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With the destination sorted out for the time being and the Merry was heading for the island of Jaya. However, there appeared to be a bit of distance between them and the island so like always, the crew were off doing their own things. Iris was sitting in the kitchen and writing away in quietness. That was then when Zoro had come to enter the kitchen and headed over to her. "What you writing this time?" He was asking, looking of the woman's shoulder.
"The normal. I still hadn't finished the adventures of Alabasta." She answered not looking away from her writing.
"How much longer do you have?"
"Not much..." Iris was completely in the zone, which seemed to annoy Zoro a little, since he wanted her attention. He had come to lean forwards and before long he came to give Iris a quick kiss. Then another one. And another. Before long he was sitting on at the table while Iris had moved to being on his lap. Their just moved their lips without parting and was quite passionated. Their lips were very wet and soft from, Iris licked his lips and tongue with that soft tongue and those sensuous lips. Before long Zoro's cock stirred and kissing her back, licking her lips and sucking her tongue and enjoying her pretty little mouth. With one hand holding her up, Zoro had his other slowly moving up Iris' inner thigh that wasn't covered. And it was clear where it was about to go, only if...
"Sanji, I'm hungry!" Luffy's voice was shouting from outside on deck.
"I get it! I get it!" And Sanji's was slowly getting closer to the kitchen and the door had opened up. "Hmm..." And the cook came in... "You can read, Moss head?" To find that Zoro was sitting with Iris' book in hand as she was at the stove boiling water.
"Huh?! What did you say!?" And before long the two of them were at each other's throat. While that was going on Iris had poured the hot water into a tea pot before opening up a box of tea leaves that she places a few scoops in it.
"Sanji!" Luffy was whining as Iris came out of the kitchen with a tray, some cups and the tea pot.
"What you got there, Iris?" Nami came over asking this.
"I made some Jasmine tea." She had informed her. "Would you like a cup?" That had then been asked.
"Of course!" Which had caused the navigator to light up in excitement as she grabbed one of the cups and began pouring.
"Would you also like a cup, Robin?" Iris turned to the woman, asking her.
"Ms Angel's tea is always delicious." Which caused Robin to walk over.
"Iris' tea!?" Usopp and Chopper had popped out from nowhere with they eyes sparkling.
"I want some too!" Luffy jumped up using his abilities.
"I have plenty." Iris was chuckling as the tea was being poured.
"I want some of Iris' tea!" Sanji bursted out from the kitchen screaming.
"I'm before you!" Although, it wasn't long before he was pushed to the ground by Zoro that came out after him. With that, the time was moving forwards even more and it seemed that the guys were getting bored.
"I wonder... what kind of island Jaya is." Chopper was sitting on the side with Takayuki in his mouth.
"Like I said, it's the Land of Meat. Land of Meat." Luffy was saying because he wish for that to be truth for any island they head to.
"You just made that up." This had been said by Usopp who was tired of hearing that. "Although, we sure have been eating a lot of takoyaki." But it appeared that he could understand a little about the meat since they've been eating takoyaki for the pass few days.
"Then stop eating it." Sanji had come to taken the food from them as he spoke. "Eating Nami, Iris and Robin share...!"
"They said they weren't gonna eat it!" Iris had given it to the three of them, especially since she knew they were quiet when they were eating. Since they didn't have the food they began running around the mass to catch Sanji. "Give it back!"
"Shut up!" As this were happening...
"But... is there really an island in the sky?" Zoro had asked looking to the sky.
"I really hope." Iris was standing next to him, which caused the swordsman to look down to her. "It would be quite the adventure to write about." She seemed excited about the thought.
"Well, I hope you get that adventure." He was smiling to her.
"Looks like the two of them are in their own world again." Robin had pointed towards the two, which had caused Nami to turn around and smirk at them.
"Jeez, You would think their were an old married couple." Had been what she came to say since even before they were 'official' they already acted really close. However, now it was far more intimate as Iris was mostly sitting on Zoro's lap as the Merry was heading for Jaya.
"Are we there yet, Usopp?" Which was taking a lot longer then what Luffy liked as he was asking this again.
"Nope, I still won't see any land." But Usopp, in the crow nest, once again gotten the same answer
"Jaya Island's not that far, is it?" Zoro came to ask Nami as they were looking around.
"Yeah, the weather seems to have stabilised. We've probably crossed into the island's climate zone already." She had informed him.
"Then Jaya must be a Spring Island." Luffy stated as the temperature wasn't too hot or too cold, it was just right.
"It's so nice and warm..." Chopper seemed to be enjoying it. "Spring sure has nice weather, huh? Even the seagulls look happy." He looked up at the sky to see the birds above them, however, out of nowhere the birds had suddenly come falling down onto the deck one after another. "THEY'VE BEEN SHOT!" Which had the doctor screaming.
"Let's have grilled bird!" And food was the only thing of Luffy's mind.
"They were shot? I didn't hear any guns fire." Usopp yelled down to Chopper, from the nest.
"No, his right." Iris was saying as she picked on of them up. "There's a bullet." She even pulled it out of the poor creature that was no longer in the land of the living. "If I'm correct, with the angle of their flying and the wind pressure, the shots came form that direction." This was being all said before Iris was pointing off in front of the Merry.
"From the island we haven't even sighted yet?" Nami was asking in confusion. "Iris, that's impossible." Then had said this to her, since she didn't believe such a thing could happen.
"No, Iris is right!" Chopper had shouted at the navigator. "I was watching them the entire time!"
"That guy would have to have incredible eyesight, an incredible gun, and be an incredible marksman." Usopp was laughing as he was saying this. "He probably just fired the bullets into the air and they happened to fall down here." Although, what he said might be true... Iris just had the feeling that this wasn't the case.
"Sanji! Seagulls, seagulls!" Luffy had taken the birds into his hands with excitement and Sanji came to cook up the seagulls into food which had been eaten by the crew. After the event had come to pass it was a while before an island had been spotted, however, they finally found one.
"Nice!" Which was exciting to Luffy as they were heading right for it. "This town looks friendly!"
"Is it just me, or does it look like a resort!?" Usopp was saying in excitement while looking ahead with his binoculars.
"A resort!?" Which was had Chopper all excited as well.
"Hurry, Merry!"
"It really does! It make me feel like kicking back and relaxing for a while." Nami said happily.
"Hmm..." Iris; sight had found themselves looking towards the ships that were docked at the harbour. "Are they not pirate ships docked at the harbour?" She came to ask this of the others pointing at the ships.
"Oh, silly Iris!" But it appeared that this question had caused Nami to laugh. "Why would loads of pirate ships be anchored right there in the harbour?" She was now asking this.
"Nami's right!" Usopp laughed, agreeing with her, however...
"HELP ME! I'M GONNA DIE!" It didn't last long after the man's cry could be heard all the way to the ship.

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