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Iris landed on the back of the Waver with her wings retracted. The man had been completely surrounded, other then the cliff on the shore. "That one is mine to kill!" This had been shouted by the man on the dog. He was a bald and muscular man of relatively average height with somewhat tanned skin. He possessed a pair of small wings sprouting from his back which extend down to near his waist, they were a bit larger then the ones on Conic and Pagaya. He had a small mustache and beard around his mouth, and wore a pair of small sunglasses over his eyes. He also wore a green sleeveless shirt, gray pants with several pockets, a long and flowing white sash around his waist, and dark leather boots with bandages around the soles.
"Oh? You gonna fight me over him?" This was being said with a smuggled look from the man on the bird, who had a thin, pointed mustache that splits into two parts; on his head there is an aviator hat decorated with wings, and a pair of goggles on the front. His attire was composed of an orange fur-lined jacket, with brown swollen sleeves decorated by beige spots; loose matching orange pants held up by a belt, fur-lined gloves and boots, and a purple scarf around his neck. He's dark haired, and on his back there is a pair of typical wings, it appeared to a standard feature of all the inhabitants of Skypiea. "I've got no problems with that. It'd be good for killing time!" The bird had seem to be in agreement.
"Worthless talk. I outta feed you to my dog!" Which only had the bald man responded.
"What a sight! A contest between some puny weaklings!"A round-shaped man with fair skin and long, dark red hair was jumping around laughing as he spoke. He was clad in a white, full-body jumpsuit, which had a vertical line of golden rings that run from front to back, an orange hat similar, orange gloves, shoes, and large, yellow sunglasses that completely obscure his eyes. Like the others, he had small white wings on his back.
"You yourself are a weakling!" A fourth man had appeared from nowhere, a tall, dark-skinned man. He had an unusual hairstyle, with a row of upward-pointing tufts or rasta-styled dreadlocks from ear to ear. Also with the same wings that were coming out of a matching purple jacket and pants, black gloves and shoes, a pink shirt, and a blue tie-like scarf around his neck. He spored a large, white tissue belt around his waist with a red circle in his center. They were are arguing amongst themselves who get to kill the man. However, Iris suddenly felt the presents of someone else and spun around only to find the same bull mask wearing man that attacked them. It just a second, the bazooka he was carrying had been fired and Iris pushed Nami down to her knees as the attack was aimed for the men on the island.
"W-What!? What!?" The navigator was looking to the island in shock as the man who had been chased managed to survive and was bent over the side of the cliff.
"Oi! Help me! Let me on!" The man begs to join the women on the waver the moment he saw them.
"Let you on? But only one person can fit!" Nami responds, since Iris was actually barely standing on the Waver properly.
"I came from another sky island seeking treasure! But that doesn't matter! I'm begging you!" But once again he began beginning.
"I don't know if it'll work... Iris..." the Navigator looked behind the the angel who was about to take flight again.
"I-I'm getting on even if I have to kill you!" But the men had began to threaten them.
"I don't think we should help him." Which only caused Iris to look at the man with cold eyes.
"A guerilla!" But the men had stopped when he noticed the man behind them. At that point, the strange sound that Iris had heard from the shell before the men died began. From the sky above, light began dripping down onto the man. "G-God..." then suddenly a mass of lightning shot down.
"Shit...! Enel!? How dare you do that to the Vearth!!" The ground that surrounds the man had began to break apart. Another lightning struck when the guerilla had been before he escaped, Nami was pushed back screaming on the Waver as Iris was gripping onto her. The two of them were now right beside the island after it calmed down. The navigator was breathing heavily while watching the guerilla leaving.
"Hurry up with those Water Dials! Put it out!" Until shouting caused her to look up.
"Nami, we need to be quite." Iris had stated to the girl, if they get spotted now they would most like be attacked. The fire had eventually put out and the four men from before had gathered together.
"Didn't it sound like he was talking to someone?" The bald man asked the others this.
"A guerilla. He got away, though." The round one stated as it appeared that none of them spotted Iris or Nami.
"Oi, oi! Shut that damned dog up!" This was shouted by the owner of the bird, since the dog had been barking none stop.
"He was probably pleading for his life." But the round one ignored the shouting as he was still talking about the man they had been chasing.
"But... why would Master Enel do it himself?" The bald man asked another question, clearly speaking about the light that had rain moments ago. "How would that benefit us?"
"It means we ran out of time." This had been stated by the purple suit man.
"Ran out of time?" The others were now all looking up to him.
"The next group of illegal entrants had already arrived." They were being informed of this.
"The old woman, Amazon, informed us that there's a ship with eight Blue Sea dwellers on it." They had no idea that they were being overheard. The moment that Iris and Nami heard this, they both realised that they were talking about them. It caused the two woman to glance to each other as they were confused by why they were being called Illegal entrants. However, it didn't take them long to realise that it was because they entered without paying for the fee. If this was the case, it meant that them and the others would end up just like that man from moments ago.
"Hardly worth the trouble for just eight people."
"Eight is even divisible by for." As soon as those men had disappeared Nami and Iris took this chance to escape. They needed to return to the others as fast as possible.
"We have to hurry back and tell the others! This place is dangerous!"

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