Heaven's Haven!

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Heavens Haven 25 years ago was a lively place shining with light and life. Plus today was a special day. "tall young man with black hair with sideburns that point upwards stood behind the man that was walking back and forwards, as he was pacing backwards and frows the doors of a hospital operation room that was in use. His strange yellow eyes looking up at the above that was lite up. This young man was a Dracule Mihawk "I know master is practically invisible." He shivered at the strength of his master held and how frightening they was when angry. That's when the sound of baby's crying echoed through the halls and in an instant the young Mihawk burst through the doors . A woman with long golden hair was looking down at the baby she was crawling in her arms as it started calming down.  The woman had looked up and smiled with tears in her eyes.
"Mihawk, come see my baby girl." He had ran to her side in an instant to see the baby. "It appears that she has my eyes." When he made eyes contact, to see the baby girl's eyes were odd colours with a great big smile across her face. "I don't see anything that resembles her father though." The woman looked sadly smiling down at the baby girl.
"Anyway, Miss. Lily what name are you planning giving your daughter?" Young Mihawk asked her moving in.
"I don't know." She had titled her head to the side as she looked down at the baby.
"Why not a flower as well?" The young Mihawk has suggested to her.
"A flower name? Like Ms. Lily?" Lily was now looking at him and then looked down at her baby.
"Flower? But what one?" Lily had asked to herself and the men.
"Umm... what about Iris?" The young Mihawk had suggested once again.
"Why Iris?" Lily had asked young Mihawk Confused.
"Well, if she is a girl then she most likely be like her mother." Young Mihawk had started explaining to them, "And if that's the case, than she's be a beauty." He seemed a bit embarrassed explaining his reasoning.
"Iris...." Lily smiled down at her new born daughter in her arms smiling face. "I like that name."

It had been 5 years since Iris was born and when she was 3 she started begging her father, Leo to train her to become a female swordsman. "Iris, your form is off!" A Woman shouts echoed through out the sky. That woman was Leo, she hadn't changed much in the pasted 5 years but her hair was cut short.
"Sorry mummy!" And there, stood Iris swinging a sword. Her hair had grown but it was only just above her shoulders following every institution that Lily gave her, Iris trained for over 3 hours when,
"Oh, that's right!" The woman seemed to have remembered something. "Mihawk should be here soon." Lily had picked up the 5 year old girl was was running towards her.
"Bro-bro!" Iris had shouted cheerfully throwing her arms in the arm.
"Yes, Bro-bro." Lily smiled at her daughter. "So you want to come with mummy to pick Mihawk up?"
"Yeah! yeah! See Bro-bro!" The two of them set out, the door slammed shut. Iris grew up in a peaceful little island that was both beautiful and kind. Those in the village knew everyone and that was including Iris and her mother. The villagers had also known about Lily once being Marine. Not to mention her beautiful little girl which was loved by the whole village because of her brightness and liveliness.
"Bro-Bro!" Iris shouted upon seeing the now slightly older swordsman. She let on of  her mother's ha d with a giant grin, once Mihawk had reached the dock and got of his small ship, Iris ran right at him hugging his legs. "I missed you!" She smiled up at him still hugging into his legs.
"I missed you too, Iris." Mihawk smiled down at the little girl, patting her on the head and looked up towards his master with a serious look.
"Yes, I already know." Iris turned you head back to her mother and then back to Mihawk Confused.
"Then I don't need to tell you they're going to come here."
"No, and I know what they want."
"Then what are you going to do then?" Iris was starting to get frustrated as Lily and Mihawk were talking to themselves about something she didn't understand. It was starting to irritate her as they continued to completely ignoring her.
"I already have a plan." And that was the last straw.
"DON'T FORGET ME!!!!" Iris had started crying loudly. After the big scene at the docks the three of them had headed back to the house where Lily had prepared lunch for them. It was after eating Lily had walked out the room, after going to the kitchen to clean up the dishes and leftovers, as for Mihawk, still siting at the table watching Iris playing on the floor.
"This is it." Lily had entered the room again, with a chest in her hands walking towards the table. When Iris saw it, her eyes began to sparkle in interested.
"Whoa! What is that?!" She grabbed onto the side of the table after her mother placed the chest on the table. The chest was opened and there was a great glowing light shun lighting up the whole room. Iris had to close her eyes because it was too bright for her to handle. However, when the light began to dial down, Iris reopened them, shocked to see a strange fruit in the chest. "A golden Apple?" She was confused by the fruit that was strange and golden. "What is it?" Iris had turned to Lily and Mihawk asking the two of them.
"It's called a Devil Fruit." Mihawk had started then explaining in simple words so that she could understand that, Devil Fruits are mystical fruits found throughout the world that, when consumed, provide the eater a special ability, depending on the type and variation of the Fruit itself. With only one notable exception, an individual can only acquire the powers of a single Devil Fruit.
"So it's a mystery fruit!" Iris turned back to the Apple, "What happens when I eat it?"
"This Devil Fruit is the Angel Angel Fruit, it's a zone type." Lily grabbed onto the apple and held it in front of Iris, "There are three types of Devil Fruit. The first one: Paramecia Devil Fruit, it is the most seen type among the three. It grants its users abilities which affect their body, manipulate their surroundings, or produce substances."
"So it's like if someone ate a Fruit that is like rubber? He would stretch like rubber!" Iris was pretty smart for her age, she understood things a lot better than most children after listening to people.
"That's correct!" Lily had came into the conversation and patted Iris on the head delighted.
"What one next!" She asked her father.
"The next one is the Zoan type." Lily had told her.
"That's that Devil Fruit's type, right?!" Iris pointed to the Angel Angel Fruit.
"Yep, The Zoan Devil Fruit allows its user to transform into another species, at will. It provides the user three basic forms: Human Form, Human Beast Form, and Beast Form." Lily had explained for her.
"So if a human eats a Dog Fruit, he can be human, then half dog and then a complete dog!" Iris really loved listening to facts and theories not to mention books of adventure. "I read a book about a man eating a Devil Fruit and he could turn into a dog!" Earning herself a pat on the head by her mother, Iris giggled happily.
"The finale Devil Fruit is the Logia Devil Fruit, Which allows its users to transform into natural elements or forces of nature. They are often considered the most powerful and the rarest of the three types." When Lily told her that her eyes began to spark but when she looked at the Angel Angel Fruit it disappeared.
"So this one isn't  powerful?" She had asked pointing to the Fruit.
"No!" Lily shouted kneeling down to her daughter. "There are some Zoan types that are even rarer then the Logia type, and the Angel Angel Fruit is one of them." Iris' mother had explained, "The Angel Angel Fruit gives its user the abilities of the heavens and not only that it appears ever 900 years on this island only."
"Really?!" Iris was once again interested and then ran off towards the bookshelf. She looked around on the shelves when she stopped on the bottom shelf, were she ripped out a book and opened it up turning the pages until she found what she was looking for. "Mommy mean in the blank century!?" Iris showed the page to the two adults, it was hand written by a child with neat hand writing. "Iris looked into all centuries but for some reason Iris couldn't find any on 900 years ago." She had pouted down at the book.
"Sweetie!" Lily grabbed onto Iris shoulder with the most panicked expression Iris has ever seen from her mother. "Listen, you are to not find out what happened in that century, understand?"
"But why?" Iris was only confused looking at her mother.
"Because you will have an unhappy life, just like Ohara." Leo had said this
"Ohara?" Iris had never heard that name before.
"It was an island that was wiped from existence." Lily had picked Iris up into her arms. "But listen, what is your dream, Iris?"
"Iris wants to write the greatest book about Iris' adventures on the sea and share it with the whole world!!" She had throw her arms up in the air, she had completely forgotten about what they were talking about before.
"That's a nice dream." Lily had gotten up off her knees and kissing Iris on the cheek.
"Yeah, so make that dream come true." Mihawk had told her, as Lily held Iris in the air.
"Speaking of travelling the sea, you should have a special ability." Lily finally place Iris back on the ground and reached for the Devil's Fruit.
"Are you sure you really want to do this?" Mihawk asked Lily about what she were about to do.
"No, however, this is the safest place for it." Lily stated to him. "Here Iris, you can have this." She handed the Apple to Iris.
"Really!?" Iris took from her father's hand, opened up her mouth wide, and took as bite until it was all go which she then... "Gross!"
"YOU ATE THE WHOLE THING WITHOUT SAYING A WORD!!" Lily shouted at her daughter who had eaten the whole thing before yelling gross.
"So, how do you feel?" Mihawk asked the little girl.
"I don't feel any different." Iris had told him, as she looked down at her stomach where her hand was place.

A few weeks had went by in a flash, Mihawk had left the island and Lily was back to training with Iris by herself. The day was no different then any other day, or it was supposed to. "Lily!" The down to the house was slammed opened up.
"What is it mayor?" Lily had come into the house with Iris behind her.
"It's as you thought, he has come back!"
"Are you sure?" Lily asked the mayor, to make sure. "Iris, come here." She told Iris, and she did as she was told.
"Yes, and his not alone!" The mayor told her back. It was upon hearing that
"Come with me Iris!" Lily grabbed a hold of Iris' hand and started pulling her out of the house.
"Where's mummy taking Iris?!" Iris asked as she was heading to the forest behind their house. Lily had left Iris in the forest but despite have her mother telling her to stay at the hut she was placed in, she  ran out of the forest. However, the once peaceful villagers was now goofed in flames and terror.
"Mummy! Mummy!" Iris shouted loudly over screams of terror and tears began to fall. She didn't understand. What was happening to her home? Who could have done such a cruel thing? "Mummy! Mummy!" Iris screamed again this time while running towards the direction of her home. Calling out to her mother over and over again. As she was running, out of nowhere a man with a gun stood in front of Iris.
"Where do you think you're going?" The man had a giant grin over his face pointing at Iris's head.
"Mummy..." Iris didn't know what to do as the man was about to pull the trigger.
"DON'T TOUCH MY DAUGHTER!!" The man was knocked out from behind by Lily with peace's of wood.
"Mummy!" Happy to see her mother, leaping at her Iris was in tears.
"Why didn't you stay in the forest, Iris?" Lily had asked the little girl in tears.
"B-b-because Mummy is here! Iris wants to be with Mummy!" She had told her crying even more
"It's okay." Lily held onto her daughter tightly causing Iris to have a hard time to breath. "Everything will be okay, Iris." She told his daughter
"Mummy..." But Iris, she knew better. She knew that everything wouldn't be okay.
"Honey..." Lily then grabbing Iris and pulled her into an embrace. "You are destined for greatness. No matter how far away I am, I will always love you." After saying that, Iris only watched as her mother collapsed to the ground. Iris looked down at both her parents, confused and started calling out to them.
"Mummy...? Mummy?" She repeated shaking one at a time as she called them, but they didn't move. Iris had then felt something wet touching, Iris looked down at her hands and gasped at what she saw. The wetness was red, meaning it was blood. Iris could no longer hold the tears that she was holding. As she was crying the four men that had started this whole thing were walking towards Iris.
"Boss, there is a survivor." One of them had told the man that was standing in the middle of the group. Iris notice a shadow lingering over her, causing her to look up and coming face to face with the man.
"I hate you... I hate you!! I'll never forgive you!! You killed Mummy!" She screamed at the man looking down at her. As the man looked at Iris, he saw that her wounds had started to glow as she cried and were healing on there own.
"No way." This time, the man grabbed Iris' shoulders. "You're the one that ate it!" Iris was screaming in pain as the boss gripped her shoulders. "Now I see." A giant grin appeared across the woman's face, "You really are a smart woman, Michael D. Lily. However, you are also dumb." At saying that, both his hands began to glow grim green.
"No, stop it! It hurts!" Iris was screaming, yelling and crying in pain as something began to appear on her chest over her heart.
"You now belong to me. remember that, little girl." The grin was something that Haunted Iris's dreams for 20 year.

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