Sea Cow!?

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At Arlong Park, the group of villagers were standing outside of the gates. But there were unable to enter since Johnny and Yosaku were sitting up against the gate all wounded. "Are you guys okay?"
"We're you beaten up by Arlong?"
"Out of the way. We've come to see the fishmen." A man with a pinwheel on his hat told the two males. The men had scars over his body. He had brown short hair with a moustache. The man was wearing a usually police uniform with short sleeves and pants.
"After finding out the truth about Big Sis Nami, there was only one thing left to do - beat Arlong. With that in mind we came here." Johnny had told them.
"But, we lost easily." Yosaku told them right out with no shame.
"No offence, but we ain't moving for you guys." Johnny told the group.
"What?" The man with the scars took offence.
"We're waiting for 'those guys' to come." Yosaku explained.
"'Those guys'?"
"Bet your life on it. 'Those guys' will definitely come!" Johnny stated. That's when the two of them saw the group walking towards the park.
"There!!" All the villagers turned around and saw them too, Iris, Zoro, Luffy, Sanji And Usopp. They all had serious looks on their faces.
"Them..." Nojiko was Confused to why they were here.
"Those guys? What about them...?" The old scar man asked.
"Of those guys can't stand up to them, then there's no hope, not only for this island, but for the whole of East Blue." Yosaku told the group of villagers.
"Remember the faces of those five, that have come to change the future."
"Move." Luffy told the group of villagers as they got closer to Arlong Park, where Arlong was laughing his head off.
"Hey, do you think those two idiots were part of Zoro's gang?" Arlong had asked a another fishman that was wearing a dark blue gi (traditional uniform used for Karate practice and competition) with a black belt, and his hair tied into a straight ponytail.
"Zoro's gang? They were far too weak. They weren't even worth killing." That fishman stated cause Arlong to laugh again. The laughing had stopped at the sound of something banging against his gate over and over again until the four hit, and the gate was destroyed.
"What the...?" Arlong was shocked out of his mind and not to mention angry. Luffy stood there with his fist up, because he was the one that had destroyed the gate.
"Which one's Arlong?" Luffy as asked, standing there after he had destroyed the entrance to Arlong Park and had started walking in.
"Arlong?." Arlong was sitting in the same chair he had been when both Zoro and Iris were caught, "Arlong would be my name."
"I'm Luffy." Luffy had introduced himself as he walked towards the fishmen Pirates' Captain.
"Luffy?" Arlong had repeated after hearing Luffy's name. "And who are you?" He had then asked.
"A pirate." Luffy answered, the other fishmen looked a bit stunned until the one that Zoro and Iris had met, Hachi started pointing at Luffy,
"Oh! It's him! He's here! The kid who likes to take walks!" Hachi shouted.
"Not so fast there, you." Two fishmen stood in Luffy's way.
"Where do you think you're going?" However, that didn't seem to bother him.
"You got some explaining to do to us, kid." When Luffy got closer, on of them them had grabbed him, not the best idea. "C'mon, Hey..."
"If you don't stop..." Luffy grabbed one of their shoulders and the slammed the two together.
"Out of the way!" See, it wasn't a good thing to get in his way. All the fishmen had their mouths wide open in shock was what a little human man had did.
"And what does a pirate want with me?" Luffy didn't say anything, as with on punch, he sent Arlong flying off into one of the side fences causing it to smash. It was no wonder the other fishmen were freaking out. "Who the hell are you?"
"DON'T YOU DARE MAKE MY NAVIGATOR GRY!" Luffy shouted with so much anger.
"You bastard!" A bunch of fishmen began to come out of the water, heading right for him.
"You weaklings stay out of this!" Sanji had sent the off with his strong legs. "Honestly... bursting in alone like that..."
"It's not like I'm going to lose even if I was alone." Luffy told him,
"Idiot. Since when did I say I was worried about you? I'm just telling you not to hog all the prey." Sanji does know he just took a bunch of them out just them.
"Oh, okay." And Luffy just took that. The two really are idiots.
"U... uh... I don't really mind, if you hog them all..." Usopp held his nose high, trying to hide how scared he was.
"That's some bravery you got there." Iris could help but laugh after Zoro said that.
"I don't even know why you came." She told Usopp.
"That's them! It's those guys! The unknown swordsman and swordswoman!" The octopus, Hachi pointing at Iris and Zoro.
"The man's Roronoa Zoro. The woman I've never seen before." The ray fishman informed Hachi.
"As I thought, I knew it!" He didn't know it when he took them to Nami's home village. "They're the ones that tricked me! They rode me... I mean, I gave them a ride..."
"Look, that long nose!" One of them had pointed out Usopp.
"Huh?! But Nami killed that guy!" Hachi was shouting in disbelief.
"He's alive..." a fishman That was muscular, blue skinned, and has thick lips. His Arlong Pirates tattoo is was on his right shoulder. He wears a necklace, a striped blue vest, dark-brown leather pants, and sandals.
"That would means..." a fishman stood beside the one with thick lips. He was gruesome stature, towering over just about everyone around. He had a massive build, with his blue gray body essentially covered in thick layers of muscle. He appeared to be of the shark lineage, his skin looke. Much like the rest of his kin, he possesses several gills along the length of his neck for the ability to breathe underwater; there was an additional set of gills on both sides of his face, level with his ears. The most prominent reflection of his relation to Arlong is his saw-shaped nose, much like a saw shark. Coincidentally, he also has a set of durable teeth which he can grow back near instantaneously.
"I knew it! I was right all along. That woman!s a traitor!" The Ray fishman stated about Nami.
"Pirates, Eh? I see." Arlong had finally spoken again, but he seemed amused not worried. "So that's the relationship between you guys." What was he on about? "I thought you were just Nami's victims. But... but what can five inferior beings possibly do?"
"Can I stab him?" Iris turned to Zoro pointing at Arlong like a child pointing at a toy
"Calm down." He had told her.
"You guys are idiots." Hachi was laughing as he walked to the side of them, closest to the water. "You think Arlong will waste his time with the likes of you!?" He had asked them. "He'll be enough for the job!" Hachi had began blowing out of his mouth which sounded like a trump, which was really weird. The ground had began to shake as did the see.
"Wha... Wha... what's going on!?" Usopp had began to freak out. There was something heading of Arlong Park from the sea.
"You guys can be his next meal! Come out! Mohmoo!" Something had began to emerge from the pool that linked to the sea.
"It...It's a monster! The monster from the Grand Line that crushed Gosa Village!" Usopp was screaming upon seeing it. There was a giant fish that looked like a cow stood tall. It has a big round nose with a gold nose ring, cow-esque face and horns, green spots throughout its body, and also, due to its seal-like structure, an ability to swim easily. But for some reason it was beaten up and crying. "It's huge!"
"Wow! It's a giant cow fish!" Iris shouted without thinking.
"It's a Sea Cow, you idiot!" Iris had the guys, besides Sanji, shouting at her. The villager had began to freak out just like Usopp was.
"Oh, it's just him." Luffy was looking at the Sea Cow, stating as if he had already met the thing.
"So he was a friend of the fishman?"Sanji had asked. The Sea Cow was crying more looking at the two of them.
"What did you do to it?" Iris had asked them both.
"Nothing really, He was trying to eat my meat." And trying to eat Luffy's food was really bad. The Cow had turned back around towards the sea and was starting to leave.
"Hold on! Mohmoo! Where do you think you're going!? Hey! Wait! Wait, I tell you! Mohmoo!" Hachi was shouting at the Cow, Mohmoo,
"Mohmoo... What are you doing?" Mohmoo had came to a stop when Arlong had spoken up. "Well, if you wanna run away, I won't stop you... would I, Mohmoo?" Mohmoo must fear Arlong more then Luff and Sanji combined because he's attitude changed as he started to charge - swim - back towards us.
"It's coming!" Usopp was shouting.
"Yeah! Get 'me! Follow Mohmoo!" The other fishmen started charging us as well. While Usopp was crying he was sorry, the rest of us were getting ready to fight.
"I'll take care of him! This is a waste of time!" Luffy told them, then had stuck his feet into the cement - which Iris don't think was a good idea.
"What the hell is he gonna do?" Sanji was asking.
"I don't know, but knowing Luffy, it is probably stupid." Iris stated to Sanji.
"I've got a bad feeling about this." Zoro had said. Luffy had then began to spin his body around over and over again, which had then grabbed into the horns of the Sea Cow.
"His arms stretched!?" Hachi freaked out seeing it.
"He possesses the power of the Devil's Fruit!?" Correct Arlong was, but this move, Iris didn't like where it was going.
"Oi! Run!" Zoro had suddenly shouted,
"What? What's he gonna do!?" Sanji was asking again.
"I dunno, but it's not gonna be pretty!" He was right, and their started running away from Luffy.
"Gum Gum... Pinwheel!" Luffy was spinning around along with the giant Sea Cow, which was sent off into the sky with tears coming out. It would make one feel bad for it. With that attack, Luffy had taken out of the weak fishman not to mention some of the building. Not saying it was surprising really. "I didn't come here to fight these guys! The one I want to take down... IS YOU!!" Luffy was pointing at Arlong.
"That's just perfect. I was just thinking about how I'd like to kill you now too." Well, at least now he wanted to fight.
"That was dangerous, you idiot!" The guys ended back at Luffy's side again and and Sanji was kicking his head a bunch of times.
"Did you want to kill us too?!" It wasnt so funny really.
"Huh?" Luffy had a really dumb expression on his face and he began rocking side to side for some reason.
"What the hell did you think you were doing!?" Usopp was still going on about it.
"How dare you do that to our crew!" Hachi was yelling.
"Looks like we have to get our hands dirty now..." that Ray fishman didn't seem all that happy
"I think we need to teach them the difference between our species." Big mouth stated.
"Is it even worth it?" The last one had asked. Well, these fishman were full of hot air if nothing else.
"So, the main forces have finally shown themselves.." Zoro was getting really excited about this whole thing.
"Why do they have such big egos?" Iris could stop herself from asking,
"Arlong, please stay right where you are." Ray fishman said.
"If you fought out of rage, Arlong Park would turn to dust." Big mouth really was annoying.
"Besides, these humans aren't even worth your time." And That last one was getting on Iris' last nerve.
"We'll take care of them!" Hachi was in rage.
"Yeah, do whatever you like." He thought he was king, didn't he?
"Hey, um.. wait-" as Luffy was trying to say something Hachi was doing something strange.
"That octopus is doing something!" Iris pointed it out it the guys.
"First, you boil the octopus is salt water, slice, then flavour with olive oil and paprika. It makes a great appetiser." Sanji stated.
"Um, wait, can you hear me out?" They were completely ignoring Luffy,
"I don't care how good of a cook you are, I ain't eating him!" Iris shouted at Sanji pointing at Hachi
"Take this!" I looked back to Hachi, "Shikai-Zero! Tako-Hachi-Black!" (Zero Visibility! Octopus-8-Black, Japanese) ink was shot from Hachi's mouth, like a really octopus. Iris quickly got out of the way of the ink so she wouldn't be drenched in the whole thing. However, for some reason, Luffy didn't move at all.
"You moron! What didn't you dodge it!?" Zoro was shouting.
"More like, how didn't you!?" Iris asked.
"Ahh! I can't see!!" Luffy was screaming,
"And to finish you off..." Hachi had picked up a giant piece of rubble.
"Hey! Luffy, run away!" Usopp was shouting for afar.
"Yeah, that's just the problem. I can't seem to move..." Luffy told us just now.
"Huh?" Sanji didn't seem to understand.
"My feet won't come out!"
"Hey wait! Won't you the one who stuck them in there the first place!?" Iris shouted at him, asking.
"What was he thinking..." clearly thinking was the last thing he would do.
"Tako-Hachi-Black On the Rocks!" The rubble was thrown onto of Luffy,,
"This is just great..." or at least it would have been if not for Sanji
"Ooo! Sanji! Nice one! Nice one!" Luffy was cheering,
"Looks like I ended up with a complete moron for my captain." He said, with a smile.
"We're on the same boat." Both Iris and Zoro said at the same time, agreeing with him.
"He's... awesome!" Usopp was the only one defending Luffy.
"Well, at least it's a hundred times better than being with a low-life bunch that hurts a lady." Sanji moved on.
"A lady? You came all the way here for 'that kind' of woman? You guys make me laugh." Ray fishman stated amused.
"'That kind' of woman?" Sanji seemed to have taken an offence to that statement. "Say that about Nami again, and I'll cook you in a buttered frying pan. Making you into a Meunière, Fishman!" (A French cooking term for Miller's wife, that seasons fish in butter)
"You look like you can fight, for a human. But a pirate who fights by chivalry can only be mediocre." That Ray had a point.
"Why don't you see for yourself, if my chivalry is mediocre? I was raised by an unbeatable pirate." Sanji told him, this was going to be big.
"Seems like you're really unfamiliar with the superiority of the fishman race." As that was going on As that was going on Usopp and Iris were trying to pulled Luffy out from the cement. Not that it was doing anything.
"I still ain't getting free."
"Not yet? Can't you pull 'me out yet?" Usopp had asked the rubber man.
"Not yet." Luffy had answered picking his nose. "I don't think I can get out just by stretching."
"Are you even trying?!" Usopp snapped at him. "Do you even want to free your legs!?"
"Although he does have a point." Iris looked up at him.
"What are those three fooling around for? This is Arlong Park for crying out loud." Hachi had picked up the rubble again to left it up, "I'll kill you!" And Usopp was off with only himself pulling Luffy.
"I don't think that's going to work." Iris sighed watching the two of them.
"Crap, Crap... come one, dammit, get 'me out!" Usopp was screaming, it still no luck.
"Wait!" Hachi called out, when a sword still in the cover was pointed at him.
"Hey, Octopus." Zoro caught his attention, "these three are busy."
"I'm not really." Iris stated back.
"I'll be your opponent." He had completely ignored her.
"Roronoa Zoro! I almost forgot about you! How dare you trick me!" Hachi had slammed the rubble where Zoro once stood. "That's right! Then you also killed some of my brethren!" Iris had too, but they most likely think Zoro was the only one that did it.
"I'm not interested in any of that old news." Although it was only a few hours ago. "Your reason for wanting me dead... I don't care about it. The situation's changed. It's not you who want to kill us. It's us who was the kill YOU!"
"Alright, Zoro... I'll let you have that octopus. Nice." The moment let go of Luffy, he had flown by Iris and sent right into the big mouth, Chew.
"I'm back to where I started." Luffy had gone back to normal, minis the feet still stuck.
"Oh my, that isn't good." Iris had her hand over her mouth looking at Chew on the ground.
"Bastard!" Chew was sitting back up and Usopp had said goodbye crying. "Looks like you really want to be killed..." the fishman ran right passed Iris, ignoring her and running after Usopp that was crying as he ran,
"Isn't that the guy who saved Genzo?" One of the villager recognised Usopp as he ran pass them.
"Aren't you guys from Cocoyashi Village?" Chew asked stopping and looking at the villagers. "Seeing that you have all these weapons, I can assume you guys are rebelling? You guys are all..."
"Flaming star!" Chew was suddenly golfed in flames.
"Big Bro Usopp!"
"Your opponent, is ME!" Usopp was shouting all the way away from them.
"If you wanna die so badly, I'll kill you right now!!" Chew was no longer on fire and was running after Usopp once again.
"What's with that guy?" Genzo asked confused that the young man.
"He stands up to fight, and then he runs away.... he's a strange one."
"Since Chew's busy with that long nose freak, I'll have to kill all of you." The fourth fishman without Iris noticing was already in front of the villager from Cocoyashi Village with his sword up high. The one it would stick first would be Nojiko since she was standing right in front of the fishman.
"You know, that wasn't nice." Nojiko who had her eyes closed as the attack was coming down, had opened up her eyes to see Iris standing in front of her smiling as the fishman back away.
"How dare you, little girl." the fishman glared down at her.
"You know, you said you fishmen are strong. However, now I don't think so after beating up a bunch of them." Iris mocked him and his kind.
"You also beat my brothers?! I, Funori, will end you, you pathetic human tarp!" He had leaped at her with his swords.
"Oh, temper, temper." Iris had wiggled her index finger from side to side in front of her at the Fishman, Funori after dodging his sword. "You shouldn't let your emotions cloud your judgment in the middle of a battle." Funori continued to swing his swords at Iris one after the other.
"You parasite!" This time, when Funori went in to attack Iris, she did dodge it but had then grabbed onto the arm that had stretched out. With it grabbed, Iris used it as a rail and sent her knee into the fishman's face, which in returned made him fall to the ground.
"Boo! Boo!" Iris started calling out, "You're no fun!"
"Who is that girl?" Nojiko was completely stunned at how Iris was treating this as a game.
"Miss me! Miss me! But you don't get to kiss me!" Iris had kicked Funori in the face as soon as he started to get up again. "Your really aren't fun, you know that!" She was like a child playing a game, or more like Funori was the child that was being played around with.
"You bitch!" Iris leaped back before being kicked, "Who the hell are you?"
"I'm Iris." She titled her head with a confused look her face.
"Don't play dumb. A normal human would have broken their arms blocking my attack, but not only did you block it, you only did it with one hand." This fishman really did have a huge ego.
"Well, I'll answer you questions... when you catch me!" Iris shouted running off out of Arlong Park.
"Wait!" And without hesitation the fishman was after her.
"You can't catch me!" Iris was shouted behind her,
"How the hell is she so fast?" Funori was having a hard time keeping up with her. He didn't know how long they had been running for before Iris had finally came to a stop, "so... you done... running...?" He was breathing heavily.
"Yeah!" However, Iris hadn't broken a sweat. "You know, I'm done playing this game, so shall I just end you now?"
"Don't joke!" Funori was laughing.
"Oh, that wasn't a joke." A large shadow had suddenly fallen over Funori and he was going pale.
"I know who you are now! You're..."

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