Falling 10,000M!?

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After dealing with more Skylamprey everything had now surprising calmed down but they had come to five tunnels made of stone and with the words Ordeal of Swamp, Iron, String, Poison and Balls on one each. Right behind them was a large stone statue of a figure representing God by looks of it. It only left them with a chose. "So? What should we do?" Usopp turned to the others asking.
"Yosh! Let's go with Balls! Balls!" Luffy was shouting while pointing at the last one.
"Why, Luffy?" The snipper asked, wanting to know the reason.
"Well, It sounds like fun." But of course there was no logic chose behind it.
"That's you're reason!? These are Ordeals!" Yeah it's had amplified with the word ordeal shouting that they weren't supposed to be fun.
"But Balls seem more peaceful then the others." Iris pointed out to them as the others seemed a bit confusing and deadly.
"Yeah... I'm in favour of the Balls too. It's the only one that doesn't sound violent. I guess..." which caused him to worry less when she said that. "For example... if we chose Swamp..." An image of him sinking in a swamp had appears in his mind. "I have a feeling if we choose that on, we'll start sinking and never be able to get out."
"Then, how about Iron?" Luffy questioned him.
"Rejected! It's was too risky!" All he did was shake his head not explaining the image he had of them having anchors falling on them.
"Then, Strings?" The captain moved into the next one, which inky gave Usopp an image of him moving on a string like rope.
"N-No way. On one hand is sounds safe, but on the other hand it's way too suspicious." Was his response.
"And poison?" It was then when he imagined large amounts of snakes and poisonous animals attacking him.
"I don't want to eaten!" He cried but then he image them going through the Balls where a giant ball was released after them. "They may be round, soft spheres, but what happens if we get run over by one?" But he always seemed to picture terrible scenarios and said that they should be careful.
"If that's the case, I don't think it matters what path we chose." Iris in the ended stated, since each of them had their own dangers to them at this point.
"We have to make up out minds. We're almost there." Sanji spoke as they were closing in one the statue.
"Balls! Let's choose Balls!" Their captain was still all for this. However, they all waited for Usopp as he was the one steering the ship.
"Y-Yosh! When it comes down to it, trust Luffy's instinct." It appeared he had finally given up as he was not longer thinking due to fear.
"Then that's that." Their path seemed to have been decided. "But don't get careless. We're on God's Island 10,000 meters above sea level. No one knows what kinds of strange things are gonna happen." Sanji had spoke as he reminded them of this.
"LET'S GO! BALLS!" But that didn't seem to care to Luffy as he was cheering. Usopp had then closed his eyes as he began steering the ship towards the end tunnel. The crow entered and it was black all around as they were going through the tunnel.
"Usopp, you shouldn't close your eyes, you're steering." Iris was chuckling as she told the young man this.
"It's still dark with them open!" He shouted after listening to her, not that they could see much of anything.
"Ah, hey. You know what this reminds me of?" Luffy had suddenly asked them.
"W-What?" Usopp was a little nervous as he asked.
"You know how there were five doors? One of them is a price store, and the rest are all losing ones." He was talking about a common trick used in traps or scams.
"Huh!? What the hell!? Why are you saying that NOW!?" But hearing this began to frighten the snipper even more. "What if we picked the wrong one!?"
"If we've lost... well..." the rubber head began thinking for a minute about the price. "We'll probably fall off Sky Island." He laughed after coming up with one.
"SCREW THAT! I'm not falling off anything! it's 10,000 meters from here to the Blue Sea!" But hearing this had pissed Usopp off. "YOU KNOW HOW MANY TIMES YOUR LIFE WOULD FLASH BEFORE YOUR EYES DURING THE FALL!? EVEN FALLING HAS TO HAVE A LIMIT!" He speaks as he had already experienced it himself.
"Guys, calm down." Iris had spoken up, trying to stop them. "I really don't think they would go through all the trouble to—" However, she was unable to finish her sentence as the Crow had disappeared from underneath her feet and her wings sprouted out upon reflex. As for the guys that didn't have wings.
"NOOOO!" They began screaming as they were falling with the Crow below. "THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!"

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