A Tax!?

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As alway, the first chance it would look like a calm and relaxing day until one would see a fleet of Marines's ships firing cannon that the Going Merry. "Damn it!" Usopp repeated over and over again as he rowed one of the ship's paddles. "Why the hell do we have to get attacked by the Marines now?" He asked frustrated.
"Because we accidentally came across them." Iris came to say since they had been sailing quietly until the Marines appeared and spotted them.
"If you wanna stay alive, shut up and keep rowing!" This had been shouted by Nami at Usopp and Zoro, who was rowing the other paddle.
"WE'RE GONNA DIEEE!" Usopp screamed like a girl.
"Oi, Luffy! How about giving us a hand here!?" Sanji yelling at the Captain that was hanging.
"Can't. I'm too tired... I haven't had anything since breakfast." He whined as he was handing from the aft deck rails in front of the kitchen.
"You're hungry now!?" Sanji ended up snapping at him for his worst timing ever.
"Calm down, Sanji." Iris was smiling at the cook since this was Luffy so it wasn't anything new. Seconds later, the sound of a cannon ball stinking something had caused most of the crew to jump.
"What the hell?" Everyone had ended up running to the side of the Merry, to see a marine ship sinking.
"What was that?" Chopper seemed to be back to normal, as he asked.
"They sank their own ship?" Zoro questioned, confused. That's when Usopp started laughing proudly, as if he was the one that did it.
"Take that, stupid Marines! I had the planned from the very beginning!" Lies as always.
"Really?" Iris turned her head to him with a puzzled look.
"Just when did you plan that?" The swordsman asked Usopp knowing he was lying.
"Yosh! Now we can use the side that ship was flanking to escape!" Nami looked down and had order. The sail of unraveling and It didn't take long before they reached an island but they were still on guard just in case. Robin and Usopp were watching out to see no Marines ships had followed after them on the aft deck. They were there along with Zoro leaning again the aft sail mast and
"You see the Marines?" Usopp asked Robin, who was holding a pair binoculars.
"It appears we lost them." Robin informed him.
"The attacks around here sure are intense." That had been said.
"With three wanted criminals, it's no wonder the Marines' eyes turn red when they see us." Zoro made that comment . He was right, Nico Robin, Bounty: 79,000,000 beli. Monkey D. Luffy, Bounty: 30,000,000 beli (Actual bounty 100,000,000 beli). Michael D. Iris Bounty: 15,000,000 beli (Actual bounty 90,000,000 beli). Roronoa Zoro (Actual bounty 60,000,000 beri). As for the rest of the crew, Sanji had been in the kitchen as Luffy, Nami, Iris and Chopper were located on the foredeck.
"A harbour!" Chopper's shouting had caused Luffy to sit up.
"Really!? A harbour!?" He was all excited as he had been bored laying across Merry's head.
"What is that?" Iris came to ask as she noticed a large tall building covered in cloth at the edge of the town. "Maybe a lighthouse." As that was the only thing that made sense.
"A harbour... that means we can eat!" That was the only thing that comes to mind of their Captain. Moments later the anchor dropped into the sea, and one by one jumped off, after Iris, Robin and Nami, landing right next to them. "Huh? I guess it isn't a light house." Chopper was right, normally one wouldn't cover the top of a lighthouse.
"That sure is a tall tower." Usopp had said, then Sanji jumped off the ship. It was decided that Zoro was ship sitting, since he was asleep in deck.
"Who cares? Let's go get some food! Food!" Luffy shouted again as he was all excited.
"Alright already." Nami ended up telling him. After they all started walking towards to town to be stopped.
"You there, halt! If you intend on anchoring in Luluka Island's harbour, even in the rocky shallows, you must pay the harbour tax!" A soldier walked toward the group.
"Harbour tax?" Chopper didn't know what that was, so he was confused.
"Well, he's saying we have to pay manny to dock here." Usopp had been to one to explain it to him.
"Hey! Why do we have to pay to just leave our ship there?" Nami asked him disbelief.
"Yeah, the harbour tax only makes sense if we dock at the harbour." Iris was in agreement with the navigator but it didn't seem to make the man happy. The gun in hand had been directed at them both.
"Because it's your obligation! Are you going to pay or not?" He asked.
"Oi." But seeing this had Sanji moving between them. "Don't point that thing at the ladies."
"What!?" They were having a stare down, until...
"FOOOD!!" Luffy shouted, running over the two of them. "Food, food, food, food, food, food!" He ran off into the town.
"That shithead..." Sanji picked himself up.
"Sanji, are you okay?" Iris kneeled down to him worried.
"Yes, I'm perfectly fine!" But in a second he had stood back up smiling at the women. But the soldier on the other hand, was still unconscious.
"Well then, let's go Iris!" Nami had grabbed onto the woman's arm. "I want to get some paper for my maps."
"That sounds nice." And Iris started walking away with her.
"I'll accompany you two, Nami! Iris!" Sanji came shouting, following after them.
"I-I'll go too!" Chopper also followed after them.
"H-Hey, Wait! I'll go too!" Usopp was about to chase after them, along with Robin.
"Hey, you there!" The two of them had stopped, and Iris had come to look up the rocks to see an old man wearing a button down shirt that has a red collar. The rest of it is lavender with lots of pink shapes decorating it, he was wearing a helmet that was similar to his shirts along with goggles. Over that he wore a long white coat with two pockets, plus a weird, huge, steel bag pack. "I have something I'd like to ask you!"
"A new wave comedian, perhaps?" Robin said seriously.
"He could be a fake merchant." As did Usopp.
"You're both wrong!" He removed his goggles, and they saw he was an old man with an old droopy appearance with droop eyes, a large mustache that covers his mouth. His face was rather wrinkly too. "Did any of you see the Rainbow Mist on your way in?" He asked them.
"What? The Rainbow Mist?" Usopp gave him a questionable response.
"No use. He's an idiot." The man had looked away saying,
"You're judging just from that?" Usopp asked him, "Oi, what the hell!?" And then he realised it was an insult, and snapped. "You're the one who asked the question! What's with that attitude!?"
"Could you perhaps explain what you're talking about?"

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