The Group Getting Weirder!

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After the water had washed away Luffy and others Crocodile had slammed open the doors with both Miss AllSunday and Miss Black-Friday behind him. "I've had enough of these annoying pests. It's time I finished them off myself." He was saying but then he noticed the cage was wide open and all that was left were the banana gators and Mr. 3 with a node on his chest saying 'see ya later, Shitty Croc. Mr. Prince.' It had been the piece of paper Sanji had slapped on him before knocking him out cold. This seemed to have caused something inside the man to snap as he had dropped the real key to the cage. Miss AllSunday and Miss Black-Friday were just quietly standing behind him without saying a world. Meanwhile, outside on the shore of the city Sanji had shot out of the water, pulling out his captain that had inflated due to swallowing so much water.
"Oi, you alive, Luffy?" He had asked the boy, not completely sure. As the same time,
"Usopp Wake up!" Vivi was dragging Usopp out of the water as he was unconscious. She was pulling on his nose.
"Are you alright, Iris?" Then there was Nami, that was pulling the young woman with Devil Fruit abilities out of the water.
"Yeah... Thank... you...." Iris was coughing up the water that was in her on all fours.
"Man, people with Devil Fruit abilities sure carry some troublesome risks with them." Sanji was right about that, due to the fact that they ate the fruit they lost the ability to swim and every time they touch seawater they become unable to so anything. It was then when Zoro had appeared out of the water and throw Smoker onto the shore. It made since as Smoker, too, as a Devil Fruit and was unable to swim. But it didn't make sense to why Zoro would save him since he was their enemy. "Smoker! Oi, oi, Zoro! Why'd you rescue the enemy?" Sanji was even asking him that.
"Shut up! I didn't want to. This was the perfect chance to get rid of him." Zoro was telling him.
"Whatever. Let's just get going!" The cook changed the topic saying that they already lost chucks of time in the casino. "Vivi, can we still make it?" He had turned to her asking.
"I don't know." Vivi answered as she was trying to get as much water out of her clothes as possible. But she wasn't the only one, Iris was doing the same thing while Nami was fixing her hair.
"Nami. Do you still have that perfume I brought you in Nanohana?" Sanji had asked her the question next.
"Eh? Yes, why?" She was confused to why she had asked that.
"Put it on." Still confused she had turned to Iris and pulled the perfume out from the woman's satchel and began spraying it on her neck. "Ah~! To the ends of the earth! Fall in love!" Yeah, Iris had to wonder if there was a point in that.
"Quit joking around and get going!" Zoro told him since he was acting ridiculous but then out of nowhere
"RORONOA!" Smoker's jitte had come swing at him, but of course he had blocked it. "Why did you save me?" Smoker was asking after recovering. The truth was that Zoro had plan on leaving the man to die right there and then but...
"I was following the captain's orders." As such there was no need to thank him for it while informing Smoker that it was just one of Luffy's whims and to forget it.
"Then I assume you won't mind if I carry out my official duties." Smoker was saying.
"Hear that? That's what we get for rescuing a Marine." Sanji said but Iris could see that he wasn't actually planning on doing such a thing. Smoker wasn't the kind of man that would do such a thing when they had saved him from dying.
"Alright, men! We're heading straight to Alubarna!" Usopp had shouted after regaining consciousness.
"Where the hell is Crocodile?" Even Luffy was up and ready.
"Ah, they finally came to." Nami was glad, that was then when Luffy had turned his head which looked like a wide animal ready to attack but when he saw Smoker
"Smokey! You wanna fight!?" Even though he shouted that, he looked quite scared since his attacks would be completely unaffected.
"GAH! SMOKER!" Usopp bursted out seeing the man as well. "Oi, Luffy! Don't do it! Let's run!" He had then told his captain.
"When is he actually being serious?" Smoker was completely unsure about what was going though Luffy's head. But then again, not many know. The two of them stared at one another without saying anything. That was when... "Go." Had been said, which was quite surprising. "But this is the last time I'll let you go. When we meet again, your life is over." Smoker had told them.
"There they are!" Marines were running towards them breaking the silence that had happened after Smoker's warning. Seeing this, Usopp began to worry while Zoro was laughing along side Iris chucking.
"Let's get going. The marines are on their way. Which way is Alubarna?" Sanji was asking Vivi who had pointed off to the east shouting that it was that way, which the group began to run off in. That was expected Luffy, which had caused both Zoro and Iris to stop.
"Let's go Luffy!" The woman had told him as he was still standing there.
"Yeah..." Luffy was looking over to her saying but he turned back to Smoker.
"They're not getting away this time!"
"Y'know, I don't hate you!" Luffy had gave him a goofy grin while saying that which was quite shocking to Smoker.
"Get out of here NOW!" It seemed have embarrassed the man, who ended up swing his jitta down at Luffy that dodged screaming and then he was off like a rocket, passing both Zoro and Iris who couldn't help but chuckle before running after him. Of course they had the Marines close behind them.
"Faster! Faster! Faster!!" Usopp was shouting and
"YOSH! GUYS, WE'RE GOING STRAIGHT TO ALUBARNA!" Luffy had taken the front while shouting.
"AYE!!" None of them had a complaint as they ran to the east.
"Oi! Don't tell me we're supposed to run all the way to Alubarna!" Usopp had shouted to the group as they were still running.
"Oh, Eyelashes! Where did Eyelashes go!?" Nami had remembered the camel.
"Whatever! There's stables in the city, right!?" Luffy had asked the group or more like Vivi, saying that they should get some horses.
"But the marines are in the city!" Vivi had shouted backto reminding him.
"Set your mind at ease! Look up ahead." Sanji was telling the group as they were almost on the out shirts of the city.
"Oi! Guys!" It was there where they saw chopper waving to them on the back of a giant crab.
"A CRAB!?" Usopp's eyes had changed to the shape of the crab's seeing it.
"That's a Moving Crab!" Vivi was saying surprised.
"Looks tasty." Luffy was, of course was drawling over it as it came to a stop in front of them. "COOL! Cool! Cool! Cool! Awesome! Cool!"
"Let's ride!" Chopper told them and it seemed had caused Luffy to become even more excited then before, as he had stretched his arms up and grabbed one of its eyes to climb on.
"Nice to meet ya!" He and said the the crab that was sweating from awkwardness.
"Doesn't it's face look a little shady?" Nami had asked up to him, but she did end up joining him
"You are amazing Chopper." With a little help from Iris, that had flew up after grabbing a hold of both the other girls' arms. Sanji had followed suit and began to climb aboard.
"He's a friend of Eyelashes! So he had friends all over the place!" Chopper was asking at the others had been lifted up by the crabs arm. "But they're all perverts..." He had add the last part, which makes sense.
"My word! Moving Crabs stay burrowed in the sand so long, that they're like phantom crabs, but we have one right here!" Vivi was saying completely filled with joy.
"It's pretty fast, isn't it?" Zoro had taken a seat while asking.
"Probably." Iris had taken the spot on his crossed legs.
"Guys, hold in tight!" Chopper had told the others before they took off to the east. Just when they thought they were out of trouble, Vivi's screams had caused the others to look behind to see her flying backways. This was due to a hook wrapping around her and pulling.
"STOP! Chopper!" In an instant the crab had came to a stop in Zoro's orders.
"It's him!" Luffy was pissed of since there was only one person that would and could do this and that was crocodile. "You damned...!" His arm's had stretched out and grabbed ahold of the hook and he had throw Vivi off towards Iris that had taken her wings out.
"Oi, Luffy!" Zoro called out to him and Sanji called him an idiot.
"Luffy!" Vivi's eyes had open as she was in Iris' arms.
"You guys do on ahead! I'LL BE FINE BY MYSELF!" Luffy was shouting to them as before he fell to the sand. "Make sure you get her there safely! Get Vivi back home! Make sure!" He had told the group that weren't sure of what to do as their captain smiled at them. "Make sure, Okay?"
"Okay!" Iris had shouted, flying back to the crab while carrying Vivi. "Time to move Chopper! We're going to Alubarna now!" She had shouted landing on top of the crab.
"Right. Got it. LET'S GO!" He had shed some tears before they took off.
"W-Wait a sec! Oi! Oi, Iris! You're just going to leave him?!" Usopp was asking while looking back to Luffy panicking. "Oi, Aren't you being cruel!? You're damned cruel but... you'd better protect me from now on!" They took off leaving their captain.
"LUFFY!" Vivi was trying to go help him but she was being held back by both Nami and Iris.
"It's okay, Vivi! He'll be fine! I'm more worried about them!" Nami was telling her, hoping it would stop the girl.
"That's right. It doesn't matter who they are once Luffy decides that they are an enemy... there as good as defeated." Iris had been the to tell her that.
"Listen, Vivi." Zoro spoken, causing her to turn to him. "He'll keep Crocodile busy. The instant the Rebel Army moved to attack, the time limit on this county was decided." It was sad but the truth. "If the Royal Army and Rebel Army collide, this country, the Kingdom of Alabasta is done for. And if you are the only hope for stoping them... then you must stay alive, no matter what." Vivi was looking at the man in silence. "From now on, whatever happens to any of us... is of NO importance!" None of the others said anything against that as they all felt that strongly about this.
"Vivi. You set up this fight." Sanji had joined her at the side of the crab pointing in the direction of Luffy, where Vivi was looking off too. "You left your county years ago, and challenged an organisation you knew nothing about. However... you can't tell yourself you're fighting alone anymore." He had left her with that.
"V-Vivi!! D-Don't worry! I will... I'll... I will d-definit...!" Usopp was shaking in terror while trying to make her feel better but
"LUFFY!! WE SHALL AWAIT YOU IN ALUBARNA!!" She had screamed those words to him with no doubt and they echoed all the way to him. Ev en with a heavy heart about leaving their friend behind, they continued their path to Alubarna. And even when they could see a sand storm that was being caused by Crocodile with his fight against Luffy, they didn't turn back as this was something they had to do. They had to make sure Vivi made it to the capital to save her county, even if they had to die to do it. They must or they can't call themselves a member of the Straw Hat crew since they would be disobeying a direct order from their captain. This was the path that they had all decided to take and they weren't going to stop until their died and gone. "OKAY!"

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