The Return!

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Luffy had left the crew behind to head back to Mock Town after the gold that was stolen by Bellamy. Those that were left being began to repair that which had been broken, with the help of the Alliance. "Those guys are tough! They got the crap kicked out of them and they're already on their feet." Usopp was watching Masira carrying a pile of wood to the Going Merry and up to Shojo. The two of them were working like nothing had happened. "And even with both Chopper and Iris treating their wounds, they got better bratty damn fast." His sight had turned to Cricket that was sawing away at some lumber, Chopper on his back wrapping up the wounds while Iris' hands were glowing beside the old man. At the same time on the ship, Zoro was hammering the mast with more iron plates.
"How come you didn't go with him?" That was until this question had been asked from the aft deck.
"Huh? What the hell is with you?" The swordsman was looking up to Nami that had been the one speaking before. "First it's 'don't fight'... Then 'fight'... Then 'don't go'... Then 'go'." He was getting sick of her changing her mind over and over again.
"That's not what I meant. You got beaten up too, didn't you?" It appeared the reason why Nami had asked the question before.
"Beaten up?" He appeared to be pissed off by what she said. "It's not like they were standing in our way." But he calmed a bit to answer her question. "A fight that leaves you with only pity... only brings pain." He had said with a calm cool head.
"What does that mean?" Not that she understood what he meant by that. "Retarded, aren't you." Before stating it like it was fact.
"Shut up! Why don't you get lost! You're in the way!" Which only pissed him off and caused him to punch the mast beside him.
"What was that!?" But that angered Nami now, as she slammed her hands down on the railing in front of her. "You never listen to a word I say!"
"Why do I have to listen to you!" Once again, Zoro ended up punching the mast.
"Oi, oi! Be a little more careful, you idiots!" Usopp shouted towards them before the ground. "This ship is our most precious treasure—"
"I wonder. Maybe because what I say is usually RIGHT!"
"Hey get out of here!" But no one was listening as they continued to slam or punch.
"Oi, oi! Cut it out, jerks!"
"What was that!?"
"Quit saying that!"
"Knock it off you jerks!" Iris just stood there watching the three of them shouting at one another. Or more like two at one another while the other was shouting but not being heard.
"I wonder if Merry can continue like this?" She came to ask, since the Going Merry was getting worse and worse as the weeks go on. Not to mention the abuse that the rest of the crew done accidentally when fighting or playing around.

The sun had risen in the sky and the repairs to the Going Merry had been completely, however, the Crew was still standing around waiting for their captain that was supposed to have returned. "What the hell is he doing!? It's morning already! Morning!" Which had caused someone to be extremely annoyed and upset. "He promised to be back 46 minutes ago! We'll miss the current! The weight of the gold is probably slowing him down! He never calculates for things like that!" She had continued to rant in frustration.
"No... I don't think he's even calculated anything like that." Usopp didn't help when he said that.
"Yeah, you're 100% right." But no one could disagree with his correction.
"Maybe he got beat up in town..." Chopper had become cornered about that.
"By that Bellamy guy?" Which caused the sniper to ask this looking to Nami.
"If he loses I'll kill him myself, even if he DOES make it back in time!" And she really meant it with that look across her face.
"What's with you lately?" While Zoro looked at completely uncomfortable and confused at her 180 changes.
"Don't stress thinking about it." But Iris had patted him on the chest as she said that. It was then when they stood in silence/
"OIII~!" Until a familiar voice was shouting from the distance, and when everyone looked towards it their was a figure in the distance getting closer.
"It's him! Great, he made it back!"
"I did it!" Luffy was running towards them with a sack tried to him and his arm in the air swinging around something in it.
"Luffy, hurry up! We're past due to set sail!" He was being shouted at as he was approaching them.
"Check it out! It's Hercules!" What was in his hand was a giant stag beetle. "It took me forever to find him!" It became clear what the young captain had been doing this entire time after fighting.
"YOU WENT TO FIND THAT!?" Needless to say that the others were both shocked and pissed. This obviously didn't include Iris or Robin.
"Whoa, that's awesome!" However, Luffy didn't pay attention to them since he noticed the Going Merry in a new form.
"Going Merry, Flying Model!" Usopp stood in front proud as the ship now had wings, a tail and the figure head had chicken comb and wattle on it.
"IT'LL FLY!" This had caused the rubber idiot's eyes to sparkle in excitement.
"YEAH! They did it for us!" A finger had been pointed to Masira, Shojo and their men standing at the back.
"Whatever." But the rest of the crew didn't seem all that impressed.
"I get a sense of impending doom when I look at it." Nami could only say as she stood staring at the Merry.
"Yeah, I guess so." And it appeared that Zoro was in agreement with her. "A pigeon would've looked more sky worthy than a chicken." But it was about what the Merry should have been and nothing more.
"That's not the problem! Idiot!" But it obviously hadn't been what the navigator was talking about, causing her to snap.
"Okay, let's get this ship moving! You ready, men!?" Usopp was shouting, throwing his fist in the air above, and the monkey crew all cheered in agreement. Meanwhile, as the others were heading and boarding the ships, Luffy had gone to Cricket placing the gold on the table stump between the two. The both were in silence as the old man sat smoking.
"Get on your ship. You don't have time." But then it had been broken by Cricket as he had instructed the young man. "Are you planning to lose your chance to go to Sky Island? Idiot."
"Right! Thanks for the ship!"
"You should thank them." The cigarette had been put out before the old man pointed behind them to Masira and Shojo on their ships.
"Thanks guys!" Luffy began shouting and waving toward them. "You can have Hercules!" He was now hold up the stag beetle.
"We can!?"
"That's so cool!
"YOU'RE SUCH A NICE GUY!" But they were excited and happy about a bug.
"Anyway, hurry! Get on your ship! We're gonna miss it!" Masira was shouting to him, since they were already late as it was.
"We'll lead the way, so just follow us!" Shojo instructed
"Luffy, hurry up!"
"Right!" The rubber captain took off for the Going Merry, leaving Cricket alone in his thoughts staring at the sack of gold.
"ALLIED SARUYAMA FORCES!" He had suddenly turned around shouting towards his men.
"AYE!!" Who were ready for his orders.
"You better not screw this one up!" He began by telling them. "No matter what happens, give it your all for them!"
"Yosh, lets go!" Luffy had leaped onto the Merry after stopping before it.
"Guys, lets get going!" And with the captain now on the ship, they were ready to set sail.
"Aye, Nami!" The anchor had been raised and the Merry began moving away from the coast.
"Kid!" But Cricket had moved to the edge calling out the Luffy. "This is where we part ways."
"Yeah!" He had made it the back of the ship to answer the man.
"But there is one thing I'm certain of." Hearing this confused Luffy a little. "No one person has proven that Sky Islands or the City of Gold doesn't exist."
It might of fire common sense, people may laugh at you... But who cares! That's what advantage is all about!" He had stated this to the crew that all gathered at the back with Luffy to listen.
"Yeah!" The ships were getting further away. "Thanks... for the gold. Don't fall out of the sky now."
"See ya, Pops!" Luffy was waving to him with a giant grin across his face.
"Thank you for everything, Cricket!" Nami called out to him for everything.
"Make sure you take care of yourself!" This had also been shouted by Iris.
"Pops! I just KNOW that City of Gold is real!"
"Pops, don't overdo anything!" Was Luffy shouting again as they were leaving.
"Mind your own business!"

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