A Girl's, Apis, Secret!

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Two days had passed since the storm, and it was really hard to believe that it happened with such beautiful weather now. "Nami! Aren't we at the Grand Line yet?" Luffy was sitting in the same spot he always did, and he was becoming inpatient.
"We just left Loguetown two days ago. It's gonna take a few more days to get there." She had looked back to her map in her hands, "Just be patient."
"OK!" He grinned happily.
"What a beautiful day!" Sanji was sighing relaxed.
"I know, you wouldn't think that a storm like that had only happened a few days ago." Iris stated, sitting on the rail hugging her knees happily.
"Hey! I can see a big flock of birds off to starboard!" Usopp was yelling form the crow nest.
"Birds?" Luffy asked him.
"Yeah, and in the water I can sort of make out a pretty big... ah, I can't tell, what do you think?" Usopp asked the crew for what they thought it was.
"Maybe a fish?" Luffy had suggested.
"It could be a row boat?" Iris then suggested up to Usopp, who was fiddling with his new pair of goggles.
"Well it does kinda look like a big fish..." He had then told them, agreeing with Luffy.
"I hear that when sea birds flock over the ocean it's usually because there's a school of fish around." Sanji told Usopp, looking up at him.
"FISH!?" Just the mention of food and Luffy got excited.
"Luffy, catch us some lunch." Sanji ordered him.
"Gotcha!" Luffy was standing up, "Gum Gum..." His arms stretched way behind him, "...Net-catch!" And he sent it back the other way towards the flock of birds.
"Whoo! Nice stretching!" Usopp was cheering him.
"What a handy guy." Sanji stated, which was true as Luffy was very handy and many ways.
"Got it!" Luffy had told them, his arms returning, "It's a huge one!"
"Nice, Luffy!" Nami and Iris had told him, but then Iris notice that it was coming in to fast, not to mention it was heading right for her, Sanji and Zoro.
"H-Hold on! What about when it comes back-" It was too late to be thinking that, Sanji ducked and Iris' wings sprouted making her take to the sky as Luffy's arm came back. However, there was one unlucky person, Zoro who had been sleeping was sent off the ship.
"Ah- Sorry Zoro."
"YOU DAMN MORON!" Sanji snapped getting up.
"I'll go get him." Iris stated, flying off to him to grab onto his arms as he was still paralysed from shock.
"One day... I am... going to kill him..." Zoro was saying as they were heading back to the Merry.
"Hey look, this ain't a fish at all!" She landed back on the ship with Nami and Sanji crouching beside a young girl.
"It's a little girl!" Iris had walked up to them. The girl had on a long mustard yellow dress. The sleeves and the bottom of the dress were maroon with mustard colored circles. She had a dark maroon sash, and a same colored undershirt. Her hair was blonder but it was a lot more darker then mine and was tied back in a very thin braid, and her skin was fair. She had a pointy hat, white in color on her head and on her feet were red shoes.
"Eh? A mermaid? Where's her webbing?" Luffy asked looking down at her.
"Gimme a break." Usopp said,
"You know she's human, right?" Iris turned to him asking.
"But why would this girl be out in the tiny row boat...?" Nami asked as they looked down at the girl who's face was still stuck in terror. Since there was nothing else we could do, we moved the girl to the kitchen and laying her down. It was now lunch time and Sanji had started cooking, or more like almost finished it. Iris was sitting above the little girl's head placing a wet towel on her head, when she had sudden shot up and head butted Usopp - that had just headed her the wet towel. "OUCH!" Usopp was on the ground and the little girl screaming in pain.
"So you're awake!" Nami called out to her. "And even more lively then I expected."
"Are you hurt?" Iris had asked her all worried after hitting her head.
"I bet you're hungry, I'm whipping up some soup now." Sanji had told her.
"Lucky!" She seemed excited at hearing that.
"Were you in a shipwreck or something?" Nami had asked telling the girl she was in huge trouble out on the sea. "What's your name?"
"When you ask someone's name, you're supposed to say your own first." The girl had said back, this girl had plenty of manners to say that, since it was more polite to introduce yourself before asking for someone's name. Nami had giggled.
"Okay, my name is Nami. The guy making soup in the kitchen is Sanji." Sanji turned around and waved. "The guy with a mean face and a waistband is Zoro."
"Shut up." Zoro felt offend but didn't want to prove she was right.
"The guy lying unconscious over there is Usopp." The girl had looked to Usopp. "The woman behind you, with a sweet smile is Iris." Iris smiled at the girl once again when she was looking at her. "And this...
"I'm Luffy." Luffy had cut in, "The captain of this here pirate ship." He had told her, and she looked terrified. Her reaction was so cute. "We're heading to the Grand Line!" The girl didn't say anything.
"What's wrong?" That was why Nami asked her.
"She ain't movin'." Luffy was confused to why.
"The poor dear." Iris stated looking at the girl, her hand placed over her left check. As she was left handed.
"What're you gonna do with that kid?" Zoro asked Luffy. Since he was the captain and all.
"Well now that you mention it... what should we do...?" Not that he always had a plan. "I'll think about it tomorrow." And that was the end of that. Night had came around and the crew went off to go sleep, leaving the little girl alone in the kitchen freaking out about being on a pirate ship. She pictured Luffy and the rest as some evil villains when that really isn't true. Her face had gone red when he stomach began to growl since she didn't eat lunch with the crew. She had started heading to the fridge when a sudden trap was triggered causing the girl to scream her head off.
"Owwie..." But it wasn't her that was in the trap. The light was turned on suddenly and the girl looked up to see Sanji had turned it on and was standing looking down at her,
"You at it again?" But it wasn't her he was looking at, but the culprit behind the creation of the trap. "Luffy. How many times do I have to tell you? Would you just listen for once?" He had asked as Luffy was trying to get out from the giant mouse trap. Sanji had then noticed the girl, Land What are you up to?" The girl smiled nervously at Sanji, not knowing what to say.
"This is so good!" In the end, him ended up cooking food for the two of them.
"Yeah, I made it ya know?" Sanji said to Luffy as he was stuffing his face, "Now stay the hell out of my fridge!"
"Couldn't help it, I was hungry!" He was alway hunger though. The girl's stomach began to growl and both the men looked at her,
"What's wring with you, not gonna eat?" Sanji had asked her, and she turned her head away. "You didn't eat at lunch either, right? What're you afraid of? C'mon, it's not like I'm gonna put poison in it." He had told her, but she just shook her head. "If you just sit there, that jerk is gonna eat it for you." This time he had warned her.
"Well since you're not gonna eat it , I'll have it!" Luffy went to grabbed, springing the girl into action.
"HANDS OFF!" She had started chugging it, "Oh, it's delicious!" She was smiling after drinking it all.
Of course it is, I personally picked Sanji as our chef." Luffy told her and Sanji had given her a slight bow.
"I've never had something this delicious!"
"So she's finally come around." Nami said, leaning on the door with the others with her.
"I'm so glad she's smiling." Iris said looking at the girl.
"Nami! Iris!" Sanji called out, surprised to see them.
"Luffy are you eating again?" Nami had asked him.
"But I didn't have enough at lunch..." Luffy stated.
"But didn't you have two full pots?" Iris questioned him
"Did I?" Luffy rubbed his head.
"You got scared when you heard we were pirates, didn't you?" Nami asked the girl, knowing that it was like that the whole time.
"Don't worry about it." Iris placed a hand of the girl's cheek smiling. "It's a normal thing to react the way you did." She had told her,
"You won't sell me out?" The girl asked the two females.
"You thought we would?" Usopp was shocked at the girls question.
"Everyone must've seemed pretty scary, eh?" Zoro had asked,
"With this face, you think you're one to talk?" Usopp had gone up to Zoro and pulled his face which pissed him off and they started hitting each other. "What are you hitting me for!?"
"Would you two cut it out?" Nami told the two of them, and Luffy was laughing as the continued even the girl was laughing at seeing them.
"There's more if you would like, little lady." Sanji bend down to the girl telling her.
"At the very least, this isn't the kind of pirate ship you thought it was." Nami had stated telling her to relax.
"More please!" The girl shouted happily.
"Right away, madam."
"Me too!" Luffy shouted.

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