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It took some time for the crew to reach the the Reverse Mountain that they had headed straight for, as it was the only way to get into the Grand Line. "Nami! Report of love!" Sanji was shouting as he, Iris and Zoro were in the Crow's nest. "I see some massive rain clouds dead ahead!" He was informing her. A large group of black clouds covering most of the sky. "And there's a storm under them..."
"Is is pretty amazing." Iris smiled at Zoro all excited about this.
"Yeah, it really is." He was smiling back at her, "You must be really happy about this." He was right, she was really happy, no, was over joyed, no! She was over the moon. She was free, with her friends, about to go on the journey of a life time and heading for her dreams. What kind of person wouldn't be over the moon about it?! Luffy's hands grabbing into the edge of the Crow Nest and pulled himself up to join the group.
"We're finally going to the Grand Line!" Iris wasn't the only one over the moon, "Hey, Sanji~! We're goin' there! We're goin' there man! We're goin' there!"
"Quit that!" Sanji had enough of him slapping his back over and over again, that was why he kick him in the side of his face.
"Sorry..." Iris giggled to myself as Luffy then walked over to Zoro, "ZORO~!" And began doing the same thing to him as he did to Sanji. "We're goin' there! We're goin' there man! We're goin' there!"
"STOP THAT!" But there was a limit and just as he was about to do the same thing to Iris, Zoro had grabbed onto his arm. "Not on Iris."
"Guys! Come down inside for a minute!" Nami called up to us.
"Okay!" Iris shouted to her, grabbing onto both Sanji's and Zoro's hands, take them down do the deck with her wings. Luffy got down his way of course and they followed Nami into the kitchen.
"Look at this." Nami slammed the map onto to the table once they were around it. "I've heard the rumours, but it's written here on the map, too. If they're true, the. The entrance to the Grand Line is a mountain."
"A mountain?" Luffy echoed with an empty glass in between his teeth in front of me.
"You mean we have to crash through the mountain?" Although Iris was not sure, She didn't think Zoro was right.
"The hell...?" Sanji was standing up at the head of the table across from from Nami.
"I thought it was crazy too, but... there are canals drawn along the mountainside. That might mean we have to climb it." Nami was saying.
"Sounds like fun!" Luffy didn't understand but was still excited.
"I don't think I understand." Iris had spoken up, "I mean a ship can't climb a mountain, right?" She didn't know what to believe since her parents only ever told her about what happened after they entered the Grand Line.
"It's impossible." Zoro said right away sitting beside her.
"But that's what the map says." Nami told him.
"Of course! There's no way Nami could be mistaken!" Sanji snapped at Zoro over the groans Usopp was making as he was having a hard time with the helm.
"You stole that map from Buggy, right? You really want to trust it?" In a sense Zoro had a point.
"Zorooo! Help me with this damn helm!" Usopp was ordering him.
"Sanji, go help Usopp, will you? I can't think straight with all that noise." Nami was ordering.
"Sanji, come help me!"
"Yes, Nami swan~!" Sanji went to push the helm with his face love sick, "Here we go- what?" Looking At Sanji, he had a confused look on his face looking at the helm.
"T-the current's flowing to fast!" Usopp was shouting.
"Usopp, say that again?" Nami looked up from the map again him.
"I said the current flowing too fast!" He had repeated himself.
"The current..." Nami echoed thinking, "I got it!" She shouted.
"Got what?" Luffy was asking as they all looked at her looking down at the map again.
"We really do have to climb the mountain." Now Iris was confuse.
"You're still talking about that?" Zoro was asking her.
"Look here. Listen." They were looking to where Nami was pointing to on the map. "There's no doubt the 'guiding light' was pointing here. Here on the Red Lind , Reverse Mountain."
"Oi! What am I supposed to do here!?" Usopp was shouting as Sanji joined the group.
"See the canal here? If a strong current from each of the four oceans flow towards this mountain... the four currents would climb the mountain, meet at the top... and flow straight down into the Grand Line. Since Reverse Mountain is a Winter Island the currents that collide with the Red Line travels towards the ocean floor." It made sense if she explained it that way. A winter Island is an island that is always cold and the East Blue's ocean is made of warm water. "If we can't make it into the canal... the Going Merry will slam straight into the Red Line... and the ship will be destroyed." That sounded unpleasant especially if they survive somehow Luffy and Iris would just sink before the others could save them. "Nothing left but ocean debris. Understand?"
"I see. So it's a Mystery Mountain, right?" Luffy's brain works a lot differently then most people's.
"I don't think you understand at all." Nami seemed to be exhausted trying to explain it to him. "In any care, this ship's already riding on one of those currents. So if we don't mess up out steering, we should make it up Reverse Mountain in one piece."
"Nami, you're so awesome!" Sanji was shouting delighted,
"I ain't ever heard of that. Ships climbing mountains." Zoro was still sceptical about the whole thing.
"I've heard something." Sanji was smirking as he said that.
"About the Mystery Mountain?" Luffy asked him,
"No. Just that half of the wannabes die trying to enter the Grand Line." Great, he just made it sound even more.... exciting!! "So I know it ain't east to get in." The sound of rain beginning to hit the deck outside.
"Sanji, the sail please!" Nami told him.
"Right away, Nami!" And Sanji was over joyed about that. "Luffy, get your ass over here!" Luffy with a little of moaning went outside to bring the sail in.
"Oi! I can see the Mystery Mountain!" Hearing Luffy shout that, the rest of them inside came running out to see the giant mountain that divided the world's oceans. It was truely amazing.
"Man, it's huge!" Was all Usopp managed to say about it.
"The entrance to the Grand Line." It truely was a site to behold.
"The mountain is so tall, I can't even seen the peak." Iris was looking all the way up to the top, or at least it could have been if the clouds weren't in the way. As they were starstruck by the mountain they hadn't known until it was too late that they were riding on a current.
"We're getting sucked in!!" Luffy was hanging from the sail, "Grab the helm!"
"We've got it!" Sanji said
"Leave it to me!" At the same time Usopp had. Iris was gripping onto the rails in front of her so she wouldn't blow off the Merry.
"N-Nami! Where's the entrance!?" Luffy was shouting as he was asking her. "If we head straight, we'll run into the cliff!" That wasn't good at all.
"Nami, What should we do!?" Usopp was asking from in the kitchen ready to move the helm with Sanji.
"Hold our path steady!" Nami had a smile in her face, she knew their route.
"You sure!?"
"Just do it!"
"Nami, is that the canal's entrance?" Luffy had stretched is arm to the rails to stand beside her.
"Perhaps, Eh?"
"Unreal...!" Zoro who had gone white with a pair of binoculars. "The water really IS climbing up the mountain."
"Really?" Iris asked and he handed the binoculars over to her. She placed them on her eyes and she saw it, she cannot believe it, but she saw it. The water was shouting up the mountain as if it was nothing, "Amazing....!"
"Make sure we go straight between those water gates, Okay? If we don't, The ship's be smashed to pieces!" Nami was informed them as they were approaching the canal.
"We're drifting! More to the right!" Luffy was shouting to Usopp and Sanji.
"Right! Okay, hard to starboard!" Iris was looking ahead until She heard the sound of wood snapping and breaking. She turned around and saw the helm broken off. she didn't know what face She was making but it couldn't have been a happy one.
"THE HELM!" They all had screamed.
"Gum Gum..." Luffy had ran to the front of the ship and jumped off, "...Balloon!" He was using his own body to stop and redirected the ship into the canal. Which it work as they were shooting up the mountain but Luffy wasn't on board.
"LUFFY!!" Zoro was shouting holding out his hand, "Grab hold!" Luffy stretched out his arm and had grabbed onto him and slung right into the deck breaking it. That was a relief and great, Sanji and Usopp in the kitchen dancing in joy there was only one thing to say.
"And now, we'll just head straight to the peak!" Nami had ripped off her coat, along with Iris. since there was no rain, wind and it was getting warmer again. Luffy was still trying to get his head out of the deck.
"Sweet!" And he finally did shouting, "Hey, I wanna see it too!"
"I want to get a closer look!" Iris shouted jumping down to the lower deck and ran up to the front to join Luffy, Zoro and the rest followed as well.
"A-Awesome!" Luffy was smiling widely. It truly was!
"You bastards!" They had all stopped upon hearing an odd but familiar voice and turned to see Eric was still alive.
"The Sicko Guy...." Luffy called him.
"Bastard, you're still alive?" Zoro was asking like it was a surprised, and it was.
"You don't give up..."
"Woman don't like obsession men.... at least that what mum use to say." Iris told him.
"Shut up! You have crossed me for the last time... thanks to you, my dream of obtaining the Dragon Night is gone!" He was still going on about that, "But I won't let it end like that! I will at least have the pleasure of taking that 30,000,000 beli head of yours! Surrender now!" Like that was going to happen.
"What should we do?" Sanji was panicked. "If he uses that Whirlwind thing here... there's no telling what he'll cut!"
"We can't move around like this...." Iris stated as they were on the Merry and there wasn't much room to fight with all of us standing together.
"Well, well!" Eric was laughing amused, "Not one of you can lay a finger on me!"
"AH! Dragon Night!" Nami had shouted out of nowhere pointing to the ground and Eric's gaze followed. She had quickly moved and kicked his leg right out from under him and he fell into the sea. They could only watched with sweat running down the back of their head, since it was stupid that he to fall for it. "Bye-bye!" Nami was smiling and waving behind the Merry.
"Oh! Shoulda thought of that!" The guys all said together.
"Since he's a Hammer, he won't be bothering s anymore~!" Nami really was a scary person.
"Even if he COULD swim, this current's just too choppy!" Usopp was saying.
"That's my Nami!" Sanji shouted and they all were now laughing.
"We made it to the clouds!" Luffy was shouting when they entered the clouds. They exited the clouds and could see the peak, it was huge, "AWESOME!"
"I can't believe we're above to clouds!" Iris shouted looking back to the clouds below. They were still going thought.
"Look! The mountain peak!" Nami shouted as the ship was approaching it and up over it went.
"YAHOO!" They had then hovered in the air for a bit before Merry was gone beneath their feet, but they had grabbed onto her, or at least the other did, Iris was hugging Zoro from behind to not fly off as he was holding the rails. They were on their way down the mountain,
Mihawk is here....
Getting closer to. all Blue...
A complete map.
The story of a life time!
To prove I'm the sea's bravest pirate!
None of them knew what awaited them at the Grand Line, But they knew that they were going to find their dreams completed at the end of the sea ! "I see it! The greatest ocean in the world... Grand Lind!" Luffy was still somehow on Merry's head, "And somewhere ahead... One Piece is eating! LET'S GO!" this was the beginning of the greatest adventure ever! With the Going Merry sailing down the mountain as if they were falling, they were coming down fast and hard thought the clouds.
"This the greatest!" Sanji was shouting over the wing pressure. Iris and Nami were screaming for joy along, Iris' arm were in the air. Her eyes that were closed shot opened when she heard something strange thought.
"Did you hear something just now?" She wasn't the only one, Zoro had hear it as well.
"Huh! What?" Nami didn't quite hear him.
"I just heard a strange noise!" He had told her.
"Must've been the wind! There's a lot of strange rock formations here that could've caused it." She did have a point but still..
"No, I heard it too!" Iris told her and she knew it wasn't something that a rock would make, it sounded more like a animal.
"Nami! I see a mountain up ahead!" That was alarming to say the least.
"A mountain? There can't be!" Nami was shouting.
"But I see it right there!" Sanji was shouting back towards her,
"Who cares!?" Luffy was shouting, "Let's GO!".
"After the Twin Capes there should be nothing but ocean!" Nami was trying to tell him but as they were getting closer the clouds cleared and right a head of them was a tall black wall in the middle of their way. This was causing the crew to freak out since they were heading right for the wall, but it wasn't a wall...
"It's not a mountain!" Sanji was shouting.
It's a black wall!" Luffy was screaming
"You're wrong! It's-" Nami was trying to tell them
"Then what is it?" Zoro was snapping at her asking.
"It's a giant whale!!" Iris was shouted seeing it was a whale that wasn't black by dark blue.
"W-W-W-What do we do!?" Usopp was stuttering asking the others.
"Fight it?" Luffy had asked.
"IDIOT! We can't fight something like that!" Nami had told him, but this wasn't getting us anywhere.
"T-T-T-The current's taking us right for it!" Usopp was still stuttering asking once again what they were going to do.
"Wait a minute! We've gotten this close, but it still just looks like a wall. So where's it's eyes?" Sanji had point out to them.
"You're right! It may not have noticed us yet!" Nami was saying.
"But if we continue we'll hit the thing." Iris was surprisingly calm as she told her that.
"Oi! There's an opening on the left!" Zoo had told Sanji pointing to the left side. "Port! Hard to port!!"
"With what?" Iris had asked him. "The helm's broken." She reminded him.
"We have to do something, dammit!" He jumped off the rails to the low deck and up to the kitchen to try do something.
"Ah! Right! I just got a good idea!" Luffy had yelled running off passed Nami and Iris.
"Luffy?" Nami went to the rails seeing him jump to the low deck and then into the front room below deck. "What are you doing!?" Looking ahead, the whale was getting taller and taller the closer they got to it, it was practically towering over the ship.
"This doesn't look good." Iris was stating looking up even more as they closed in.
"Too late." Nami said as they were only seconds away from it but a strong force had the Merry backwards. If Nami and Iris didn't grabbed on to the rails they would have been sent flying. An explosion blow up in front of them on the way.
"THE CANNON!?" This was Luffy's idea. Was he trying to get them killed why'll his at it too? They had slowed down because of it, but the Merry's head broken off by hitting the whale.
"Oh... Crap..." Nami was in tears laying on the ground.
"We were almost killed but that." Iris could understand her since she was kneeling beside her, trying to pull everything together. Merry's head had flew over them to hit the deck.
"MY SPECIAL SEAT!!" By Luffy's screams. The smoke from the cannon fire cleared and Nami was getting scared now that the whale could see them. But there was no reaction form it.
"R-RUN FOR IT! WHILE WE CAN!" Zoro told us and the boys boys were rowing like crazy.
"What's wrong with it!?" Usopp was shouting.
"Didn't it notice it was hit by a cannon!?" Sanji was also shouting, "is it stupid!?"
"That or its reaction time is slow." Iris pointed it to them.
"Who care, just GO!" Zoro shouted at them all, and by the sound of its roar Iris right, it had a slow reaction time. It was so loud that the crew were crying from the pain. Iris leaned down her chest on her legs covering her ears from the sound, she couldn't hear anything until it finally stop. The Merry was sailing along side one of its eyes on one side of his head. The whale hadn't noticed them but Luffy was standing on the front deck with Nami and Iris. The guy looked pissed off.
"Luffy?" Nami's and Iris were confused to why he was standing there.
"Damn you... my favourite seat... WHAT THE HELL DID YOU BREAK IT FOR!?" Luffy had punched it right in the eye.
"YOU IDIOOOOOT!" Everyone, but Iris, had cried actually tears as they screamed. They were so going to die now. Nothing had happened, maybe he didn't feel it. But when he was now looking right at them, it was clear that he saw them.
"It sees us!"
"How'd you like that? I'll kick your ass, jerk!" Luffy was sent flying off after yelling.
"SHUT UP, DUMBASS!" Because Usopp and Zoro had kicked him. Everyone were all looking up at the whale, waiting to see what was about to happen to them. It's mouth had opened up as it bellowed and water began
"W... what?" The Merry had began to move towards the Whale's mouth.
"We're going to be eaten!" Iris was screaming they we were heading for it's throat. "LU!!" She saw him falling off the ship. But it wasn't long before she was unable to see him. It made her worried the he fall into the water. But this wasn't time to be worrying about him, they were being swallowed now after it closed it mouth.

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