The Dragon's Nest!

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the ship was shaking greatly and Iris, who stood up had ran over to the side of the ship. "Nami, there's land rising below!" She shouted over to her seeing it at the moment a sudden sonic wind blasted from a extremely loud boom. Water began to shoot up, however, it wasn't the water but earth, the island was lifting.
"So that's what it meant!" Nami had realised something.
"What do you mean, Nami?" Sanji was shouting from the other side of the Merry to where her, Zoro and Iris were looking down.
"Just like the fresco said, the Dragon's Nest is here!" Nami was beginning to explain everything, "The name 'Millennial Dragon' doesn't refer to their life-span. It means they come to this island once every 1000 years!" That was the reason for their name. "The Millennial Dragon are migratory! The flock didn't just appear here by chance! 'Lost Island' is the perfect name for it. It only surfaces every 1000 years!" So they weren't wrong, the part that dragons use for their nest go underwater for 1000 years and then resurfaces. "There's no way any living human would remember it surfacing!"
"I see, it's because everyone's dead! And we are the next generation that witness the Dragon's Nest appearing after 1000 years!" Iris shouted looking around. This truly was the most amazing island they've ever seen or been on. The island had completely surfaced and the crew was speechless looking at it.
"Amazing..." the Millennial Dragons had began to fly and land on the now surfaced island. There were hundreds, no make that thousands of Millennial Dragons as far as the crew could see.
"Could this be....?" Apis was looking out.
"Yup. This is the Dragon's Nest Grandpa Ryu wanted to return to." Luffy had told her.
"So this is..." Apis had spotted Ryu in the distance in the water and had jumped off the Merry to start running to him.
"Oi! Oi, Apis!" Sanji and Usopp were calling out to her but she just continued running. That's when the crew began climbing down the rope ladder off the Merry.
"What'd she take off like that for?" Usopp was asking not understand what was going on.
"It's Grandpa Ryu." Luffy had said, it had seem that he wasn't the only one by the others as well - excluding Iris. "Grandpa Ryu's over there."
"Grandpa Ryu! Grandpa Ryu! Grandpa Ryu!" Apis had made it to the lake where Ryu was in, since she had Devil's Fruit ability she was unable to go any further. The crew had followed her but stopped before they reached Apis.
"It seems like coincidence... but the place Grandpa Ryu fell turned out to be the Dragon's Nest. I wonder if that means he can Rest In Peace." Nami was saying looking down to the little girl and the dragon that was now dead.
"He's fine. Before he sank, he said his wish had come true." When Luffy had said that.
"So this is the Dragon's Nest." Usopp was looking around him, "There sure are a lot of weird-looking rocks." He had pointed out to the crew.
"I bet... these are Dragon Night." Sanji had started walking to the closes rock that was in the form of a Millennial Dragon, "Look at this rock here. Looks like a dragon, don't you think?"
"Well ya, but... why are the rocks shaped like dragons?" Usopp still didn't understand.
"Because during those 1000 years, they were under the ocean. Their bodies became calcified." Nami had told him, and he finally understood.
"Did you understand a word of that?" Zoro and Iris asked him, not believing him.
"Nope, not a bit!" And they were right in the money not to.
"When elephants die they go to a place called the 'Elephant's Graveyard', don't they?" Nami wasn't sure asking the others. "Maybe that's what this place is. The Dragon's Graveyard."
"The Dragon's Graveyard..."
"No! That's not true!" Apis shouted hearing them, "Grandpa told me if he returned to the Dragon's Nest he"d get better! This can't be a graveyard!" She was scream at them.
"Apis..." Nami didn't know what to tell you, the little girl that loved this dragon so much.
"Grandpa Ryu was a lost Millennial Dragon." Luffy caused the others to look up him surprised, "For 1000 years, he was all alone. But then, he became friends with you, Apis." She was surprise hearing that, that tears were starting to form in her eyes. "Out of the 1000 years he lived for... it was the time he spent with you that he treasured most of all."
"Luffy. You can understand what the dragons say?" Nami was asking him, confused.
"Kind of." Luffy answered.
"Cut that out already." Usopp had told him.
"But I'm sure that's what he said!" He determinately stated.
"Liar. Grandpa Ryu, you liar... this is the Drago 's Nest. If we've found the Dragon's Nest... then open your eyes! Talk to me!" Apis was crying telling him to get better again. As she cried, the others just looked at her, when Iris saw it. She slapped her hands on her check making the tears stop.
"Grandpa Ryu wasn't lying." Luffy had told the girl. "He said that Millennial Dragons have to return to the Dragon's Nest every 100 years ... to be reborn." He had explained this
"Grandpa Ryu will..."
"Look over there!" Luffy had pointed off, where a large rock was beside the head of a Millennial Dragon that had died 1000 years ago. The rock, it had began to break open - or more like hatch and there he was.
"A baby Millennial Dragon!" Apis' shouted as the baby dragon began to cry out. 4 Millennial Dragons had responded to the cried of the baby and fly to it. The baby Millennial Dragon had looked right at Apis and had start calling out to her, which had began Apis' crying again and nodding to the baby. After all the crying, Apis had walked up to join the crew not before looking back at Ryu. She now looked determined to do something about the Dragon's Nest.
"So you see, Apis... this place isn't just the Dragon's Graveyard. It's also... a place that connects them to new life." Nami was saying to her as she walked up to them.
"Thank you, everyone." Apis stoped and stood in front of them, "When Grandpa Ryu said 'Return me to the Dragon's Nest.' I think I understood... what kind of place this might be. And why Grandpa Ryu wanted to return so badly."
"It's an incredible place. I understand why our ancestors built that temple now." The other just looked as her, she still was upset about the whole thing, "Thank you, Luffy." She then grinned at him, "Now, let's go back to the village! I bet the villagers are scared out of their wits!" The others were smiling at they thought.
"Yeah! Yosh! Let's grab our ship and get off this island!" Luffy was cheering and the crew agreed with him as they walked back to the Merry. "Ooh, man, am I hungry! Sanji, make us something good!"
"With meat! Meat, meat!" Luffy had ordered
"I'll have vegetables and a big pile of bean sprouts!" Usopp was telling Sanji his order.
Like I haven't heard that before." He laughed at Sanji saying that.
"But this place is just incredible! Are all of these really Millennial Dragon?" Usopp was asking not so sure about it.
"Yep, pretty much..." Iris was back to smiling again.
"So much for the Dragon Night. If they all turn out like this, it must be just another fairytale." Sanji was saying.
"So that whole 'elixir of eternal youth' thing...?" Usopp was questioning.
"A dream wishing a dream." That was about right, Iris thought. "With everything covered in coral like this, there's no way to make an elixir." Nami had explained.
"Guess you're right."
"Those Marines were just wasting their time." Zoro said after Usopp.
"Yep, since they are nothing but useless bones." Iris agreed still holding his hand.
"OUT OF MY WAY!!" That voice had sounded familiar to the whole crew causing them to look behind them. Some how the bastard, Eric was still alive.
"Man, you're still here?" Luffy was starting to get really annoyed by this guy.
"Indeed... any longer and I would have drowned."
"Too bad really, I wish you had." Iris stated looking at the bastard.
"Behold. This beautiful radiance... isn't it wonderful?" He was speaking as if he wasn't going to do something horrible, "this is the source of the elixir of eternal youth... the Dragon Night!" This Guy was delusional.
"But with the Millennial Dragons calcified like this, there's no way to make an elixir." Nami was trying to tell him.
"So it seems. But you are forgetting the bountiful living Millennial Dragons sitting behind us. How about this: I'm tired of this meaningless fighting. Why dint we just share this fortune?" He was asking as if they would pair up with him to kill those innocent creatures.
"No." But Luffy had flat out refused him without hesitation.
"Don't you want eternal life?" Eric was asking shocked.
"Not interested." Luffy stated.
"LIAR! There is no man who doesn't fear death! And for you and I who have eaten the Devil's Fruit, only a thin line separates us from this world and hell! There's no way you can't fear death!" He was shouting at Luffy.
"That's what you think..." Zoro was smirking knowing Luffy.
"Luffy is the type of guy that'll smile on his death bed." Iris was telling Eric smiling in amusement.
"I see. Very well then! You can just sit there and watch... while I claim the Dragon Night for myself!" He was ready to use his Devil's Fruit of them.
"No!" Apis was shouting running towards him.
"Stay out, you little pest!" He had sent a wind sickle at Apis but Usopp - the most unlikeliest person - saved her.
"Usopp!" Apis herself was shocked.
"Don't be so reckless, Apis!" She was told bay him.
"Even if it's reckless, I should have to protect them! This is a sacred place to the Millennial Dragons! I will protect this place... FOREVER!!" She was determined about that as her voice echoed.
"You still intent to stop me?" Eric ask Luffy who was now glaring at him. No of them said a word of protest, they had made up their minds. "Then you shall die here." Once again he got ready to attack them "Sickle Sickle Whirlwind Scythe!" The attack was heading right for Usopp and Apis that were hugging each other looking away.
"Luffy!" They Both had stopped shaking realising Luffy had got in the way of the attack, both Iris and Zoro were ready to pull out their swords but smirked when Luffy got back up.
"He's mine." He had told the two of them.
"But, Luffy!" Nami was about to try and reason with him.
"I made a promise." Luffy had stopped her and stood still for a bit but then, he had began charging right for Eric.
"Sickle Sickle... Whirlwind Scythe!"
"Gum Gum..." He stretched his arm back then threw a devastating punch. In other words, it was a standard straight punch, augmented with stretching. "...Pistol!" They both had attacked at the same time. Luffy's arm that had stretched was sliced all over by Eric's Whirlwind attack, while he just dodged Luffy's punch. As the fist was heading right of one of Millennial Dragon's old body Luffy stopped it before reaching it.
"Is that all you have, rubbleman?" Eric was asking as Luffy pulled his arm back, "and now... the ultimate Sickle technique. No matter where you run or hide, you won't escape. I wonder if you can handle it." He got in position to strike again.
"He's lost it." Zoro was talking about Eric.
"Is Luffy in trouble?" Usopp was a,sing behind a rock with Apis that was worried about Luffy.
"Sickle Sickle Wind-scythe Chaos!" It was like a tornado of whirlwinds coming right at Luffy.
"I ain't gonna run or hide!" Luffy was heading right of the tornado.
"Fool! I'll cut you into pieces!" But he had run only getting a few slices, leaping up to the air in front Eric. The wind blast blow at the crew, Zoro raise his arm in front of Iris' face blocking the wind.
"Gum Gum..." Luffy's arms stretched to grab Eric's shoulders.
"W-what the...." and Luffy's neck stretched back.
"...Bell!" He head butted him in the nose breaking his weird glasses but, "...and..." Luffy wasn't done sending both his hand behind his back, "...Bazooka!" Then right into Eric's back at full forced and off he was into the sky that stoned turned into a star in the distance. "I win!"
"We did it!" Apis was over joyed. The crew had started heading back to the island where the village was only to find the villagers at a cliff complainly stumped looking at the Millennial Dragons below.
"What the hell is this?"
"They really exist!?"
"So they aren't just a legend!?" They were really shocked and scared watching the Millennial Dragons from above.
"I guess it's going to sink again before long." Nami had sounded really disappointed as we stood at the back above the villagers.
"And the Millennial Dragons will leave once again." Iris was also disappointed, it was most likely that they'll never seen them again.
"That baby Millennial Dragons will go somewhere, too, I guess..." Apis still was really sad at that fact until Grandpa Bokuden placed his hand around onto her shoulder.
"So, would everyone care to come over and have some of my famous Fried Pork Buns?" He had turned around to the crew and they remembered the last time.
"Oh, we'd love to, really... but we'll have to pass. We're in a bit of a hurry, you see." Nami was telling him smiling nervously.
"We are?" Luffy didn't seem to remember, "I want to try..." She punched his head down.
"Thanks for the offer, but we have to go." Sanji had politely said.
"Oh, that's unfortunate. It will take three days to prepare. So in the meantime I'll tell you the story of the Lost Island's royal family-" That was why they were wanted to leave.
"Oh, we've already heard the story..." Nami cut him off by saying. With that said and done, the crew head back to the Merry with the Villagers following them.
"Yosh! Set sail for the Grand Line!" Luffy shouted as we all boarded. "Apis, you wanna come?" He then asked her as they were all looking to her.
"I've had so much fun being with you guys, I'd like to. But I'm going to stay there on the island." Apis had answered him with a smile, begging to explain her plans. "I want to learn more about out customs from Grandpa Bokuden. And just as our ancestors protected the Millennial Dragons, I will protect the Dragon's Nest. I'll wait for the day when the baby dragons will return to this island."
"Wait a minute... the next time they'll come back..." Usopp was beginning to count of his fingers, "Won't that be in another 1000 years?"
"Don't say stuff to ruin her dream." Iris couldn't agree more with Sanji but Apis was shaking her head.
"I know that I won't see the baby dragons when they grow up, but my children, or their children will." Iris was pretty sure they would be her 10x great grandchildren that's see them, approximately that is. "And we'll protect this island forever!"
"You're talkin' crazy!" Usopp shouted down to her.
"You guys do crazy things everyday, don't you?" Apis was stating it more then asking.
"We do?" They all couldn't help looking at Luffy with their jaw about to hit the decks. Since he didn't realise that, as their Captain, he was the one doing all the crazy things. But after that, they let down the sail and started sailing away fro Warship island. "See ya, Apis!"
"Apis! Don't forget me! The brave warrior of the sea, Captain Usopp!" Usopp was yelling like crazy.
"Bye-bye!" Nami and Iris were shouting to her as they waved.
"Bye-bye! Everyone!" And there Apis was, on land waving both her hands up and down and began running along side the ship, "Take care!"
"You too! Take care Apis!"
"See ya!"
"Bye-bye!" Leaving the island completely Usopp was asking us if Apis was going to alright by herself.
"Apis will mange." Nami was saying.
"Yeah, she's got way too much spirt and courage for her small body. So she's going to be fine." Iris watched at the Island was getting further and further away.
"You're right, Iris."
"It's OK." Luffy said and Zoro had agreed, "Apis is our friend, right?"
"Damn straight." It was fun, traveling with her and Ryu. To be honest Iris was sad that they parted but she won't forget about this and it was going to be known throughout the world, maybe not the expected place so bastards like Eric and Nelson don't think they can use the dragons. But it was going to be the most truest story out there.

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