Farwell, Zenny Pirates!

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With Zenny unable to fight back, Sergeant Minche had come to pick up the old man by the collar of his shirt, with a sword in his free hand. "Why don't you just spill it? You didn't want to die yet, right?" That was being asked to the old man.
"Of course I want to live. I really do." Zenny had come to state, however... "But I told you. I'm flat broke. What am I supposed to spill? I'm too poor to spit." It wasn't the answer that Minche want to hear as he throw Zenny to the ground.
"Fine." His sword had been pulled out of its sheath that had been thrown down. "The island is pretty small anyway. It wouldn't take too long to just dig up every inch of it." Zenny tried to go for the sheath while Sergeant Minche was talking, but it was kicked out of his reach. "You're of no use to me now." It had then been when Zenny slammed his entire body into him, trying to take away the sword. "You little..." But it didn't matter, as he was an old man while Sergeant Minche was a young soldier, no matter how much of an ass he was. "This is the end!" The sword had been pulled up so that it could be used to slice Zenny down. However, out of nowhere Zenny's abacus had been thrown at Minche's head. It had forced them to turn and look in the direction of where it came from. Only to find two women

standing in the archway for below deck

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standing in the archway for below deck. Both of them with large bumps on their heads. Iris at the front while Robin's was on the back. "I broke your abacus." Robin had come to say as she sprouted an arm beside where the abacus had fallen and throw it. "I'm sorry."
"What the hell are you doing!? Do you think you came just walk away after going against the Marines-!?" But he had been cut shout as goats were falling from the sky into him, one by one.
"Gramps!" The Merry had arrived just then.
"You guys are late! I was about to die!" Zenny was complaining as his breathing was heavy.
"We were so worried about you!" Chopper had jumped off the ship running over to him, which had been followed by Nami but she had ran over to Robin.
"Are you alright, Zenny?" Iris came to ask the old man as she joined Chopper, while Usopp on the other hand stayed in the ship with a sling shot.
"Smoke Star!" He had fried one of his attacks that created a smoke screen. "That's far enough." But there was no one there.
"Robin, is this where you and Iris were?" Nami had asked the dark hair woman.
"Don't worry, old man! Captain Usopp is here-!"
"What happened!? You've got a huge bump!" Nami's question seemed to have cut him off as she noticed both woman had such huge bumps. Out of nowhere,Chopper had come to shout all panicked
"He has no pulse!" He was shouting panicked.
"Chopper, that's his sleeve." Iris came to point out to the little gut that he was holding into Zenny's coat sleeve.
"Calm down, Chopper! It's over here." That had been when Zenny held out his arm to the doctor.
"I know!" But he didn't react as he puch Zenny down onto his back. "Get comfortable! Lie down! Don't die, old man!"
"I'm not dying." It wasn't long before everyone had gathered around him as Chopper stuck a need in his arm and Iris was using her Ágio Fos (Holy Light, Greek) to heal his wounds.
"How are you felling now, Zenny?" She came to ask him, with a gentle smile.
"I'm not going to die easy." He responded with a smile, even though he was covered in blood. "I finally become a pirate. I feel more alive than ever." He was laughing in completely amusement. Meanwhile, Nami had found herself a rope shock was used to tie up the Sergeant.
"We only came to this island because of the Sergeant's orders." The group were having everything explained to them by a Marine that was kneeing before Usopp.
"I see. Well, I guess subordinates hate to obey orders. Our captain is really selfish too." He was sympathising with him.
"You're not supposed to be making friends." Sanji had come to say. That was when Zoro had climbed aboard from the sea with Luffy that he through on the deck.
"Oi, old goat guy. You alright?" The Captain was asking.
"Are YOU alright?" Zenny had responded back asking the same question.
"Geez Luffy, you're so useless!" Nami came to yell at him.
"The attacks have subsided. You'll be okay for now." Chopper had explained things.
"Thanks, Dr. Chopper." Zenny said.
"Old man. How was that for profit." Then Luffy started chuckling.
"Pretty good." Zenny answered him.
"That's right. So gramps, can you tell us about the treasure now?" Nami asked him one more time. Zenny then fell to the ground in pain.
"Hey! Don't startle my patient! Gramps, hang in there!" But it was clear he was pretending.
"I guess you've got me." However, he stopped, getting back up. "Alright. You all helped me out a lot. I guess I can tell you." He was finally going to tell them.
"That's what I wanted to hear!" Nami clamped her hands together happily. "It must be a really great treasure if even the Marines know about it."
"I did have a treasure. I had a huge mound of treasure that I took from pirates as collateral. Then I though it was time to buy my pirate ship and start bathing a crew of friends." The Sargent started wiggling over to hear. "So I changed it all into cash. Thinking back on it, I guess parting with it was fate." Nami had money signs in her eyes till Zenny said.... "Last night I told you about how I got stranded on this island... after escape some pirates that I collected money from, right? Of course, I brought the money with me. That money was for my dream and I risked my life to get it. But when I woke up after being washing ashore..." it turned out that all the money had been eaten by the goats.
"They ate it!?" Nami shouted in complete shock.
"Really!?" So did Chopper.
"All of it? All of the money!?" Even Sergeant Minche was shocked.
"Yup. A few bills may have been left. That's why I said these guys are my treasure." A baby goat had trotted over to Zenny and he started patting it. "My fortune was gone, but now I had friends. They'll never deceive me or stab me in the back. They help me without ever thinking of profit, and they'll always be at my side. I wish to repay them in kind. I now have the best treasure in the world." The man seemed happy as the goats surrounded him. Iris was smiling softly as the man as it was a warm story and it was the same for most of the crew.
"That's great, old man!" Luffy had finally recovered.
"Yeah, it's great." Zenny agreed with him right away, "Even when I stumble, I don't come up empty handed." He laughed along with the crew.
"Bullshit!" Sergeant Minche had suddenly pulled their attention. "Hey, Straw Hat! The fights not over yet!" Although, one had to wonder how he was able to say that being tied up and all. "An unscathed fleet is waiting just over there! You won't be getting away easily!" He laughed rolling away.
"Don't act so proud while rolling away." Luffy only told him.
"Is he dumb?" Nami was asking.
"You're the dumb ones!" He had come to a stop. "Do you think you stand a chance against a fleet of nine ships?" He had finally notice Zoro, who looked really pissed above him.
"I won't run." Luffy walked up to him, and then grabbed the ropes around the Sergeant chest. "Tell them that if they want a fight, come fight us head-on!" It was then when... "Gum Gum..." he started stretching his free hand.
"Hey Luffy, aim a little bit higher." Usopp back in the Merry was telling him where to aim from the crow nest.
"Right!" After That, he throw the ass in the air, and his hand started coming back, "... Pistol!" Luffy had punched him right in the stomach sending him flying.
"Right on target." Usopp has said, as he watched the man land on the ship. Not long after, a Transponder Snail started ringing, and Sanji, Usopp and Luffy, along with one Marine, circled around it.
"I am Captain Moore of the Marines." The man on the other end answered. "I have no interest in that man Zenny who lives on this island. My only interest is in taking you down in the name of justice. However, as thanks for handing over the scum of our Corp, I will let you decide the battleground." He had informed him. "Now, set sail!"
"We were just thinking about leaving." Luffy only said to the speaker. "We'll be heading your way soon."
"Here you go, old man. I fixed this for you." Usopp handing the abacus that was broken a few minutes ago,
"Thanks a lot." Zenny took it from him.
"Don't worry about it." Usopp had told him, walking back to the ship.
"I've got your dinner ready." Sanji also told him, as he walked passed. "All you need to do is cook it."
"Ah. Thanks." Zenny also thanked him. "But are you guys really going to be alright? You're going up against nine ships, right?" He looked up at the crew on the Going Merry.
"Don't worry about us." Luffy finally started walking to the ship. "I'm no just strong. I'm pretty lucky too." That wasn't a lie, no matter how close he is to death, he somehow makes it back.
"I guess I'm no match for you, boy."
"Gramps." Chopper climb the side of the ship. "I made a big batch of medicine. Make sure you take it. Make sure!" He had told him.
"Alright, alright. I'll take it. Don't worry." Zenny response smiling. Luffy then pushes the ships apart.
"It's been fun, gramps." Nami told him, waving.
"Take care!" Robin also told him.
"Make sure to take care of each other!" Iris was telling that to both Zenny and the goats,
"Hey, guys! Take care of the old man!" Chopper shouted to the goats, who responded back.
"Let's meet again at sea!" Luffy yelled to Zenny.
"Yeah! I'll be heading out to sea as soon as I get the ship fixed!" Zenny shouted to them.
"We'll be waiting, Zenny Pirates!" The Strawhat Captain shouted one more time to him, as they headed towards the ships of the marines. The Merry had made it to pass by the Marines ship and while that was happening, Luffy pointed further out into the Ocean, and the ships followed after them into the fog. But it wasn't long before they left the fog, but there was no sign of the Marines that had been following them.
"Taking us into the fog-covered rocky area? That's a pretty good idea, Luffy. You occasionally use that brain of yours, don't you?" Nami had come to say to him.
"Really?" But it didn't appear to be the case.
"'Really?' I'm asking you! What an idiot!" She began slamming her feet onto the deck over and over again, "I'm sorry I gave you a compliment! Give it back!"
"Give What back?" He was confused by what she was saying.
"It's impossible that he had that much planned." Sanji had come to stat.
"It was just by chance, right? He just pointed in some random direction." Usopp was right beside him saying.
"By the way, Mr. Doctor. Truthfully, what do you think about the old man's condition?" Robin ask Chopper, as he had finished patching her up on the stairs leading up to the tangerine trees.
"That medicine can only prevent the attacks. It won't cure his illness." Chopped explained as he began treating Iris. "On top of that, his heart was weak to begin with, and he is fairly old. He shouldn't operate a ship, let alone become a pirate." It was clear that he was worried.
"What're you talking about?" Now Luffy had gone throw the trees to them. "If the old man wants to be a pirate, we should let him. And if he goes out to sea, he might find a cure for his disease." At least Luffy was positive about things. "You think so?" Chopped asked, not convinced.
"You don't need to worry so much. That old man won't die so easily." Zoro was right, for an old man that was might to die over three days ago, he sure was one lively old man. "Even though he's weak, he's pretty gusty."
"Zoro's right." Iris was smiling at him while speaking. "We will see them again." The doctor remained silences
"Yeah!" Before shouting that happily.
"We'll be waiting!" It was then when both him and Luffy shouted out to the island, to the old man, despite him not hearing them. "Zenny Pirates!"

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