!" That was the answer she had given Luffy, who now was smiling at down at Iris. "Don't worry! I got this, so just sit and wait. Soon you'll be a pirate, one of the freest people in the world!" He ad told her. Iris placed her hands over her eyes and she had lowed her face to the ground.
"Lu... thank you..." she could only managed to say.
"You don't need to thank me, after all, we're friends." Luffy had told her grinning widely, "I'll be back! Zoro take care of Iris!" He had then started running off leaving Zoro behind. It had been some time since Luffy left to go after the bastard and Iris was left behind with Zoro.
"Sorry. I'm sorry." She had told him laying on the ground covering her face with her arms.
"For What?" He had asked her.
"For lying." She had told him. Zoro could most likely see the tears falling from her face onto the ground on both sides of her face.
"That's fine but leave the lying to Usopp next time." Looking up, she saw Zoro smirking down at her.
"Yeah." She couldn't help but chuckled sitting up and wiping her face, "Usopp is best at that, isn't he." But Iris still felt that there was no way the others could beat the other assassins. "I know Luffy and the others are strong, but I-"
"Zoro!! Luffy!!" A voice screamed coming from the hall ways that lead into the room Zoro and Iris had been fighting in. The footsteps that were echoing loudly was just of one person but of multiple people.
"I see Zoro!" It was a woman shouting and out of the shadows came Nami all batted and bruises with blood coming down her left arm and face was waving her hands over at us.
"Iris is with him!" Usopp was right behind her just as a bad mess as Nami was.
"Iris, my angel!" And there was Sanji as well, he wasn't in as bad shape as the other two, but what surprised Iris even more wasn't that the three of them beating the other three but who was behind them.
"Yuki?" He had started waving at her all nervously. "And Alice?" Alice had leaped at Iris to embrace her.
"It'll be okay." Alice told her, "Fairy Healing!" Out of nowhere, small green lights were glowing from the ground.
"What is this? I feel my wounds healing." Nami looked down at them. Then an explosion echoed throw the room, "Okay What was that!?"
"Is that even a question anymore?" Sanji turned to the rest of the.
"Luffy!" The were all up and running towards the direction of where the office of the bastard, and the door was wide open, and as they ran, Iris could feel the mark on her chest lessening. Was a Luffy winning? No way, was this really happening? The tears began to fall once again once Iris saw what Luffy had down. The man that had ruined her life. The man that took everything from her. The man that killed everyone she loved. That man, he was laying unconscious on the ground in front of Luffy that was standing.
"That's what you get for hurting Iris!" Luffy shouted down to him.
"Luffy! He won!" The other three ran towards all excited, as for Iris, she felt her legs give way. Finally, after 20 long years she was free. The memories of those long years passed throw her mind, the horror, the killing, the loneliness, it that second it had all disappeared. The hatred was lifting off of her like a huge burden and looking down her chest after pulling my clothes down, the mark it was gone. It was gone forever.
"Hey, look!" Alice's yelling made Iris looked up so see her pointing to a hole in the wall that had stairs going up them.
"What do you think is up there?" They had all moved to the hole and looked up the stairs.
"Only one way to find out!" Luffy had began to run up the stairs.
"Luffy! Wait for us!" And the rest of us followed after him. The group had gone up the stairs that were hiding behind the curtain hanging up on the wall beside the book cases Open entering the room, they had been amazed at what they saw. The room was filled with chests.
"Treasure!" Nami was already off opening up chests one after the other, Not not finding treasure but items. "What is this? All these chests and not one of them filled with treasure!"
"What about this one?!" Luffy was holding up at giant one, "It's really heavy!"
"Give me!" Nami ran over to him and was about to open it when she stopped, "Iris, I think you should open this." She looked over to Iris, who was confused to why Nami wanted her to open it up. However, her question was answered when Iris saw the chest had her name engraved on it. The problem though was that she didn't have the key, or at least she didn't remember the key she had around her neck this whole time.
"Right." Iris pulled off the key and placed the twisted the lock which it opened up. Iris looked inside the chest and there was a bunch of books that Iris use to love reading when she was little. But their were also books that had no title, causing her to open on up and in an instant she could tell it was a training manual as they were what her father used to train her.
"There's a letter in here!" Everyone turned back to the chest seeing Luffy going through it.
"Oi, don't go through Iris' stuff!" Sanji sent him flying with his kick. Iris moved back to the chest and as Luffy had said there was a single letter at the bottom of the chest.

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