A Doctorless Island!?

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It only took a few minutes for the large group to make it to a village, after encountering the Hiking Bear. Most of the houses in village were cylindrical and feature roofs with an unique conical shape. The bricks used to build them were reddish pink while the roofs were green with two rows of Square gray bricks. "This is our village, Bighorn." Dalton had introduced it to Luffy and the others.
"There was weird animals walking everywhere..." Luffy had said, but the only weird creature was the large white hair hippopotamus that was walking around.
"That's a snow county for ya!" While Usopp agreed with him looking around all-struck.
"I don't think it has anything to do with it being a snow county." Iris told them both, as it made sense.
"Nami! We made it to a village with people! It's a village!" Sanji was saying to her,but she was unconscious.
"Okay. Thanks for the help, everyone. Those who aren't guards can return to their work." This was being instructed by Dalton to the other inhabitants.
"But, will be alright by yourself, Dalton? They're pirates!" But none of them wanted to leave the man alone with a group of pirates, which was not completely unexpected. But to Dalton, he believed that none of them posed a threat.which was from a hunch caused by many years of experience. "Of that's what Dalton says, then..."
"And they don't seem dangerous..."
"Yeah..." it seemed that they were all convinced. "Alright, Dalton! We leave the rest to you!" And they left while telling Dalton to be careful and call if they were needed.
"So those men weren't this island's main security force?" Iris asked, looking up to Dalton, since it was pretty clear that they weren't.
"They're ordinary citizens." And with that being answered, he had began to bring the group to his small house.
.hey! Look, Luffy! A Hiking Bear!" Until Usopp began shouting.
"Again!?" Which had pulled the captains head behind.
"Gotta bow." However, it wasn't a Hiking Bear like they thought but a big woman roughly twice the height of Luffy. Her body shape looks like that of a Hiking Bear, so much that Luffy and Usopp mistakenly took her as one and bowed their heads.
"Oh, Dalton!" She had curly hair that is in a round shape. She wore a brown coat with dark brown buttons that covers her whole body, with white fur on the ends of the sleeves, the hood, and the bottom of the coat, along with light brown frills on the chest, and a dark brown stripe where the upper body separates from the lower body. She also wore a light red scarf and dark brown shoes that have white fur at the top. "I heard there were pirates! Are you okay?" She didn't seem to notice Usopp and Luffy bowing to her, walking right past them.
"Yes, everything is okay. There's nothing to worry about." If had informed her before she left
"Oh, Dalton! I look forward to the election in two days!" An elder man, grey hair and all called out. "Everyone says they're going to vote for you!" It had become clear that the people on the island seemed to trust Dalton a lot
"Y-You can't be serious! I'm nothing but a sinful man!" However, he seemed slightly ashamed of something. The crew had finally made it to Dalton's small house where a fire was lite in the fireplace. "Use that bed there, I'll warm the place up." Nami had been placed into the only bed located in the one room house, where Iris had made sure that she was covered. "I haven't told you my name yet." Not that they didn't already know. "I'm Dalton, captain of the security squad of this island. Please forgive our heavy-handed welcome." He had stated to them before moving on. "May I ask you a question?" He asked this of Vivi, who had all shocked. "I somehow feel like I've seen you before."
"I-It's probably just your imagination!" She responded to then try and change the topic asking about the witch.
"Yes, right now Nami's temperature has reached 42C." Iris had the thermometer in hand looking down at it.
"42C!?" Dalton was in complete shock hearing that.
"It's been three days but no matter what, her fever keeps going up." He had been informed by the Angel.
"She'll die if it goes up anymore!" He wasn't wrong about that, however, no one knew the cause of Nami's illness, much less to treat it.
"We need a doctor! Anyone will do! Where is this witch f yours!?" Sanji was shouting out of Dalton.
"The witch, huh. Do you see those mountains outside the window?" That had been asked and he spoke of the the candle like mount...
"Hyper Snowman!" That seem to have been blocked by a large snowman created but Luffy.
"Snowzilla, the snow beast!" Along with a beast made up of snow made by Usopp.
"Yeah!" They high-fived each other while standing on their creations.
"Don't make me kick your asses!" Which had caused Sanji to lose it. They had then come inside
"Those mountains are Knotens as the Drum Rockies. Do you see the castle at the top of the tallest one in the middle?" Dalton was asking them, which was something barely seen. "The castle no longer has its king."
"Yeah, there it is." Sanji was looking out the window to see it.
"Might I ask the importance of the castle?" Iris had been the one to ask, while sitting on the bed attending to Nami.
"The only Doctor in the land, Dr. Kureha lives, there. People call her a witch." That had been the answered.
"What!? Of all the places, why does it have to be so far away!?" But there was a lot of unpleasant confusion about it. "Then call her here right away! We have a critical patient!" Sanji was shouting still looking out.
"Even if we wanted to, there's no way to contact her."
"Huh!? And she calls herself a doctor!? What the hell is she like!?" Sanji was still shouting while asking Dalton this.
"As a doctor, she is very skilled. But she's an eccentric old hag. She's nearly 140 years old now." Had been the answer given. Which was quite shocking making it seem like she was the one that might need help. "And, let's see... she likes pickled plums."
"What happens when people here get sick or injured?" Vivi the asked, pretty much ignoring the last part.
"She comes down from the mountain when she feels like it. She looks for patient, treats them, then, as payment, she takes whatever she wants from their houses before leaving." It had been explained but that sounded more like a pirate more then anything else.
"Sounds like an unfriendly old hag!" Usopp stated, tea in hand.
"Hey! She almost sounds like a pirates!" Luffy spoke out what everyone was thing.
"But how does such an old woman go down that mountain?" Vivi then asked Dalton as it didn't make sense.
"It's an odd rumor... but several people claim to have seen her writing a slide through the sky on moonlight night... and that's the reason she's called a witch... some also saw her with a strange creature they'd seen before...." it would make sense that people would call her a witch upon seeing stuff like that.
"I knew it! See? It's a Snow Man! It's a snowy mountain, after all!" Usopp was throwing a fit at the thought of a monster. He was saying that he knew there would be. There was no witness no man in the hopes that they didn't run into them.
"Wouldn't that beat the purpose?" Iris had asked, looking at the panicked long nose.
"She is the only doctor, but she's a hag I'd prefer to stay away from." Dalton had honestly stated, and even though he was a soldier thought of the witch terrified him. "All we can do is wait for the next time she comes down the mountain."
"You can't be serious..."
"Dammit! We can wait for that! Even as we speak, Nami is-!" Sanji began to say
"Hey! Nami! Nami! Can you hear me?" Until he noticed Luffy snapping Nami's face as she laid asleep.
"What are you doing!?" Excluding Iris, the others had all yelled at him asking.
"Oh! She's awake!" She had opened up her eyes. "Hey, The only way to see a doctor is to climb a mountain. We're gonna climb it!" Luffy had declared on his own.
"Don't be crazy! What are you doing with Nami!?" Sanji was asking him, since she was sick and all.
"Yeah, if anything, it would be better for Iris to take her." Usopp had spoken up saying.
"It probably wouldn't be a good idea." She responded, thinking with hand placed on her chin. "I'm confident in my flying ability, however, carrying a sick person without moving around to much would be hard enough without being in snow county."
"It's because the weather can be unpredictable and wind currents might appear out of no where." She answered him turning back to Luffy.
"It's okay! I'll carry her in my back!" Luffy looked back to the others now saying.
"That'll only make things even worse!" Vivi had been the one to shout at him.
"Sahst the problem? We need to hurry, don't we?" But he didn't understand what she was against it.
"That's true, but you can't! Look at how steep and tall it is!" She was now pointing outside shouting. But Luffy was sure he could.
"Maybe you can make it, but it'd be too hard on nami!" Sanji was also completely against the idea.
"But, look! If we fall, we'll land in snow!" But it seemed that Luffy really didn't understand even a healthy person with die instantly after falling from there.
"Seriously! She's 6C over the normal temperature! Do you even get it!?" Usopp was asking to make sure he did.
"What was that, Nami?" Iris' question had caused all the stop, and turned to Nami that was trying to speak.
"I need to get over this fast... I need to hurry... for Vivi..." She was having difficulty speaking. It was then when she began playing up her right arm from under the blanket. " i'm counting on you, captain!" She held her palm out saying, which shocked everyone in the room. All but Luffy that had high-five her.
"That's more like it! Just leave it to me!"
"I can't believe it! Like captain, like navigator!" Usopp was sighing at all this.
"Do you know what condition you're in, Nami?!" Sanji asked all panicked at the thought of Luffy taking her up the mountain.
"Are you sure you'll be okay? It'll take hours to get there!" Vivi was trying to change her mind by saying that.
"Guys, I'm sure it'll be okay." Iris seemed confident in the captain of their ship, since he's always been the lucky type and everything always works out.
"Old guy! Meat! Gimme meat!" But Luffy seemed more occupy the stuff in the face.
"If you guys are so concerned, why not let Sanji go as well?" She had suggested, a little worried looking at the boy. It wasn't long after that where the group had all moved outside, Nami placed over Luffy's back.
"Listen, Luffy! Don't fall even once, or you can expect Nami to die!" Usopp was reminding the captain of this fact.
"Eh!" Even once!?" But he was shocked at hearing that.
"Wait! Hold still! I need to tie this right!" Vivi told him, as she was bent down in front tying cloth around both him and Nami, so that she wouldn't move or fall off. "All set. Okay, I'm going to wait here. I'd only get in the way." She then said to him.
"Same here!" Usopp was mostly because he was scared.
"I've cooled her down a bit with my healing ability, however, it won't last long." Iris removed her hand from Nami's forehead after using Ágio Fos (Holy Light, Greek) on her. "I'll also stay here to watch over Vivi." Was then said by her.
"Got it!" Luffy had no complaints. "Okay, Nami! Hold on tight!"
"Yeah..." there was then a brief silence as they looked at the girl,
"If you're really set on going... I won't stop you." Until Dalton had spoke, having caused the others to look at him. "But at least climb up from the other side. There a Lapins on this course." He explained that they were fierce, carnivorous rabbits. If one were to encounter a pack of them, they were as good as dead. And hearing that seemed to have shocked Usopp and Vivi.
"Rabbits? But we're in a hurry. We should be fine, right?" Luffy turned to Sanji who said that he would kick them.
"Kick?! You can't be serious! You'd be walking to your deaths!" But Dalton was shouting out of shock.
"It's okay! Alright, then! Let's go, Sanji! Before Nami dies!" He was joking around shouting while running off
"What!? Don't say things that could jinx us, you dumbass!" And Sanji ran after him in anger.
"Will they really be alright?" Dalton couldn't help but be concerned as they watched the pair go off running.
"Luffy and Sanji will be fine... my main concern is Nami. Even though I cooled the temperature down, her strength is a completely different story. My only hope is for them to make it safely there..." Iris was saying as the others were worried looking off into the distance. Dalton then had began to head inside once again,
"What's wrong?" But came to a stop upon noticing that Usopp, Iris and Vivi were just standing still. "Come inside. It's cold out."
"Oh, that's okay, I want to stay outside." Vivi was telling him, declining the offer that was given.
"Me, too..." it was all that convincing as Usopp was shaking.
"And I make that three." Iris didn't budge either.
"I see." And it was upon seeing this that caused Dalton to join them as well. He had taken as seat in the snow. "Then I will join you." At first it was surprising but they all accept him joining them. They all then stood in silence looking out at the castle. "We did. habe some, long ago..." Until Dalton had spoken once again. "Doctors. But they're all gone now, for certain reasons. They were all incredibly skilled... we were even known as an advanced medical nation."
"So what happened?" Vivi asked him out of curiosity.
"This Country was destroyed just a few months ago. At the hands of pirates!" Had been said which caused shock and panic to both her and Usopp.
"I guess that explains they nervousness from the men when we arrived." As for Iris, she stood there without showing much emotion while looking at Dalton.
"Yes. The word 'pirate' is still too much for everyone to handle... I'm sorry about that." It also explained why Iris had noticed parts of the village were destroyed. "But there were only five people in that pirate group. The captain called him 'Blackbeard,' and he destroyed our country in the blink of an eye with his devastating power..." it was completely hard to believe that only five people were capable of such a feat. "But there are some who say it was actually good for the country."
"There's nothing good about a country being destroyed!" Vivi was shouting at him completely against it.
"Yeah! That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard!" As was Usopp.
"Why would people say that?" While Iris was curious to the reason.
"Because the monarchy that existed here until then was appalling in the eyes of the citizens. The country's former name was the Drum Kingdom! The king's name was Wapol! He was the worst king possible!" But it was upon hearing that name, the three pirates eyes had widen in shock.
"Yes! That man! I remember him!" Vivi had felt that she seen the man somewhere before.
"That sure was unexpected." Iris had to say, thing back to the ship.
"Wait! You know Wapol?!" Dalton was asking as reaction showed that to be the case.
We don't just know him! He's the pirate who attacked our ship!" Usopp had informed to him. "I got rid of him, though."
"Now that I think of it, he did ask if we had an Entire Pose to an island called Drum Kingdom." Iris had come to remember him asking them such a thing before attacking them.
"Yes. There's no question about it! I remember clearly now! I met him once at a monarch meeting my father took me to when I was very young!" Vivi was saying out of response.
"Monarch meeting!?" Which had caused Dalton to look at her questionable. "Just who are you?"
"No, Uhh, you see... in any case, we met Wapol! Yesterday, on our way here!" She had used the topic from before to change the subject.
"Yesterday!? Are you sure!?"
"But what's going on, then!? He called himself a pirate, not a king!" Vivi couldn't understand what was happening.
"He must be calling himself that as camouflage. Wapol is merely wandering the sea, trying to return to this island." Had been what Dalton had surmised.
"Would that mean that the members of that ship are actually those who lost and were kicked off this island when the Blackbeard pirates attacked this island?" Iris asked thinking that was the only cause behind it.
"Lost? It not like that!" Dalton responded with that, having caused to it be confusing. "When it happened, Wapol!s army didn't even try to fight!" He was shaking in rage as he spoke. "In fact, the moment he learned how strong the pirates were, Wapol abandoned the country and was the ver6 first to flee out to the sea! That threw the entire nation into despair. Is this what the king-"
"Is that what the king of an entire country does!?" Vivi had completely snapped, which had come to a surprise for both Usopp and Iris. "That's appalling! A king abandoning his people!"
"Vivi..." they couldn't say anything but her name, looking at the princess doing everything she could to save her county.
"You're exactly right. But at least Wapol's tyranny is finally over. The remaining people on this island have come together to try and create a new country. So what we most fear right now is Wapol's return... the return of his monarchy. We must avoid that at all costs, while people are still feeling unsure! If we were to correct a new, peaceful nation on this island!" Dalton explained that to them. But it was some time after that when the weather began to pick up, causing snow to fall along with wind.
"It's getting pretty vicious up there." Usopp noticed this as they looked up the mountain.
"Just who exactly... are you?" Dalton had asked, looking right at the three.
"Who are we?" Usopp had repeated back.
"Traveling the Grand Line with a crew of only seven and no Doctor... it seems rather absurd." He didn't make a lot of sense.
"We're pirates. That's why you guys point of those guns at us, right? Well, while it is a small crowd, as long as the Brave Warrior of the Sea, captain Usopp is with them, they shall never fail!"
"But it is true that we're currently looking for a doctor." Iris moved on stating. "We what kind of hoping to find one on the island to join us, but who would have never thought that the only doctor on this island was a witch?" She questioned looking up to the castle.
"What a strange combination. You certainly are not the kind of pirates we would expect." Dalton could only say, which wasn't far from the truth.
"Dalton!" A new, yet familiar voice had shouted from afar causing them turn around. "Dalton." And it was the same woman that Usopp and Luffy and mistaken for a Hiking Bear from before. And who was stilling being mistaken for one by the long nose.
"On, nice to see you again." Dalton greeted her.
"You're looking for Dr. Kureha, aren't you?" She had asked once coming up to the small group.
"Yes, that is correct. However, the sick person has already-" Dalton had been cut off before her was able to finishing say that Nami had already left.
"They said she came down just now to the neighbouring villages Cocoweed." When the woman had said that, a silence had occurred as they were progressing what they just heard and when they did...

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