Conis Confession!?

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Luffy had said that he wasn't going out of nowhere, which had caused instant confusion. There was a long silence after he had said that before he turned of slightly in the direction they came from. "I prefer that one instead." He came to say pointing over to the large galleon ship from before.
"Of course." Iris smiled as she wasn't even the slightest bit surprised when he was pointing to the gondola he was amazed at before. He was just incredibly selfish.
"Y-You don't like it? I'm sorry. But..." Conis mask had slipped slightly as she was speaking.
"You damn ingrate! Apologise! Apologise to Conis from the bottom of your heart! You scumbag!" But Sanji was slamming his foot into Luffy's face over and over again until he had stopped. "Pay no attention to his selfishness!" He was saying to the girl.
"Sorry!" And the captain's face was completely swollen as he apologised.
"N-No problem." They had taken off walking again and like the street, the people were all watching the group nervously. Conis had then came to a stop and turned around smiling, however, the others knew something was up. "Your exit is Gate #2." She was pointing off the port. "It will lead you to the giant Milky Road, which connects to Upper Yard. Y-You simple need to take that." She was no longer smiling as she was looking at the ground.
"Hey, Conis." Until Luffy had called out to her. "Why've you been shaking ever since we left your house?" Hearing him asked that had caused her to go pale. Iris was actually surprised. She thought he was completely oblivious but she clearly wrong. Then again, she shouldn't be surprised by him at this point.
"D-Does it seem that way?" Conis had asked them, nervously.
"Yeah. It's like you're afraid of something..." the captain was saying as he was looking at her.
"Conis! You're worried about us! That's so touching!" Sanji had gotten the wrong idea as he was delighted, which caused her to become relaxed.
"Still, are you guys gonna be alright? Everyone in town is plainly avoiding us, yet you're leading us your boat and even giving us directions... doesn't that make you our accomplices?" Usopp was as obvious as the rest of the guys on the crew so he had been the only one, besides, Iris, that actually thought about it. Conis was sweating now and even her face was more paler.
"Say, you're looking pale, too... You should've told us if you were scared. We would've come on our own..." Luffy was trying to explained to her.
"No. I'm..." Conis had began to panic, unsure of what she was doing anymore.
"Do you wish to continue living like this?" Iris had finally spoke up, asking her this as she glanced over towards a ship, there was someone hiding there and she could feel them.
"What are you talking about, Iris?" Usopp ad turned to the woman asking.
"No!" Conis had shouted but then realised what she had said. However, despite knowing what she was doing and the consequences, it didn't seem to stop her. "It's strange, isn't it? Explained the route to your 'ordeal', guiding you here myself... it's like I want to lead you there, despite saying how terrifying it is..."
"Stop it! Don't say anything foolish!" A voice had shouted, of course it was Captain McKinley who had been following them since they left.
"Huh? What was that!" But none of the guys knew that. That was when the people of the town had began to back away even further then they already had.
"Don't tell me they're all..." Sanji had began to realise what was happening.
"Yes, their in on it too." Iris had confirmed his suspicion, since she knew from the beginning. Conis was biting down on her lower lip as she was trying to stop herself, however...
"Could you run away?" She had collapsed to her knees before asking. It was then tears began to fall from her cheeks. "I'm sorry!" Her head was lowered
"What are you saying!?" The other islanders were shouting at her,
"You were the one behind there Super-Express Lobster, weren't you?" Iris had more like stated then asked.
"The thing that took Nami and the others! You called it!" Sanji was in completely shock at hearing that.
"While you weren't on board, I lied to them about a current that leads to Cloud End, and had them raise the anchor. That was the signal for the Super-Express Lobster..." She had admitted it in completely shame. "Once we know someone's a criminal, we'll be killed if we don't lead them to the place of judgement!" Iris had thought that this was the situation.
"Stop it! Do you realise what you're saying!?"
"You're blaspheming against God!"
"Stop her!" The other people were shouting in fear as they either began to run away or move as far as the could away.
"This is our citizens' duty..." Conis was in completely tears as she spoke.
"Are you serious!?" Usopp was asking to make sure he was Hearing right.
"I'm sorry! It's all so strange, isn't it?!"
"Don't be stupid! You didn't have any choice, right!?" Luffy was angry when he saw that she nodded. "Then..."
"...WHY ARE YOU TELLING US!?" All three men had shouted at her both in anger and panic. Even Iris was upset that she told them the truth, it was clear there had been a reason for this so she didn't bring it up until now.
"Huh?" Conis was so shock and stunned at hearing them yell her for that reason that the tears stop.
"Your life is in danger!" Luffy had grabbed onto her shoulder.
"Its all over!"
"We're too late!"
"Stay away from the girl! The judgement it coming!" The sky above the five a light had began to gather. It didn't take long for the others to notice when it began to burn their eyes. But when they had looked up it was coming down like a beam of light. There didn't leave much time to react, with in a second, both Usopp and Sanji had felt something grabbing them by the back collars of their shirts as they had been pulled with a lot of strength. At the same time, Luffy had ended up grabbing Conis trying to outrun the beam.
"No! It's too big!" But it was no good as it was just over head and he couldn't outrun the size of it. The moment the beam had hit the cloud, everything was coming off like an earthquake which made sense at to the impact that was caused.
"Are you two okay?" Iris had asked both Usopp and Sanji, as she was holding onto them both.
"What was that!? What just happened!?" Then cook on the other hand couldn't seem to comprehend had transpired even with a giant hole left where they had all been standing moments ago.
"Luffy!" The snipper called out to his captain as their was no sign of him.
"Conis! Hey! Where'd you go!?" Nor was there of conis.
"Lu/Luffy! Conis!" Usopp and Iris had once again called out to them,
"It's not use..."
"The almighty God Enel sees all...!" The citizens were saying but
"They seem to be fine." Iris had stated, looking down to the fall, causing both the guys to turn around and see the Sky Knight shot out from the hole with Luffy and Conis on the bird's... pegasus' back.
"It's Gan Fall!"
"Oh! That weird old man!" Usopp had called out to him.
"'Weird'? No, I am the Sky Knight!" Gan Fall had told him as if reminding him, then saying that this save was on the house. Before he had thrown Luffy back into the ground.
"Thank goodness! Conis...!" Sanji was relieved to see the woman.
"Leave this girl with me. I will not allow Enel to harm her." Gan Fall had told them.
"You now know this land's true nature, as well as 'God's' power. What will you do now?" He had asked the group.
"This Land is none of our business. Our friends are on 'God's Island'!" Luffy had answered as nothing had changed.
"I see... May luck be with you." And with that being said they flew off.
"Get on!" Usopp had shouted as the other three began to step into the ship. "I'll give you a strong push out!"
"You're comin', too!" Sanji grabbed him by the wrist, knowing that he was trying to get out of it. Iris had sat down without saying anything more as Luffy pressed the petal down, causing the Dials to roar,
"Alright, let's go to Upper Yard!" The Crow had taken off heading for Gate #2.
"No...!" Of course Usopp was crying as they entered the Milky Way. But still, They was no hesitation for the others as they seemed to be enjoying it. Then there was Luna who's face was back to being emotionless so it was hard to tell how she felt as sat in the edge of the ship, her hair blowing behind her as they heading for Upper Yard. "NO!"

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